Preface to the Digital Version

    Several years after I left Meisei University, Professor Noriko Sumimoto and her team embarked on an electronic library project, choosing as their first item my book on the marginalia in one of the twelve copies of the Shakespeare First Folio in the Kodama Memorial Library of the University. I would like to express my admiration for their pioneering enterprise.

    The team kindly allowed me to take a fresh look at the digital images of the Folio annotations, downloaded from their Shakespeare First Folio Electronic Library of Meisei University Shakespeare Collection Database in progress, which enabled me to examine the printed text of my 1998 transcription. I discovered many errors, all affecting the word-form and a few affecting the meaning of the annotation.

    Professors Noriko Sumimoto and Michiro Yabuki painstakingly incorporated in this digital version not only all those corrections but also the additional footnotes I had prepared for the (yet to be published)second edition of my book. In the course of their production of this digital version, they revised and enlarged my original index. Their new index replaces mine, making this digital version more useful. I would like to express my appreciation.

    I am happy to think of these improvements to my previous work and look forward to the completion of the online edition. I will be pleased to be informed of any errors.

31 January, 2005
Akihiro Yamada

[Page i]

A Transcript of Contemporary Marginalia

[Page ii]
[Page iii]


A Transcript of Contemporary Marginalia in a Copy of
the Kodama Memorial Library of Meisei University

Edited by
[Page iv]
The First Folio of Shakespeare:
A Transcript of Contemporary Marginalia
© Akihiro Yamada 1998
Published by Yushodo Press Co., Ltd.
29 San-ei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0008
ISBN 4-8419-0252-X
CREDIT: The “Through Line Numbers” has established by Dr.
Charlton Hinman in The Norton Facsimile : The First Folio of
are copyright © 1968 by W. W. Norton & Company,
Inc. and are used in this volume by permission of W. W. Norton &
Company, Inc., New York. All rights reserved.
[Page v]




[Page vi]
[Page vii]


    My first look at one of the First Folios at Meisei University struck me with awe. Not only because it was an original copy of Shakespeare's plays that his colleagues, Heminge and Condell, had taken great pains to compile in memory of their closest friend, but also because nearly every page of it, from cover to cover, was full of marginal notes in an extremely neat secretary hand of the seventeenth century. I had never come across a book, small or large, so blessed as to be embraced by such a diligent and devoted reader. Certainly the author of these annotations was, in the true sense of the word, one of the greatest lovers of Shakespeare. Shamefully I confess that I have not read Shakespeare with as much care and industry as this seventeenth-century reader.

    I have long been interested in playwrights and their readers. What economic and social context in the seventeenth century made possible the repeated publication of, for example, the bulky and costly one-volume Folio editions of Shakespeare's plays (with an engraved portrait of the author on the title page) in addition to many smaller and cheaper editions of his single plays? What conditions in the eighteenth century produced the various multi-volume editions of Shakespeare? These publications, no doubt, have close bearing on the rise of his works, through the difficult time of the Civil War and the Commonwealth, to the status of great popular classics after the Restoration. No one in this context would make light of the publication of the Third Folio - the first issue of 1663 and, in particular, the second issue of 1664 with the addition of Pericles and six apocryphal plays.

    The publication of these editions could not have been possible without a sufficiently large number of readers. Those who purchased books may not always have been their actual readers but in those days many, probably all, of them must have been their potential readers. Surely the marginal notes in this First Folio not only show reader response at its best in the seventeenth century but also reflect the degree of dissemination of literary readership at the time [Page viii] as well as Shakespeare's growing prestige. They may even pose an interesting question whether Shakespeare in one's study was read aloud or silently. Most of the notes may appear too naive to modern readers, who are trained, conversant and, I am afraid, much sophisticated in literary criticism under the remote influence of English Romanticism. The notes as a whole are, nevertheless, part of a great literary heritage handed down to us by an early serious reader and are as valuable as many better known. The sheer quantity of the notes may render them even of greater weight, especially when they come to be considered in a socio-cultural context. This thought has led me to attempt the present transcription. I really enjoyed the work. I always found it curiously entertaining. Indeed, I felt, from time to time, as if I had been talking with Shakespeare at one time and with this anonymous early reader at another. I hope they both will forgive my errors, should there be any.

    I would like to acknowledge my greatest debt to the late President Mitsuo Kodama of Meisei University. But for his far-reaching designs, including the creation of a Shakespeare library at the university, my appointment and subsequent encounter with the growing richness of the library would never have been possible. It is my pleasure to recollect various occasions of discoursing with him about the matter of Shakespeare. The present work is, in fact, a natural outcome of my interest in the library he created three decades ago.

    I would like to express my gratitude also to Professor G. B. Evans, Textual Editor of The Riverside Shakespeare, who, with his usual courtesy and kindness, has constantly encouraged me, for the past three decades, regardless of the nature of my work. Without his drive at my back, bringing the present edition to completion would have been a harder task. Reading an early version of Introduction and also of the glossarial Index at the end of this volume, he kindly volunteered to make valuable suggestions, saving me from a number of blunders.

    With the translations and expositions of Latin marginalia, which are collected in the glossarial Index, I have greatly benefited from the help of my old friend Shigetake Yaginuma, Professor Emeritus of Tsukuba University, and I thank him for it. Also I should like to thank my colleague Price Caldwell, a visiting professor from the Mississippi State University, for his kindness in reading a near-final version of this book to improve it.

[Page ix]
    Editing these marginalia was one of the topics discussed in a seminar conducted by Dr. John Jowett at the International Shakespeare Conference that was held in Stratford in August this year. Comments by some of the seminar members were useful, leading me to make reproductions in actual size of several examples of marginalia, which have been added at the end of Introduction. Mr. I. A. Shapiro's kindness to me dates back to 1959 when, as a student at the Shakespeare Institute, I was privileged to be taught by him once a week; he tried, before the seminar, to persuade me in the Institute gardens, in his characteristically gentle but enthusiastic way, to prepare a facsimile edition of this annotated Folio, emphasing the great use of it for scholars for generations to come. I understood his point and wished it were only possible to obtain sufficient funds for such a project.

    Learning by chance that I had been working rather inefficiently on the Scottish authorship of the marginal notes, Mrs. Christine Buckley, nee Avern-carr, another long-standing friend of mine at the Shakespeare Institute, offered her help to me and went as far as to make enquiries at various institutions in England and Scotland, with special reference to William Johnstoune, the earliest known owner of the Folio who has left his ownership inscription in the preliminary. I would like to thank her for her kindness.

    When I joined the faculty of Meisei University and started working on Shakespeare in 1988, Professor Toshihiko Kujirai and after him Professor Toshio Sasai had been in charge of the library staff. During their term of office, they both extended to me their constant cooperation and encouragement. Since then, Mr. Kiyoshi Chiwa and his staff have never showed, even at my unpredictable visit towards the end of the day, any sign of having to endure an uninvited guest and always reserved a comfortable room for my work with the First Folio in front of me. Mrs. Mikie Honda, in particular, who knows about every rare book in the library, has offered me her indefatigable expert assistance whenever I needed it. Her husband also helped me at the final stage of the present work. I would like to thank them all for their kind cooperation.

    I should like to acknowledge kind permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. in New York that has enabled me to use in the present work the "Through Line Numbers" as established by Dr. Charlton Hinman in The Norton Facsimile : The First Folio of Shakespeare, which are copyright © 1968 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

[Page x]
    Last but not least, it is my pleasant duty to have it recorded here that the present work has been carried out over several years with generous grants from Meisei University and also from the Ministry of Education in Tokyo. This publication itself has been made possible through a generous Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from the Ministry of Education.

A. Y.

October 1998
[Page xi]


PREFACE  .............................................  vii

ILLUSTRATIONS .......................................  xiii

INTRODUCTION  .........................................  xv

A TRANSCRIPT ...........................................  1
     The Tempest .......................................  5
     The Two Gentlemen of Verona   ....................  10
     The Merry Wives of Windsor   .....................  15
     Measure for Measure  .............................  20
     The Comedy of Errors   ...........................  27
     Much Ado about Nothing   .........................  33
     Love's Labour's Lost  ............................  39
     A Midsummer Night's Dream  .......................  45
     The Merchant of Venice   .........................  50
     As You Like It   .................................  57
     The Taming of the Shrew  .........................  67
     All's Well That Ends Well  .......................  72
     Twelfth Night  ...................................  80
     The Winter's Tale  ...............................  86
     King John ........................................  94
     King Richard the Second  ........................  105
     The First Part of King Henry the Fourth  ........  112
     The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth  .......  118
     King Henry the Fifth   ..........................  125
     The First Part of King Henry the Sixth   ........  135
     The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth   .......  141
     The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth   ........  147
     King Richard the Third   ........................  153
     King Henry the Eighth   .........................  161
     Troilus and Cressida   ..........................  174

[Page xii]

     Coriolanus  .....................................  182
     Titus Andronicus  ...............................  194
     Romeo and Juliet  ...............................  201
     Timon of Athens   ...............................  207
     Julius Cæsar  ...................................  219
     Macbeth  ........................................  227
     Hamlet   ........................................  233
     King Lear  ......................................  247
     Othello   .......................................  262
     Antony and Cleopatra  ...........................  275
     Cymbeline  ......................................  284


[Page xiii]


Besides several reproductions of marginal annotations in the Folio in approximately actual size that are collected at the end of Introduction, a number of reproductions in reduced size of the marked pages of the Folio have been inserted at their appropriate places in the present transcript. The following is a list of these reproductions.

Illus. 1. The Title Page of the First Folio 
                 (Meisei University Library, MR 774)  ..........  3
Illus. 2. King John, sig. a6v ..................................  4
Illus. 3. The Tempest, sig. A1  ................................  5
Illus. 4. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, sig. B4v ...............  11
Illus. 5. The Merry Wives of Windsor, sig. E1  ................  17
Illus. 6. Measure for Measure, sig. F4   ......................  22
Illus. 7. The Comedy of Errors, sig. H2 .......................  28
Illus. 8. Much Ado about Nothing, sig. I3  ....................  33
Illus. 9. Love's Labour's Lost, sig. M4v ......................  43
Illus. 10. A Midsummer Night's Dream, sig. N4  ................  47
Illus. 11. The Merchant of Venice, sig. O4v  ..................  51
Illus. 12. As You Like It, sig. Q5v ...........................  58
Illus. 13. As You Like It, sig. R1v ...........................  62
Illus. 14. The Taming of the Shrew, sig. S6v  .................  69
Illus. 15. All's Well that Ends Well, sig. V1v ................  73
Illus. 16. Twelfth Night, sig. Y4  ............................  81
Illus. 17. The Winter's Tale, sig. Aa1 ........................  87
Illus. 18. King John, sig. a4v ................................  96
Illus. 2a. King John, sig. a6v (See also Illus. 2 on p. 4) ....  98
Illus. 19. The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, sig. d5v
                                              ................  113
Illus. 20. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, sig. gg4v
                                              ................  123
Illus. 21. King Henry the Fifth, sig. h1   ...................  126
[Page xiii]
Illus. 22. King Henry the Fifth, sig. i2v  ...................  132
Illus. 23. King Richard the Third, sig. q5 ...................  154
Illus. 24. King Henry the Eighth, sig. t3v ...................  162
Illus. 25. Troilus and Cressida, sig. x5v  ...................  175
Illus. 26. Coriolanus, sig. aa1 ..............................  183
Illus. 27. Coriolanus, sig. bb3 ..............................  188
Illus. 28. Titus Andronicus, sig. dd6v  ......................  198
Illus. 29. Romeo and Juliet, sig. ee3  .......................  202
Illus. 30. Timon of Athens, sig. gg3v ........................  209
Illus. 31. Timon of Athens, sig. hh2v  .......................  216
Illus. 32. Julius Cæsar, sig. kk1 ............................  220
Illus. 33. Macbeth, sig. mm2v  ...............................  229
Illus. 34. Hamlet, sig. Nn5v  ................................  234
Illus. 35. Hamlet, sig. Oo5  .................................  238
Illus. 36. King Lear, sig. qq2  ..............................  248
Illus. 37. King Lear, sig. rr1  ..............................  253
Illus. 38. King Lear, sig. rr2v ..............................  256
Illus. 39. Othello, sig. ss3v ................................  262
Illus. 40. Othello, sig. tt5v ................................  270
Illus. 41. Antony and Cleopatra, sig. vv6v  ..................  276
Illus. 42. Cymbeline, sig. zz3 ...............................  285
Illus. 43. Cymbeline, sig. aaa2v .............................  289

[Page xv]


1. The First Folios in Meisei University and the Annotated Copy

    The Kodama Memorial Library of Meisei University in Tokyo holds twelve copies of the First Folio of Shakespeare. They have one and the same shelfmark, 932.141 Sh12, and the individual copies can only be identified by another code system, the MR serial numbers. One of the twelve copies, MR 774, is unique in that it is heavily annotated in an early seventeenth-century secretary hand throughout the volume, from the first page of The Tempest to the last page of the volume.

    This unique copy is thought to be No. 53 of Sir Sidney Lee's Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies (1623): A Census of Extant Copies (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1902) and measures 333×210 mm. The owners of this copy are known to have been, in historical order, William Johnstoune (c. 1650, according to Lee's description in his Census), William Cuninghame of Enterkine (in the eighteenth century), Robert Mitchell Campbell of Auchmannoch (in the nineteenth century), Levi Zeigler Leiter (who bought this copy from Bernard Quaritch in August 1888), A. S. Rosenbach (in the early 1930s), Arthur A. Houghton, and Meisei University (that bought this copy in August 1980). Cuninghame and Campbell have personalised this Folio by pasting their bookplates, which carry their names and coats of arms, on to the marbled paper that decorates the back of the front cover made of calf which is no doubt contemporary to the annotator's time. The calf cover is not lettered but carries some tool marks of an unknown binder. Pasted on the same paper is Houghton's leather bookmark that carries his initials stamped in gold. Lee in his Census (p. 28) writes that this copy lacks the preliminary leaf containing `The Catalogue', but in fact it does contain the original leaf: it is genuine and is not a leaf supplied from another copy. A strong piece of evidence is an identical crease of paper of about 60 mm long that runs vertically at the lower inner corner of each of the last four leaves (i.e., leaves A3-A6 including the leaf in question) of the first gathering comprising six leaves and [Page xvi] an additional title leaf. The crease is of the sort one comes across occasionally in old books; it could never have intruded on the leaf in question, had the leaf been supplied from another copy and inserted at such a late date as Lee's Census.

    The earliest owner of the copy known to us has left his ownership inscription, `William Johnstoune·· his Booke', in the upper margin of the Epistle Dedicatorie (sig. A2, namely the first leaf after the title page). This inscription appears to have undergone washing, but washing was not efficient and much of the original ink still remains. Even the pale brown stain of ink on the paper clearly shows the calligraphic characteristics of the washed part of the inscription. It is written in Italian hand, although the final `e' alone is in a secretary hand. The same man appears to have drawn two short horizontal lines, which have barely escaped from washing, above the opening two words in each of the first two lines of the text of the dedication:

     WHilst we studie to be thankful in our particular, for
         the many fauors we haue receiued from your L.L
In addition to the general similarity in colour of the ink between the inscription and these two lines, they are very similar to those which are drawn, throughout this Folio, along and above the opening few words of almost every speech-line of the plays, perhaps in order for the writer of the lines to make sure that he has just read, or was about to read, the speech-lines so marked.

    A careful examination of the preliminary matter has revealed that the same person appears to have likewise drawn a long line just above virtually every line of the texts of the preliminary matter —the dedicatory epistle, the epistle to the Readers, and some dedicatory verses, excepting `The Catalogue' which the annotator seems to have kept intact. All these long lines have also been washed: pale brown stains of the ink still remain. But there do not appear to have been any marginal notes before washing, with a single exception. One can barely recognise the unique washed note in a basically Italian hand occurring in the outer margin at the beginning of Ben Jonson's commendatory verse (sig. A4):

     To the Memory of
      My  Vncel  ye
[Page xvii]

    Surely, this note, reproduced here in an enlarged size, is a partial imitation of the title of Jonson's commendatory verse. (See p. xxxvi for a reproduction in actual size.) The second word in the second line is not clear, but it appears to read `Vncel', which probably means

`uncle'. (The Oxford English Dictionary records `5 uncull' and `5-6 unkil(l, -yll' for `uncle' but it does not record `uncel'.) Whether `My Vncel' means Shakespeare or Jonson is not certain, but the latter seems to me more likely.

    Judging from the formation of some of the letters, especially the `T', `e', `f', `m', `r', and `V' or `v', the writer of this note seems to have scribbled, in the upper margin of a page of The Two Gentlemen of Verona (sig. C2), the title of the play, also in Italian hand. A reproduction below shows the hand of this scribbling:

    Despite the intriguing suggestion of the scribbler's possible close relation to Ben Jonson, however, the note on sig. A4 does not seem [Page xviii] to be by William Johnstoune, the signatory on sig. A2. All I can say is that the scribbler may have come, like Jonson and Johnstoune, from the same old family in Dumfriesshire and shared the same contemporary Scottish background.

2. The Writer of the Marginal Notes

    Who wrote the marginal notes in this Folio is not known for certain. But William Johnstoune, the earliest owner known to us, can be one of the candidates, although supporting evidence is meager.

    Surely, the various marks as a whole that have been used, including long and short horizontal lines between the speech-lines of the texts of the plays, do not offer much help. But the writer of the two short unwashed horizontal lines at the beginning of the first two lines of the text of the dedication (sig. A2) may be, as has already been suggested, the same person that wrote the ownership inscription at the top of the same page; that is, William Johnstoune. Numerous similar lines, drawn in similar ink, have been used in the texts of the Folio plays throughout.

    A reproduction approximately in real size of Johnstoune's inscription in this Folio will be found later in this Introduction on p. xxxv, but here is one reduced in size approximately to 75 per cent:

    There can be little doubt from this inscription that he was confident in writing his name in quill pen and ink. He wrote the powerful tail of downward stroke of the initial J longer than the initial W 's upward introductory stroke, letting the tail and the [Page xix] second half of the W perpetuate their own images in wet ink on the facing page.

    Johnstoune is a Dumfriesshire name, and linguistic evidence suggests, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the author of the marginal notes was a Scot. The annotator used a good number of words of strong Scottish flavour not only in spelling but also in meaning and usage. Examples are `agains' (=against), `descriued' (=described), `nor' (=than), and `propone' (=propose). These are only a few of the many Scottish words used in the marginalia and recorded in the glossarial Index at the end of the present book. It may be mentioned in this context that using an apostrophe for an abbreviated conjugational ending was not his usual practice: a unique exception is `beg'd' (=begged) that occurs in King Henry the Fifth (sig. i5, a, 1). Nor did he use any possessive apostrophes. This fact might well mean that the marginal notes were written well before the outbreak of the Civil War, when the use of apostrophes had already become fairly common. Indeed, contrary to such a late date as `c. 1650', a date given in Lee's Census, an overall impression of the calligraphic features of the marginal notes suggests that the date would be the 1620s or around 1630. Soon after that time English secretary hand could no longer manage, by and large, to keep itself from its own unavoidable degradation and corruption in calligraphy that were to start with the advent of the fashion of Italian hand which rapidly grew predominant. But in no respect the marginal notes in the Folio show any signs of such corruption: the hand employed for the annotations is truly typical of a neat secretary hand of the early seventeenth-century England.

    However, the formation of individual letters in the inscription on sig. A2 — `William Johnstoune·· his Booke' — cannot be much help to support his identification with the author of the marginal notes, because the inscription is almost entirely in Italian hand, while the handwriting of all the marginal annotations excepting three notes in Latin is patently consistent with English secretary hand of the early seventeenth century. Even the three Latin annotations, which are written in Italian hand in the upper margins of Measure for Measure (sig. F4v and sig. F6v) and The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth (sig. p1v), do not show any affinity with the Italian hand of the inscription, offering no clue to this problem of identification. Nor do the stage directions added in Italian hand in the text of Titus Andronicus (sig. ee2) and of Hamlet (sig. pp1v) seem to be very helpful, because no individual letters are available [Page xx] to consider their resemblance to the inscription. Likewise, an isolated word `honorable' in an exceptionally neat Italian hand that appears in the upper margin of the last page of Titus Andronicus (sig. ee2v) may not be regarded as representing the same hand as the ownership inscription: the `h', `o', `n', and probably the `l' in the word show some affinity with those of the inscription, but an undisputable difference in the terminal `e' between the annotation (in Italian hand) and the inscription (in secretary hand) denies their possible link in hand. This isolated annotation, `honorable', may even be by a third hand: though written in ink similar to many other annotations, it is not only isolated and conspicuous but also it is carefully written as well as elaborately neat and fair.

    No further speculation concerning Johnstoune's authorship of the marginalia seems to be worthwhile.

3. Various Marks Applied to the Folio Text

    The author of the marginal notes appears to have gradually developed his method of marking the text he was reading, and been more or less able to establish it before he reached half way through The Comedy of Errors.

    He used neither superscript letters nor circumflexes over minims as signs of contraction. He seldom used tildes ( ~ as in õ) as signs of contraction: in fact, he used them only twice — in `agamemnõ' in Troilus and Cressida (sig.¶2) and in `comõdities' in King Lear (sig. rrv). As already mentioned, he rarely used apostrophes or points as punctuation marks; instead, he sometimes used a stroke ( / ) not as a punctuation mark but rather as a sort of partition between independent phrases or sentenses that had happened to come too close to each other. Occasionally he also used a stroke as a sign of abbreviation, for example, in `k/' for `king' or `king's' or in `Q/' for `Queen(e)'. His terminal s was always one that resembles the numeral 6 : he never used the inverted form a modern editor would usually translate into es.

    In general, he used several different marks: (1) a dot (·) before the opening word of each line, (2) a vertical line stretching from one to several lines along the first letters of the lines, (3) a long or short overline (i.e., the opposite of an underline) over a speech-line, (4) a kind of tick (\) before the opening word of a line, and (5) a quite large stroke ( / ) at the beginning of a speech-line or in the inner or outer margin. In many cases some of these marks were used in [Page xxi] combination.

    In addition to these marks, he used an enigmatic sign ( :v ) only once, in King Henry the Eighth (sig. t6v). It occurs to the left of pagination `212', just outside the top end of the vertical rule. What it means is not clear. It may be the annotator's index to his own notes on fallen Buckingham that he wrote in a small space of that page, a space shared by the running-title. Or it may be his specific sign for reference to a page as a whole that provides him with various opinions about Buckingham.

    The annotator's most conspicuous and consistent practice seems to have been the use of long or short overlines. Even when he left the margins of a page free from any notes, he has applied these overlines most generously to the speech-lines. Their combined use with ticks (\) is also frequent in the pages before Troilus and Cressida but in and after this play the use of short overlines has come to be dominant.

    Only in the first seven pages of The Tempest (sigs. A1-A4) dots (.) have been used at the beginning of each line either by themselves or frequently together with short overlines. Most interesting of all, however, is the occasional use of long strokes ( / ) in the outer margins. They occur in Hamlet (at TLN 524, 739 and 1296) and also in King Richard the Second (at TLN 2327), where the author of the annotations had most likely to stop reading at one sitting. Occasionally large crosses were also used in the outer margins (and small crosses or rather daggers in the blank space at the end of speech-lines), for reasons unknown: they occur only in King John at TLN 1143, 1382, 1400, 1623, (1773, 1809), 1823, 1838, 1874, 1898, 1928, (2028), 2094, 2434, (2490, 2547) and 2604.

    Occasional shifts of the pattern of these marks may reflect changes in the annotator's reading habits. They may even indicate the order in which he read the plays. The ticks (\) before speech-lines seem to be helpful in this respect. They begin to be used with the disappearance of short vertical lines in the third act of The Comedy of Errors (sig. H3v) and disappear completely after their last appearance in the last page of King Henry the Eighth (sig. x4v). Their generally consistent use at the beginning of almost every speech-line, however, encounters some disturbances in the last two plays of the `Histories'. The third page of King Richard the Third (sig. q6) shows a sign of sudden decrease in the number of ticks at the beginning of speech-lines, whereas a gradual increase in the number of such marks as ticks or horizontal lines, not at the [Page xxii] beginning but at the end of speech-lines, becomes noticeable, in the left column (and sometimes in the right column as well) of the recto page alone. These marks on the recto page, perhaps owing to a close opening of the facing pages as a result of tight binding, occur only in King Richard the Third (leaves q5-t2) and King Henry the Eighth (leaves t3-x4). A complete disuse of ticks begins with the first play of the `Tragedies' and continues to the end of the last play in the Folio.

    The short vertical lines before speech-lines begin to appear in place of dots (.), as has already been mentioned, in the middle of The Tempest, and continue to be used throughout the following three plays, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Measure for Measure. They are used also in the first two acts of The Comedy of Errors. In the second act, however, they are no longer so much vertical as slanting sideways like the first stroke of a long s or an f in contemporary secretary hand. Constant use of these strokes may have been harmful to the quill pen. They appear to have been replaced finally by less harmful ticks (\) from the beginning of the third act onwards, and the new marks were used consistently in the subsequent plays — Much Ado about Nothing, Love's Labour's Lost, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It and also in four pages of The Taming of the Shrew (sigs. S2v-S3 and T4v-T5; TLN 1-139 and 2129-2265). After a long break in the last part of the `Comedies' section of the Folio (including All's Well That Ends Well, Twelfth Night and The Winter's Tale), the ticks were used again, appearing as consistently as before in all the plays in the `Histories' section, until they were finally abandoned: none of them appear in the `Tragedies' section.

    The heavy use, almost incredible to a modern reader, of these various marks, page after page, throughout the whole thick book, may well tempt the modern reader to wonder about how the author of the marginal notes read the book. Every page is certainly a good example, even firm evidence, of a reading practice in the seventeenth century: in this case, close reading. The annotator of this Folio must have read it alone in his study with a pen in his hand. But what was his purpose in making crowded marginal annotations page after page? And what were his reading habits like? Did he read Shakespeare's lines aloud or silently? If aloud, was he really able to appreciate the beauty or the powerfulness of the lines? If he read them silently, how fast was he able to read them while [Page xxiii] writing so many notes and so many marks?

4. The Marginal Notes

    The author of the marginal notes appears to have had some idea, from the start, of an efficient use of the margins for annotation. It seems that his general idea was to make notes on the text in the left or right column in its corresponding part of the margins, both upper and lower. So his notes on the text in the left column have usually been written in the left half of the upper margin and those on the text in the right column in the right half of the upper margin. When the upper margin was found not spacious enough for comfortable accommodation of his notes, the lower margin has also been used. But, more often than not, the division into halves of the lower margin has been ignored, and the notes centred and stretched much longer from left to right. The annotator, however, very rarely used intentionally the inner and outer margins: he used them only in The Comedy of Errors (sigs. H1v, H2, H2v, H4, and H5v), Much Ado about Nothing (sig. I3v), The Merchant of Venice (sig. O4v), and As You Like It (sig. R1v), particularly in the first and the last of these plays.

    The notes themselves have usually been written in the order of the action of each play. They are independent of each other and often fail to represent even the outline of the action. At their best, they remind one of some detail of an episode in the play. A note that occurs in Titus Andronicus (sig. dd4v) will probably best serve as an illustration:

     Tamora broght to bed of a blacke moore and
         sends to aaron  to stabbe it
This, of course, describes the substance of the conversation between the Nurse and Aaron which in the Folio text (TLN 1743-54) reads as follows:
     Nurse. She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered.
     Aron To whom?
     Nurse. I meane she is broght a bed?
     Aron. Wel God giue her good rest,
     What hath he sent her?
     Nurse. A deuill...
[Page xxiv]
     The Empresse sends it thee, thy stampe, thy seale,
     And bids thee christen it with thy daggers point.
There are plenty of examples of this kind. In fact, a general impression of the marginal notes is that they are the annotator's most subjective, if not inconsistent, fragmentary memoranda: he appears to have had no interest in making critical analysis and assessment of Shakespeare. It seems that he contented himself, as a diligent reader, merely to make notes on the speech-lines that had impressed him. And yet to say this does not necessarily mean that these marginal notes are too personal to be taken seriously. On the contrary, they offer, from time to time, good examples of contemporary critical assessment. His comment towards the end of Measure for Measure (sig. G6, b, 1), for instance, is one of them:
     pleasant conclusions of the aduentures
and another good example is to be found in The Merchant of Venice (sig. Q2v, a, 1 and b, 1-2), also at the end:
     feares wittilie wroght and fairlie quenched
     Conceiued feares and losses happilie remoued
          Intricassies cleered and Ioyfullie ended

    A single line often comprises more than one note and many notes consist of nouns or noun-phrases alone. And yet such devices as stokes ( / ), modern equivalent to commas and periods, are rarely used to indicate the division between the groups of these notes. Instead, they are, from time to time, used as partitions to indicate the division between the crowded annotations in the left-hand part (a) of the margin and those in the right-hand part (b).

    The use of adjectives is rather restrained, but there seems to be a tendency for certain adjectives to be used more often than others. As already mentioned, the use of commas and apostrophes is extremely rare, and one can only record a unique occurrence of each: `him,' in King Henry the Eighth (sig. x2v, a, 2) and `beg'd' in King Henry the Fifth (sig. i5, a, 1).

    As can be expected from annotations of this kind, there are a number of errors in spelling inadvertently made, such as, for example, `congnised' in The Merchant of Venice (sig. P2v, a, 1) for `cognised' or `abomable' in King John (sig. a6, b, 6) for `abominable'. [Page xxv] Also there are a few notes that seem to have been left incomplete: examples are `o Cæs' in Twelfth Night (sig. Z2, b, 1), which should have been expanded at least to `Cæsario', and `sorrowfull and suddaine parting of' in Troilus and Cressida (sig. ¶¶2v, b, 1), which should have been followed by `Troylus and Cressid'. But the most perplexing of all is the word `brotrothed', which occurs in Measure for Measure (sig. F6v, a, 2). It may be a nonce word or a curious blending of `brother' and `betrothed'. Footnotes have been provided to direct attention to these errors or possible errors.

    Also there are numerous cases where a few words in a note have not only been borrowed from the text of the Folio but also the entirety of it is actually a faithful copy of the text. Where only a few words are borrowed from the Folio, however, the meaning of the annotator's condensed phrasing could often be rather ambiguous without reference to the text of the Folio. An example is his note on `Mens honours lye as a lump fit for his frame' that occurs in King Henry the Eighth (sig. v1, d. 2). This may sound like a kind of proverb, but it is in fact a reshaped wording of Norfolk's speech at TLN 1081-83:

                             all mens honours
     Lie like one lumpe before him, to be fashion'd
     Into what pitch he please.

    On the other hand, where the entirety of a note is a borrowing from the text of the Folio, the meaning is clear and straightforward. Examples are: `Too easie winning makes the prize light' from The Tempest (sig. A3, TLN 605-6), `Law wrested to do a great right and litle wrong' from The Merchant of Venice (sig. P6, TLN 2126-7), `prologues to a bad voice' from As You Like It (sig. S1, TLN 2543), `a beggers booke owtworths a nobles blood' from King Henry the Eighth (sig. t3v, TLN 190-1), and `a good mans fortune may grow out at heeles' from King Lear (sig. qq6v, TLN 1233). The last of these is written in a small blank space just below the bottom line, which was being copied, at the foot of the right column of the text — a fact that tells us the annotator has contented himself by copying a sort of sententious line.

    Some of the Folio plays, at least some of the pages, appear to have been read for the second time by the same person, who was often inclined to write further notes. The different colour of ink and the different degree of wearing of the pen sometimes point to this [Page xxvi] fact, but it is not always easy to specify such pages with any certainty. As You Like It, however, offers an excellent example (which is reproduced on p. xxxvii approximately in actual size). The upper margin of sig. Q5v is considerably crowded with annotations. Four lines in its left part (a) and two lines in its right part (b) have been written in dark ink and with a fine pen, whereas all other lines, seven in number, have been written in brownish ink and with a worn-out pen. The first two of the seven lines in brownish ink read as follows:

     dyeing man for=/
     saken by all friends
These lines have been written in a small blank space in the middle of the margin, left unused on the initial occasion of annotation, between a group of three lines in its left-hand part (a) and a group of two lines in its right-hand part (b). The smallness of the space appears to have forced the writer, on the second occasion of annotation, to divide this short note into two lines and a word even hyphenated. This could not have taken place had he written this short note (in brownish ink and with a worn-out pen) at the time when he was writing the seven lines of notes in two groups (in darker ink and with a finer pen). Judging from the ink and the pen used, the writer of this short note appears to have continued to write further notes comprising five more lines: sig. Q5v, a, 4-6 and sig. Q5v, a-b, 3-4.

    Although evidence is not so persuasive as in the case of As You Like It, King Henry the Eighth seems to be another play that retains a trace of our annotator's second reading. The difference of pen and ink between the first reading and the second is not only very great but also some of the notes added at the time of a second reading seem to have had to be squeezed in rather dwarfish letters into considerably small spaces that had been left blank after the first occasion of annotation. The ink used for the additional notes was bright brown and the pen had to be very fine. An example is to be found in the text space within rules in the upper margin of sig. t3v, which is reproduced in actual size on p. xxxviii below:

                        Cardinals   pride hereing

     The Cardinals pride ouerswayes both kings
[Page xxvii]

(`hereing' means `glorifying'; see Index of Words at the end of this book.)

    Another group of lines similarly squeezed will be found in the upper margin of sig. v1v. They seem to have been added to follow the three lines in dark ink, probably written at the time of the first reading. There are several others, but these additional notes cease to appear half way through the play. The following is a list of examples of what seem to be additional notes in this play: sig. t3v, a,5-7, c,1-2, d,1-3; sig. t4, c,1-5; sig. t4v, c,1-5, d,1-5; sig. t5, a,4-5; sig. t6, a,1-2; sig. t6v, b,4, d,1-2; sig. v1, a,4(second half)-6, b,4-5, c,1-2, d,1-3; sig. v1v, a,4-7, b,3-5, c,4; sig. v2, a,3-4, b,3-4, c,1, d,1.

    To draw attention to this possibility of the second occasion of annotation after second reading, footnotes have sometimes been provided. But it may be rather difficult, it is feared, to reconstruct from the transcription the actual distribution and the relative position of the initial notes and the notes added later on second or subsequent reading.

    Heavy annotation in the `Tragedies' and in some `Histories' suggests that the annotator responded more actively to these plays than to most of the `Comedies': his general response can probably be explained in quantitative terms by the ratio of the number of words he used for his marginal notes on each play to the total number of words Shakespeare used for it. The table on the next page is the result of such an approach to the annotator's response to Shakespeare. The arrangement is in order of percentage, from high to low, and is accompanied by three lines of asterisks that divide the plays into four distinct groups, representing the annotator's strong, normal, weak, and very weak response. The number of words of each play is based on the data given in the first three volumes, published in 1968, of Marvin Spevack's A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, 9 volumes (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968-1980). The first column in the following table shows the titles of the Folio plays, the second column the number of words of the annotations, the third column that of the Folio plays, and the last column shows the ratio of the number of words the annotator used for his marginalia to the number of words Shakespeare used for each play. The Two Gentlemen of Verona' s 235 words does not include those scribbles on sig. C2 which are discussed earlier on p. xvii of this Introduction.

[Page xxviii]

      Plays                               Notes    Folio    Ratio  

Timon of Athens 1324 17748 7.459 King Henry the Eighth 1613 23325 6.915 King Lear 1504 25221 5.963 Othello 1407 25887 5.435 King John 1013 20386 4.969 Antony and Cleopatra 1155 23742 4.864 Coriolanus 1262 26579 4.748 Hamlet 1303 29551 4.409 * * * * * * Titus Andronicus 745 19790 3.764 King Henry the Fifth 955 25577 3.733 King Richard the Second 805 21809 3.691 All's Well that Ends Well 812 22550 3.600 Julius Cæesar 680 19110 3.558 The Winter's Tale 855 24543 3.483 Troilus and Cressida 886 25516 3.472 Cymbeline 927 26778 3.461 As You Like It 736 21305 3.454 King Henry the Sixth, the Second Part 829 24450 3.390 The Merchant of Venice 707 20921 3.379 King Richard the Third 936 28309 3.306 Macbeth 534 16436 3.248 King Henry the Sixth, the First Part 636 20515 3.100 Measure for Measure 640 21269 3.009 * * * * * * The Comedy of Errors 402 14369 2.797 King Henry the Fourth, the Second Part 642 25706 2.497 King Henry the Sixth, the Third Part 581 23295 2.494 Twelfth Night 479 19401 2.468 King Henry the Fourth, the First Part 529 23955 2.208 * * * * * * A Midsummer Night's Dream 300 16087 1.864 The Tempest 294 16036 1.833 The Taming of the Shrew 371 20411 1.817 Love's Labour's Lost 376 21033 1.787 Romeo and Juliet 350 23913 1.463 Much Ado about Nothing 303 20768 1.458 The Two Gentlemen of Verona 235 16883 1.391 The Merry Wives of Windsor 201 21119 0.951
[Page xxix]

5. Interference with the Printed Text

    The author of the marginal notes appears to have been least interested in the lists of characters that are provided for several plays in the Folio. He has not only introduced no marks into any of the lists but also left them absolutely free from alteration, however imperfect they may be. Neither did he pay any attention to what modern scholars usually regard as cruxes, nor much attention to the textual anomalies including often imperfect stage directions. As a result, his textual interference is surprisingly small. The following is an exhaustive list:

     Titus Andronicus (sig. ee2, TLN 2567):
        Sat. kills Tit, Lucius Sat.] interpolated in Italian hand be-
        fore the Folio stage direction: `He stabs the Empresse.'
     Hamlet (sig. pp1v, TLN 2313):
        exit.] interpolated in Italian hand to the right end of the
        blank space after the speech-line: `And tell you what I

    Here and there in the Folio text one may come across what looks like deletion of a few words. For example, a phrase, `as a monster', at TLN 752 of A Midsummer Night's Dream (sig. N4; see Illus. 9 on p. 47) or another, `will not', at TLN 769 of the same play (sig. N4) looks as if it had been deleted. But what looks very much like a deletion mark is in fact merely a blotting inadvertently made by a faulty pen that betayed the writer while he was drawing an overline along the speech-line. No speech-lines seem to have yielded themselves to the annotator's alteration.

6. The Present Transcript

    The present transcript aims at a `diplomatic' transcript. There-fore, much effort has been made to represent the actual position of each word as accurately as possible. In many places, however, this plan has been stymied by the unavoidable difference in the sizes of individual letters between the original handwriting and modern printing, which has frequently created uneven and confusing spaces between the words within a line. It is hoped, however, that the general look of the arrangement of lines as a group of words will help to visualise an approximately accurate picture of annotations in the original that are more or less evenly spaced.

[Page xxx]

    This editorial approach to the original has sometimes necessitated the mixed use of the normal fount and a smaller fount, especially when the size of the letters in an annotation differs greatly from the others. An example is a passage from the annotations on King Henry the Eighth (sig. t3v), already cited on pp. xxvi-xxvii. The annotator sometimes wrote more freely and stretched the form of a particular word much longer than the others, giving more generous space between the individual letters of the word. On several occasions, he went far beyond the control of the basic editorial principles explained in the preceding paragraph. This has invited in the present transcript the adoption of wider spacing, like the original, between the individual letters of the word. An example or two will be found in Othello, sigs. tt2-tt3 (p. 268).

    The word-forms of such divided words as `a sleep' (Macbeth, sig. mm2v), `be times' (King Richard the Second, sig. c2v), `for bidden' (The First Part of King Henry the Sixth, sig. l1v), `horse man' (Hamlet, sig. pp4v), `it self' (The First Part of King Henry the Sixth, sig. k3v), `no thing' (King Lear, sig. qq4v), etc. have been preserved. Nevertheless, the present transcript, without reproducing the various marks and the long or short lines introduced into the printed text of the Folio, could never be `diplomatic' in the rigorous sense of the word. To make up this shortcoming, a good number of facsimile pages in a reduced size have been inserted in their appropriate places of the present transcript. They will show how the annotations were made. However, since they may not be sufficiently clear and only impose painful reading on the reader, examples of a certain number of marginalia have been reproduced approximately in actual size and collected in the last section of this Introduction.

    Long s and terminal s in a seventeenth-century secretary hand have all been replaced by short modern s but contractions such as ampersands (& ) and tildes ( ~ as in õ ) have not been expanded. Capitalisation has also been preserved. But such letters as A, C, D, H, K, L, M, N, P, V, and W have sometimes turned out, as can be expected from contemporary secretary hand, to be equivocal (even in the middle of a word, especially in the case of M, N, V, or W ) and some of them in the present transcript may not represent what the writer of the marginal notes intended.

    There are surprisingly few minim confusions: one of the very few examples is `abomable' for `abominable' in King John, sig. a6. The upper case I was always used for an initial i or j, but it was always the lower case i that was used for a medial j (a unique [Page xxxi] exception is `serjants' in Comedy of Errors, sig. H5v). The writer of the marginalia used, for an initial v or u, the upper case V or the lower case v and also the lower case u probably more frequently than V or v, but with a few exceptions he usually used the lower case u for a medial v. These have all been retained in the present transcript.

    Letters or words that are absolutely illegible because of the conditions of the Folio, mostly physical damage done to the paper or sporadic blotting of ink, have been indicated by a set of pointed brackets (< >) and reasons of illegibility given in footnotes. Deleted letters or words have also been indicated by striking through them (deletion).

    Blotting or `showthrough' owing to the quality of ink and paper has affected a good number of leaves and some annotations have been seriously affected. To read such annotations was not an easy task, but it is hoped that they have all been successfully deciphered, sometimes by consultation with the Folio text. The extent and seriousness of `showthrough' and the degree of reading difficulties may not deserve individual comments, but they have been provided at the foot of relevant pages of the present transcript, because such footnotes indicating the fact may prove useful, for one thing, as evidence of a continuous use of the same ink (presumably at one sitting) that had a tendency to blotting or `showthrough'. Remarkable concentration of blotting or `showthrough' of this kind occurs in such plays (and leaves) as The Comedy of Errors (leaf H5), A Midsummer Night's Dream (leaves N3 and N4), The Merchant of Venice (leaf Q1), As You Like It (leaves Q6 and S1), The Taming of the Shrew (leaves S6 and T5), All's Well That Ends Well (leaves V3, V4 and X1), Twelfth Night (leaves Y3 and Y4), King John (leaf Aa5), King Richard the Second (leaves c3, c4 and c6), The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth (leaves g2, gg2 and gg5), King Henry the Fifth (leaves h1, h6, i2 and k1), The First Part of King Henry the Sixth (leaves l1-l6), The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth (leaves p1 and p6), King Richard the Third (leaf q6), Coriolanus (leaves aa1, aa3, aa6, bb3, bb4 and cc3), Titus Andronicus (leaves dd4 and ee1), Timon of Athens (leaves gg3-gg6, hh1, hh2 and hh5), Julius Cæsar (leaves kk1, kk3-kk6, and ll3), Macbeth (leaves mm3, mm4 and nn1), Hamlet (leaves nn6, oo1, oo3-oo6, pp2 and pp5), King Lear (leaves qq2, qq5 and rr2-rr5), and Antony and Cleopatra (leaves xx1 and xx6).

    Also there are a number of slips of the pen in the marginalia. [Page xxxii] Where pointing out such an error is thought to be desirable, a superior figure has been added to the word in question and a note on it provided at the foot of the page or the next page if the note cannot find enough room on the page.

    For the sake of convenience, the margins of a Folio page have been divided into six parts and coded accordingly. The upper margin (along with a fairly spacious blank space at the top of the text-space within rules where crowded notes are often found) has been divided into two parts, a and b, so that they can correspond to the two columns of the Folio text. The lower margin (along with a less spacious blank space at the foot of the text-space within rules) has likewise been divided into two parts, c and d. The left and the right margins of a page have been coded e and f ; should the page be a recto, the code of the inner margin will be e, and should it be a verso, the code of it will be f.

    These six divisions, of course, cannot be very rigid. They have had to be rather loose and flexible since there are many cases where longer annotations in a division tend to stretch themselves into a neighbouring division. Thus, in the present transcription, marginal annotations have, in principle, been grouped and recorded as a unit in accordance with each divided part of a Folio page. Where this principle is found too dificult to observe (mostly in the case of centred annotations stretching from the left end to the right end of the margin), deviation from it has been indicated in footnotes.

    If the annotations occupy only the two divisions of the upper margin, references will be made to both divisions, a and b, alone and no reference will be made to all other divisions c, d, e, and f. If the annotations occupy division b alone, a reference to division a will also be made but with a comment `[ NONE ]'. Likewise, if the annotations occupy only division d in the lower margin, references will be given to divisions a, b, and c and a comment `[ NONE ]' to each of these divisions. If the annotations run across the two divisions of the upper or lower margin, the code given to them will be a-b or c-d.

    Charlton Hinman's through-line-numbers (TLN), first adopted in the Norton facsimile edition of The First Folio of Shakespeare (New York, 1968), will be used to assist reference. They will appear always after the indication of divisions a and b and also after the indication of division e or f. Sometimes they will appear after the indication of a combined division a-b or c-d if the TLNs cannot find their proper places separately for divisions a and b or c and d — this [Page xxxiii] can happen only when all the annotations on a page are found centred and running across the two neighbouring divisions.

    If the annotations have been written not in the margin but in the text-space within the rules, the fact is indicated by means of a dotted line (......). In the case of the upper margin (i.e., divisions a and b) the annotations will be recorded after the dotted line, while they will precede it in the case of the lower margin (i.e., divisions c and d). Thus, for example, the annotations in the upper margin of a page of The Merchant of Venice (sig. O4v, b, 4-6), which have been written in the text-space within the rules, will be recorded as follows:

          knowledge easier  nor practise
                         power of passion
and a two-line annotation in Othello (sig. ss3v, c, 1-2), which has been written in a small blank space right beneath the speech-line at the foot and above the rule will be recorded as follows:
          preferrement   goes  by letter  and  affection and
            not by deserued gradation

    If the annotations have been too long to be accommodated comfortably within the width of the type page of the present edition, they will be turned down or, in some difficult cases, divided into two as if they had been written separately in the left part and the right part of the margin (i.e., divisions a and b, and divisions c and d) —in this last case, needless to say, with appropriate footnotes indicating the fact. Thus, for example, a long annotation, written in the upper margin of a page of Hamlet (sig. Nn6, a-b, 2), will be recorded as follows:

     No trust to be giuen to promises  made by young  men
                                  ⌊ to   women
And a group of annotations at the foot of a page of King Lear (sig. rr2v, c, 1-4 and d, 1-3) will be recorded as follows:

[Page xxxiv]
                Court holie water
     The secret wickednesses  of hipocriticll   man1
       Inward   feare when the elements reare
    We must  be content with our fortunes fit
  1. To be continued at rr2v, d, 1.
     descriued   and Iudged to be   stings1 of2
        Necessitie  makes  wilde  things  precious
    descriptio3  of greatest abuses of the  time
  1. The terminal s has been altered from an l.
  2. To be continued at rr2v, c, 3.
  3. Probably an error for description, as there is no contraction mark over the final o.

7. Select Examples of Marginalia

    For a better understanding of the characteristics of the annotations discussed in the preceding pages, several reproductions in approximately actual size have been prepared in the following few pages. They will appear in this order:

  1. The ownership inscription of William Johnstoune, sig. A2
  2. A Marginal Scribbling, sig. A4
  3. The Merchant of Venice, sig. O4v (see also Illus. 11, p. 51)
  4. As You Like It, sig. Q5v (see also Illus. 12, p. 58)
  5. King Henry the Eighth, sig. t3v (see Illus. 24, p. 162)
  6. King Lear, sig. rr2v (see Illus. 38, p. 256)
  7. Othello, sig. ss3v (see Illus. 39, p. 262, upper part)
  8. Othello, sig. ss3v (see Illus. 39, p. 262, lower part)
Some of these may be found also in reduced reproductions which are inserted in their appropriate places in the present transcript.

[Page xxxv]

1. The ownership inscription of William Johnstoune, sig. A2
[Page xxxvi]

     2. A Marginal Scribbling, sig. A4
[Page xxxvii]

     3. The Merchant of Venice, sig. O4v (see also Illus. 11, p. 51)
     4. As You Like It, sig. Q5v (see also Illus. 12, p. 58)
[Page xxxviii]

     5. King Henry the Eighth, sig. t3v (see Illus. 24, p. 162)
     6. King Lear, sig. rr2v (see Illus. 38, p. 256)
[Page xxxix]

     7. Othello, sig. ss3v (see Illus. 39, p. 262, upper part)
[Page xl]

     8. Othello, sig. ss3v (see Illus. 39, p. 262, lower part)
[Page 1]


[Page 2]

[Page 3]

Illus. 1. The Title Page of the First Folio (Meisei University Library, MR 774)

[Page 4]

Illus. 2. King John, sig. a6v
[Page 5]

Illus. 3. The Tempest, sig. A1.
[Page 6]


A1, a [TLN 1-45] feare and confusion in sea tempest scornfull contempt of danger signes of a man borne to be hangd ---------------------------------- Counsellors can not command the Weather A1, b [TLN 46-87] Tempest A1v, a [TLN 88-153] simplicitie of princes too bookish Compassion for the death of persons perished by shipwrake A1v, b [TLN 154-219] Learning preferred to empire power abused by fauorits coosening prince & people Their Ingratitude and ambition ---------------------------------- an habitued liear abased royaltie A2, a [TLN 220-285] treacherous Ingratitude of fauorits Cruell committing the prince to sea in a rotten boat Compassion vertuous education A2, b [TLN 286-351] Iudiciall astrologie Ease by sleep Tempest feare deliurance from sea danger Thunder A2v, a [TLN 352-417] Disseruing seruice Ingrat presumptuous slaue Damnable magitian and her powerfull operations
[Page 7]

A2v, b [TLN 418-483]
vsefull slaue   hellish1 torments
 Magicall secrets and2 poisons 

A3, a [TLN 484-549]
Inclination     to  all mischeef   education
 speech teached  an Infant     Threats  of
  plagues     bodilie
A3, b [TLN 550-615]
easie gaine contemned
   power of beautie
Too  easie winning  makes the prize light

A3v, a [TLN 616-676]
Torture   affrighted guiltie conscience
 power of affection   obedient seruant
A3v, b [TLN 677-742]
harmes by sea
Impertinent  and endlesse pratling

A4, a [TLN 743-808]
Impertinencies    Resistance to tempest
A4, b [TLN 809-874]
Vntimelie  remembrance  of losse
 CommonWealth In full confusion  
  Naturall   Innocencie
   Laughing  at   Nothing   Confort by sleep

A4v, a [TLN 875-940]
Men  ebbing by slooth
 Hope aboue hope
A4v, b [TLN 941-1006]
 Vniust Vsurpation  punished
Contempt of  Conscience
offer to commit murder  for rewarde
   foolish securitie

1 Barely legible owing to tear and repair.
2 Barely legible owing to tear and repair.

[Page 8]

A5, a [TLN 1007-1065]
Torments by enchantment
A5, b [TLN 1066-1130]
foolish ad  and  vncharitable admiration
 miserie teaches relief

A5v, a [TLN 1131-1196]
A5v, b [TLN 1197-1256]
[ NONE ]

A6, a [TLN 1257-1322]
Perfite  Woman    Beloued man
 Teares  of  Ioy
A6, b [TLN 1323-1381]
Loue offered by a lady

A6v, a [TLN 1382-1446]
[ NONE ]
A6v, b [TLN 1447-1512]
[ NONE ]

B1, a [TLN 1513-1575]
true  reports seeming Incredible
 dumbe discourse
B1, b [TLN 1576-1641]
sinfull world   vengeance of wickednesse from heauen

B1v, a [TLN 1642-1703]
mariage happy
B1v, b [TLN 1704-1769]
Temptation   of  lust      fertilitie
 Happy wishes  to a married Couple

B2, a [TLN 1770-1835]
Instabilitie of all earthlie things
B2, b [TLN 1836-1901]
          encrease   of  malice
effects of drunkennesse

[Page 9]

B2v, a [TLN 1902-1962]
[ NONE ]
B2v, b [TLN 1963-2027]
Compassion of miserie     Clemencie
 Miracoulous  effects  of  Magike

B3, a [TLN 2028-2093]
ambition breakes the bonds of nature
B3, b [TLN 2094-2159]
generous pardon    Losse beyond patience

B3v, a [TLN 2160-2225]
sorrowes  turned  to Ioy
 vnexspected1 preseruation
B3v, b [TLN 2226-2291]
extraordinar  operation
 strange things not to be admired
  fortune   witches

B4, a [TLN 2292-2305; and Epilogue, 2320-2341]
force of praier
B4, b [TLN 2306-2319; Names of the Actors; and Finis]
[ NONE ]

1 The x is blotted.
[Page 10]


B4v, a [TLN 1-49] persuasion to trauell to foraine countries folies of and harmes of youthfull louers B4v, b [TLN 50-99] enterchange of aduertisements and occurrences effects of fond loue B5, a [TLN 100-158] [ NONE ] B5, b [TLN 159-224] young women refuse what they most desire a womans reason B5v, a [TLN 225-290] maides make shew to reiect what they most affect B5v, b [TLN 291-349] commendable exercices of young men sight of the world fit for them B6, a [TLN 350-409] [ NONE ] B6, b [TLN 410-475] Tokens and actions of a passionat louer Iolitie of merrie youths abuse of painted women ---------------------------------- Louers are blind B6v, a [TLN 476-541] Palpable Iest vnperceaued
[Page 11]

Illus. 4. The Two Gentlemen of Verona, sig. B4v
[Page 12]
B6v, b [TLN 542-595]
[ NONE ]

C1, a [TLN 596-656]
C1, b [TLN 657-722]
Qualities of a vertuous young man

C1v, a [TLN 723-788]
louers vexations
C1v, b [TLN 789-854]
louers  absurdities and Inuentions
 their Ialousies   Inconstancie 

C2, a [TLN 855-914]               
The two Gentlmen of Verona /////_1
C2, b [TLN 915-973]
loue  tempeth to periurie
 louers  disloyall  to their mistressis and friends
 Treacherous   disapointing   a  friends pourpose

C2v, a [TLN 974-1035]
  Impatience of louers
forcible essay to ouercome resistance
C2v, b [TLN 1036-1095]
sincere loue
 Iealous and treacherous riuall

C3, a [TLN 1096-1161]
disobedient daughter
women wonne  by gifts
C3, b [TLN 1162-1225]
women refuse what they most affect

C3v, a [TLN 1226-1291]
  passionat loue

1 This line is written in Italian hand of a much later period. See Introduction, p. xvii. The strokes at the end appear to be mere scribbles, the end of the final horizontal stroke reaching the end of the final upward stroke of the first s in C2, b, 2. 2 This isolated single letter is the same hand's scribble.
[Page 13]
C3v, b [TLN 1292-1357]

C4, a [TLN 1358-1423]
womans defects
C4, b [TLN 1424-1483]
subtile calumnies to disgrace a man to his
  a treacherous friend

C4v, a [TLN 1484-1545]
malicious  slander  and  false praise
loue made  by poesie
 powerfull effects of poesie
C4v, b [TLN 1546-1611]
Wickednesse of owtlawes

C5, a [TLN 1612-1669]
Causes of Iust dislike of a disloyall
C5, b [TLN 1670-1734]
falshood bitterlie reproched

C5v, a [TLN 1735-1793]
Gentlemans vertues
  earnest  entreatie
C5v, b [TLN 1794-1852]
[ NONE ]

C6, a [TLN 1853-1918]
a true louer Ingratelie requit
C6, b [TLN 1919-1984]
an  ill  chosen messinger
Letter and  ring  refused

C6v, a [TLN 1985-2040]
picture  better nor the paterne
 haste of louers preventing their assignation

[Page 14]
C6v, b [TLN 2041-2101]
discourse of a louer and his person

D1, a [TLN 2102-2162]
Louer disdayned
D1, b [TLN 2163-2228]
  disloyaltie1  detested  Violence offered to a ladie
   Repentance obteaneth pardon
Better haue none  then plurall   faith

D1v, a [TLN 2229-2263; and The names of all the Actors, 1-7]
Inconstancy of men
D1v, b [TLN 2264-2298; The names of all the Actors, 8-16; and Finis]

1 The ti has been blotted.
[Page 15]


D2, a [TLN 1-49] scornefull coat of armes welsh langage D2, b [TLN 50-99] [ NONE ] D2v, a [TLN 100-165] [ NONE ] D2v, b [TLN 166-231] mariage made before loue D3, a [TLN 232-292] [ NONE ] D3, b [TLN 293-353] pourpose to make aduantage by the lasciuious Wife of a rich man D3v, a [TLN 354-413] loue for game Treacherie by steele and poison D3v, b [TLN 414-479] [ NONE ] D4, a [TLN 480-545] [ NONE ] D4, b [TLN 546-602] [ NONE ] D4v, a [TLN 603-668] way to disgrace a hated louer Cuckold Cozening professed louers of many women in one straine
[Page 16]
D4v, b [TLN 669-734]
[ NONE ]

D5, a [TLN 735-793]
 way to scuffe  bragging  duellists
falstoffe will not endanger his soule gratis
D5, b [TLN 794-859]
    Convoyes   of  a  bawde
periuries and boldnesse of rogues

D5v, a [TLN 860-925]
hipocriticall whoore   a wife trusted and left to her owne will
 Baudrie                 money  makes   way   euerie  where
               wayes to corrupt women
D5v, b [TLN 926-990]
experience deare boght
 baudes preuented  reward
            a man commended for
             many good parts

D6, a [TLN 991-1056]
Inducements     of  loue  Iealous husband to be robbed by
                                        his wifees  meanes
 a bawdie preist    /  brawles and threats
 wealthie base cukcold     husband   bawde
 Iealous husbands complaints
 wife   not  to  be  trusted
D6, b [TLN 1057-1117]
   women obstinate in mischief

D6v, a [TLN 1118-1177]
[ NONE ]
D6v, b [TLN 1178-1243]
[ NONE ]

E1, a [TLN 1244-1304]
preparation to surprise his wife in the act

[Page 17]

Illus. 5. The Merry Wives of Windsor, sig. E1
[Page 18]
E1, b [TLN 1305-1367]
Bawde of his wife

E1v, a [TLN 1368-1433]
[ NONE ]
E1v, b [TLN 1434-1499]
danger of entrapping foretold & remedied
  womens Cunning  and  boldnes

E2, a [TLN 1500-1565]
[ NONE ]
E2, b [TLN 1566-1627]
Wealth couers defects

E2v, a [TLN 1628-1688]
[ NONE ]
E2v, b [TLN 1689-1754]
[ NONE ]

E3, a-b [TLN 1755-1882]
a hornemad Cukcold Informed of the meanes how is abused

E3v, a [TLN 1883-1942]
Cukcolds distraction
E3v, b [TLN 1943-2008]
Whoores subtile shifts

E4, a [TLN 2009-2074]
Husband owtfaced
E4, b [TLN 2075-2130]
Husbands craftelie abused

E4v, a [TLN 2131-2196]
[ NONE ]
E4v, b [TLN 2197-2256]
[ NONE ]

E5, a [TLN 2257-2322]
hostes cozened of their horses
E5, b [TLN 2323-2383]
double cosenage

[Page 19]
E5v, a [TLN 2384-2437]
[ NONE ]
E5v, b [TLN 2438-2487]
[ NONE ]

E6, a [TLN 2488-2553]
Good Wishes to Windsor
E6, b [TLN 2554-2617]
[ NONE ]

E6v, a [TLN 2618-2673]
an vnlonelie disdained man
E6v, b [TLN 2674-2729, and Finis]
miserie of forced mariage

[Page 20]


F1, a [TLN 1-46] ample and absolute Commission in the dukes absence Simpathie1 F1, b [TLN 47-94] [ NONE ] F1v, a [TLN 95-156] pirats and souldiours scrape owt co one of the ten commandments pokie rascall whoores and bawdes to be ⌊ banished F1v, a-b [TLN 95-219] Too much libertie turnes to surfet and restraint F2, a [TLN 220-285] penalties of old acts exacted rigourouslie Iudges corrupted by women luxurious men like rats swallow their owne bane F2, b [TLN 286-346] Lawes in desuetude reuiued secret searche of a deputies dutie F2v, a [TLN 347-407] Nunnes strict order procreation F2v, b [TLN 408-468] audaces fortuna Iuuat power of womens suites law to be executed But moderatlie . force of loue ---------------------------------- doubts make ws loose by not attempting

1 The opening letter has been altered from I.
[Page 21]
F3, a [TLN 469-534]
Theeues tried  by  greater theeues
  We  Iudge  as  we  sie and  try
mistaken  words of  an   ignarant1  constable
    hote house
F3, b [TLN 535-600]
doltish discourse

F3v, a [TLN 601-665]
doltish conference
F3v, b [TLN 666-730]
      harlotrie   vniuersall of youthes
Impunitie fosters vice

F4, a [TLN 731-792]
rash Iustice repented after execution
suite  for  pardon
 preuention of crimes by 
  exemplarie Iustice
F4, b [TLN 793-858]
mercie  commended
 necessitie of punishment  to preuent vniuersall confusion
             exemple of mercie       giuen by god
         no  man  innocent

F4v, a [TLN 859-924]
   Inuection  against  cruell Iudges
     Nec te quæsiueris  extra2
 Things   prized by  opinion and not  by  worth  as gold and Iewels3 

1 The first a is clear enough, but it may be the annotator's mere slip. 2 This Latin is written in an Italian hand. quæsiueris looks like quæsiueros or quæsiueras, but the amplified contrast of light and dark shades of ink in an enlarged digital image confirms the reading. 3 The last four words, like the following two lines, have been written in different ink and in smaller letters, with the w in the last word altered from an e.
[Page 22]

Illus. 6. Measure for Measure, sig. F4
[Page 23]
authoritie blinds      men  and  makes them senselesse1
of their owne faults2

F4v, b [TLN 925-985]
men fraile and soone tempted by women

F5, a [TLN 986-1046]
true repentance
No constancie of vertue in men
 vntimelie  aide does harme
F5, b [TLN 1047-1112]
    against  fornication
     Craftie  maner  of  offer  of  pardon  of to the condamned
      brother to Induce  the sister  to  prostitute her  self
Compelled sinnes obteane easie pardon
                  Constant  chastitie

F5v, a [TLN 1113-1178]
  frailtie   of  men and   women
  The Iudge   plainelie   solicites Isabell   to  lecherie
    she mentaines  her Integritie with wittie  reasons
 a lie  of  a  ruler better  beleeued nor the truth  of an inferiour
hope the medicine     of  miserable  men
F5v, b [TLN 1179-1239]
     her vertuous  resolution
Incertaintie  of  life
death Ineuitable and to be wished
            mans  miseries   in  this life
               reasons  to desire death
F5v, c 
[ NONE ]
F5v, d 
description of mans naughtinesse and miserie

F6, a [TLN 1240-1305]
Conscience3 and honour  to be preferred to life

1 Written in extremely small letters. 2 Written in extremely small letters. 3 The final ce is followed by a deleted c.
[Page 24]
Contempt of death
Corrupt  dissembled and lecherous Iudge

F6, b [TLN 1306-1371]
feare  of  death and   doubt   of  what  sall  become  of  man
                                                         ⌊ after it
 reproach to him who1 to saue his life would destroy his sisters
                                                        ⌊ honour

F6v, a [TLN 1372-1437]
Commendation of constant vertue
 wild Ingratitude of a brotrothed2 husband
F6v, b [TLN 1438-1503]
subtile Inuention to saue a freind right3 a
 wronged maide
                dat Veniam coruis4
                 fraude and dissimulation

G1, a [TLN 1504-1569]
detestation of Bawdrie
G1, b [TLN 1570-1635]
Lecherie will  s  laste to the worlds  end
   reason why it sould not be  punished by death
The  dukes  defects detected to him self being disguised
           The dukes  Iustifications

G1v, a [TLN 1636-1701]
  against punishment  of lecherie by death
No prince  nor other man  frie  from calumnie
  preparation  to receiue death
G1v, b [TLN 1702-1767]
 Newes of  the world

1 This reading is doubtful, but the formation of the word is very much like one in The Comedy of Errors, sig. H4, b. 1. 2 The second r is altered (probably from an abortive h ) and blotted. As for a possible meaning of the word, see Introduction, p. xxv. 3 Probably an ampersand (& ) is needed before right. 4 This Latin is written basically in Italian hand — slightly mixed with English secretary hand.
[Page 25]
 The dukes praise
  dutie of a seuere Iudge  and Iust
              detestation  of an Iniust Iudge
                falshood repayed

G2, a [TLN 1768-1827]
Way to suppose subtillie to angelo Mariana
   in place of Isabella
G2, b [TLN 1828-1887]
princes  subiects to false  slanders
 equalitie of a bawd  and hangman

G2v, a [TLN 1888-1952]
Sic agitur censura
G2v, b [TLN 1953-2018]
       Cruell     and  mercilesse Command
         Iudge   as  guiltie  as the condamned partie
a man senselesse in sinne and fearelesse of death  

G3, a [TLN 2019-2079]
  subtile Inuention to send one mans head for anothers
The dukes wise warrant  vnder his hand and  seale 
    false  rumors         | to saue  claudio    
G3, b [TLN 2080-2145]
  debauched and vicious  spendthrifts
a  drunkard  not sensible nor afrayed of the sentence 
   of death

G3v, a [TLN 2146-2211]
Confort after dispaire
G3v, b [TLN 2212-2273]
Counsell of necessarie  patience
 an effronted debauched freer1 leacher

G4, a [TLN 2274-2329]
Miserie  of  a confused mind  after  mischief
bold confidence to beare owt wickednesse by authoritie

1 The reading of this deleted word is doubtful.
[Page 26]
G4, b [TLN 2330-2390]
publick thanks for worthie seruices
 Complaint against the Viceroy

G4v, a [TLN 2391-2456]
grieuous and Iust complaint vehementlie vrged
  against the viceroy
G4v, b [TLN 2457-2522]
Viceroy  accused  of  lecherie and crueltie   excused
  in shew by the duke
  slanderers   of  Iudges vniustlie not to be vnpunished

G5, a [TLN 2523-2587]
misterie  of a woman being1 neither wife widow
  nor maid
G5, b [TLN 2588-2653]
power of truth    Triall of slander

G5v, a [TLN 2654-2718]
lawes abused and not executed
G5v, b [TLN 2719-2784]
discouerie   of  shamefull  dealing by the
 Viceroy and  the dukes Iust sentence

G6, a [TLN 2785-2850]
 Lex talionis    angelo  executed for his iniustice
  mens frailtie
Isabella interceedes for angeloes safetie
G6, b [TLN 2851-2916]
pleasant conclusions of the aduentures

G6v, a [TLN 2917-2927; and The names of all the Actors, 1-9]
The Duke takes Isabella to wife
G6v, b [TLN 2928-2938; The names of all the Actors, 10-22; and Finis]
[ NONE ]

1 The opening letter b has been altered from an n.
[Page 27]


H1, a [TLN 1-49] miserie of marchands by warre Cruell edicts of warre against cõmerce H1, b [TLN 50-99] Tempest and shipwrake TWinnes like to others H1v, a [TLN 100-164] [ NONE ] H1v, b [TLN 165-229] exercice of marchants in strange townes to know the lawes maners and trade ---------------------------------- mistaking of TWinnes breds anger and sport H1v, c [ NONE ] H1v, d [ NONE ] H1v, e [at TLN 145] Mistaking H1v, f [ NONE ] H2, a [TLN 230-288] Towne full of coseners and cosenage power of time Time is mens maister / women vnWilling to be controlled H2, b [TLN 289-353] Males masters of femels omnes facile1 cum valemus

1 Probably an error for faciles.
[Page 28]

Illus. 7. The Comedy of Errors, sig. H2
[Page 29]
H2, c 
[ NONE ]
H2, d 
[ NONE ]
H2, e 
[ NONE ]
H2, f [at TLN 336]

H2v, a [TLN 354-419]
wiues complaints of wrongs doone to her by her husband
 miserie  of  Iealousie
H2v, b [TLN 420-485]
   Time of sporting
Time  for all  things
     Iesting vpon baldnesse
H2v, c 
[ NONE ]
H2v, d 
[ NONE ]
H2v, e [at TLN 404]
H2v, f 
[ NONE ]

H3, a [TLN 486-549]
 coniunction    of  man  and  wife
vnkindnesse reproached by the wife to the husband
H3, b [TLN 550-615]
men sould supplie  their wiues Infirmitie
master and slaue  taken  for their TWine brothers

H3v, a [TLN 616-676]
 heartie welcome
Mistaking  many wayes breeding admiration
H3v, b [TLN 677-742]
[ NONE ]

H4, a [TLN 743-808]
slander to be eshewed

[Page 30]
 Si non  caste  tamen  caute   cunninglie

H4, b [TLN 809-874]
he who is supposed master of  the house  and
 exhorted to do  dutie  to his wife  by her sister
  propones  mariage  to her sister
H4, c
[ NONE ]
H4, d
[ NONE ]
H4, e
[ NONE ]
H4, f [at TLN 859]

H4v, a [TLN 875-940]
description  of  a filthie drugge and of
  countries in her
H4v, b [TLN 941-997]

H5, a [TLN 998-1063]
[ NONE ]
H5, b [TLN 1064-1127]
description of a man everie way faultie
 in bodie and minde

H5v, a [TLN 1128-1190]
woman loues and hates
   mercilesse   creditor  descriued
  serjants are terrible  to debtours
     Time is a bankeruptt  and  a thiefe
           Iniurie and confort of conceitt2
H5v, b [TLN 1191-1254]
  description  of  a  sergeant or Iaylor 

1 The final g has been cropped off. 2 The reading of the final four letters eitt, written over the opening letter T of the running-title and blotted, is doubtful.
[Page 31]

Meruelous  mistakings
  argument to proue that light wenches will burne
               The  deuils  askings

H5v, c
an  vnknowne  man   met with many
 courtesies as if he were a citizen
H5v, d
aduantages1 soght by sorcerers
H5v, e [at TLN 1183]
H5v, f
[ NONE ] 

H6, a [TLN 1255-1317]
a whoores  Inuention   to be auenged  of a
 Cosener2 by dilating  him to his wife
Merrie   effects   of  colerike  mistaking
  a  slaues    complaint   of  his
   masters  beating  him   at  all  houres
H6, b [TLN 1318-1381]
The wife causes use her husband as he were mad
   wonderfull   mistakings     Coniuring   of  a   man
                             as  if he were  possessed

H6v, a [TLN 1382-1444]
H6v, b [TLN 1445-1503]
Mistaking   a man of report and credit
    wonderfull Intricacie of mistakings

I1, a [TLN 1504-1567]
 Causes of mad distraction
Importune  Iealous wife makes a man mad 
I1, b [TLN 1568-1630]
Curse of lunacie      Antiphilus wiues complaint to the duke 

1 The deletion of s is doubtful. 2 The first two letters have been altered from co that had been smudged.
[Page 32]
I1v, a [TLN 1631-1694]
 a phisition  Villanouslie   entreated
Antiphilus   complaint  against  his  wife to the duke
   claming Iustice for his good seruices
                    strange  mistaking
I1v, b [TLN 1695-1760]
      a montebanke descriued
grieuous complaint and strange mistakings

I2, a [TLN 1761-1822]
disease by age and cares transformes a man
 and weakeneth his senses
I2, b [TLN 1823-1888]
The fortunes of the twinnes and their parents
  discouered   and   the  mistakings    of  either
   of the masters  and  slaues  for  others
      egeon finds his wife whom he long thought to be

I2v, a [TLN 1889-1903]
[ NONE ]
I2v, b [TLN 1904-1919, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

[Page 33]

Illus. 8. Much Ado about Nothing, sig. I3
[Page 34]


I3, a [TLN 1-50] praise of a valiant young warriour weeping at Ioye a Cowardlie bragger derided I3, b [TLN 51-99] faith worne as a hat changeing fashion with everie new blocke warre of wit Courteous welcome a Contemned bragart ---------------------------------- an Importune flattering cosener I3v, a [TLN 100-165] scolding ---------------------------------- a Iester wittilie checkt by a young ladie I3v, b [TLN 166-230] Iudgement of a woman to her disaduantage against mariage obstinacie I3v, c [ NONE ] I3v, d [ NONE ] I3v, e [at TLN 122-124] profession of disdaine of loue I3v, f [ NONE ] I4, a [TLN 231-296] against mariage and loue of women
[Page 35]
I4, b [TLN 297-362]
superfluous  words
 wooing       remedie  of grief by reason
 a man wedded to his owne humors

I4v, a [TLN 363-421]
[ NONE ]
I4v, b [TLN 422-487]
    woman  abhorring  mariage
     scottish  jigge
be1 bearded men and those that haue no beardes
                         woing  wedding  and

I5, a [TLN 488-552]
a dull Iester
I5, b [TLN 553-617]
No agent to be vsed in loue
 loue  vnfaithfull

I5v, a [TLN 618-682]
wicked woman detested
I5v, b [TLN 683-748]
displeasing matches

I6, a [TLN 749-814]
malicious plot
I6, b [TLN 815-878]
folies of loue
many qualities wished in a woman to be maried

I6v, a [TLN 879-941]
power of musicke  of sheeps guts
  mens  Inconstancie
I6v, b [TLN 942-1007]
women distempered by loue

1 The reading of these blotted or deleted letters is doubtful.
[Page 36]
K1, a [TLN 1008-1071]
quarrels how managed by shifts
  paper bullets
K1, b [TLN 1072-1130]
Ingratitude  of fauorites
 Bate to catch a ladie

K1v, a [TLN 1131-1196]
 auersenesse from loue and detraction of
  euerie mans worth
Intolerable scofs   slanders effects
K1v, b [TLN 1197-1261]
[ NONE ]

K2, a [TLN 1262-1326]
[ NONE ]
K2, b [TLN 1327-1391]
cowardlie   and   knawish1  watch
 scoffing Instructions to the  watch

K2v, a [TLN 1392-1457]
price of villanie
 folie of changeing fashions
K2v, b [TLN 1458-1523]
notable villanie

K3, a [TLN 1524-1587]
[ NONE ]
K3, b [TLN 1588-1652]
Clownish eloquence

K3v, a [TLN 1653-1712]
women accused of Incontinencie
   Blushing  ill construed
K3v, b [TLN 1713-1778]
[ NONE ]

K4, a [TLN 1779-1844]
a  father desperate for his doghters Incontinencie

1 The w may be a v.
[Page 37]

 Good opinion of her Innocencie
   her Iustification

K4, b [TLN 1845-1910]
  The fathers boast to reuenge his wrong
   we  esteeme highlie things that we haue lost
Wittie way to discouer truth

K4v, a [TLN 1911-1976]
[ NONE ]
K4v, b [TLN 1977-2040]
men all compliment and turned Into

K5, a [TLN 2041-2102]
Consolation  from  a  man frie from grief
  reiected from by one extreamelie afflicted
K5, b [TLN 2103-2167]
   appeale   to combat by the old  grieued  father
No philosopher could euer endure the toothake patientlie
  howeuer they wrate

K5v, a [TLN 2168-2233]
Brawling threats
K5v, b [TLN 2234-2297]
 earnest  challenge scoffed at
Iestes vpon a mans wits

K6, a [TLN 2298-2361]
accusations  serious by a brutish constable
Confession of  bringing  an Innocent lady to
 death treacherous  villanie
K6, b [TLN 2362-2426]
true repentance of an vnpardonable wrong

K6v, a [TLN 2427-2492]
K6v, b [TLN 2493-2552]
[ NONE ]

[Page 38]

L1, a [TLN 2553-2618]
[ NONE ]
L1, b [TLN 2619-2684, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

[Page 39]


L1v, a [TLN 1-49] fame resists death and eternizes vertue fat panches haue leane pates philosophicall restrictions to hard L1v, b [TLN 50-99] Delights stop the studie and fruites of vertue reasons againes students disseins L2, a [TLN 100-165] Towne wonne by fire is lost periurie by necessitie bookish errors L2, b [TLN 166-229] vanitie of fashions and reports broght from beyond sea by trauellers L2v, a [TLN 230-294] Melancolie Construction to elude proclamations L2v, b [TLN 295-360] Lawes and othes proue scorne scoffing conference dancing horse can teach a dolt L3, a [TLN 361-426] Base loue / examples of strong louers ansuers scornefull to an asse L3, b [TLN 427-488] force of loue foolerie L3v, a [TLN 489-548] prouidence1 in preparing the deliuerie of an

1 A similar form of the first e (probably altered from c) occurs also in inscensed in MND, N3, b, 2.
[Page 40]
  Important  message 
praise  of prince   princesse and  lords
L3v, b [TLN 549-610]
praise of a plesant wit

L4, a [TLN 611-676]
ansuer to the princesse embassie
 rough  replies
L4, b [TLN 677-740]
enterchange of quippes
 sings of loue

L4v, a [TLN 741-801]
Tokens of a louer
a french  louer scornefullie descriued
L4v, b [TLN 802-865]
scornefull Iests against a dull maister

L5, a [TLN 866-929]
absurde foolerie
L5, b [TLN 930-989]
folie of louers scorned
 Cupids power

L5v, a [TLN 990-1051]
 Desire of praise  of  beautie in ladies
Corrupted commenders
L5v, b [TLN 1052-1113]
a foolish   bragging    letter
  submission moderats princes Wrath 

L6, a [TLN 1114-1177]
Dull  schollers
L6, b [TLN 1178-1241]
Bookemens wit        prophainenesse

L6v, a [TLN 1242-1305]
L6v, b [TLN 1306-1369]
fooles  loue

[Page 41]
 attracting  beautie

M1, a [TLN 1370-1433]
Loue prouoketh periurie
  It varies wit      atheisme by loue
M1, b [TLN 1434-1496]
None offend  where all alike dote
foolerie  of  loue /  Beauties excessiuelie praised

M1v, a [TLN 1497-1561]
loues fooleries  detected and chekt
 Contempt of loue
  Triumph1  of loue
M1v, b [TLN 1562-1627]
vnresistable  power  of  beautie
 Blacke is beautie to  a louer
  womens painting

M2, a [TLN 1628-1693]
all learning  to be found in ladies eyes
 Quilles to cheate  the  deuill
 Instruction  for  periurie
M2, b [TLN 1694-1753]
power  of  poets  louers          reasons commended
 Coloured  reasons  for periurie
           abused  louers
            absurd   thraso2

M2v, a [TLN 1754-1818]
pedantrie   absurd speech
M2v, b [TLN 1819-1884]
[ NONE ]

M3, a [TLN 1885-1949]
a set of wit well plaied

1 The word may end with a final e. 2 Probably an abbreviation of Thrasonical (with no contraction sign over the final o ), an adjective used in the Folio at TLN 1751 to describe a gentleman.
[Page 42]
M3, b [TLN 1950-2014]
Learned  fooles    wit   prepared  for  resistance
 Boy Instructed for embassage   folies  of  louers  made
                               fooles by their mistresses
        Wit  turnd  foole                      foolish
        wise  mens folie dotes                  applause

M3v, a [TLN 2015-2078]
  ladies  resolution  to  scoffe their louers
prepared meanes to delude louers in profession
scorne for

M3v, b [TLN 2079-2144]
Interpreter    No too great trauell in

M4, a [TLN 2145-2210]
sharpe tongues of mocking wenches
M4, b [TLN 2211-2273]
       a   ridiculous  fellow of great  show1
aduise2 to scoffe louers          wits  pedler

M4v, a [TLN 2274-2339]
fyne scoffes                plague caught by the eyes3
M4v, b [TLN 2340-2405]
       ladies craft to  deceiue light louers
knawish discouerie4
        The  lords  tokens 

1 This can be shew, the final two letters having been altered. 2 The d has been altered. 3 These five words (plague caught by the eyes ) are written with a distinctly worn-out pen and in brownish ink — a note written, no doubt, at another sitting. 4 These two words (knawish discouerie ) are also written with a distinctly worn-out pen and in brownish ink — a note written, no doubt, at the same time as those five words mentioned in the preceding footnote.
[Page 43]

Illus. 9. Love's Labour's Lost, sig. M4v
[Page 44]
        Telltailes   officious  reporters

M5, a [TLN 2406-2467]
  men shame proof
what sports  most agreable
M5, b [TLN 2468-2529]
[ NONE ]

M5v, a [TLN 2530-2592]
Doltish representation of the Nyne Worthies
M5v, b [TLN 2593-2657]
[ NONE ]

M6, a [TLN 2658-2721]
Thanks        power and effects of time
  loues  Inconstancie   Loue like the eye
M6, b [TLN 2722-2787]
Remedies of loue       Counterfeit loue

M6v, a [TLN 2788-2846]
Iesters1          The eye window of the heart
M6v, b [TLN 2847-2900, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

1 To be continued at the next line. The final s has been written separately, as if added on second thought.
[Page 45]


N1, a [TLN 1-43] allurements1 of louers N1, b [TLN 44-87] Dutie of children to their parents N1v, a [TLN 88-153] Comparison of estate and qualities Vnequall condicions Impediments to loue N1v, b [TLN 154-218] Changes in a twicling2 / Crosses of louers stronglie confirmed promise Instruction to loue N2, a [TLN 219-281] abused Iudgement of louers Representation of Visages by water Bosomes swelld with perplexities ---------------------------------- periured loue Treacherous discouerie N2, b [TLN 282-347] doltish personages of a comedie N2v, a [TLN 348-408] Bairdes of all colours Wandering N2v, b [TLN 409-472] fruitlesse and vnfortunat yeere N3, a [TLN 473-538] Change of seasons of the yeere to the preiudice of mens health and food

1 The second l has been altered. 2 Probably an error for twincling (i.e., twinkling).
[Page 46]
N3, b [TLN 539-602]
power of  flowers        power of  the adamant
 loue  inscensed1  by  quenching
 louer contented  to  be  vsed as a  spaniell
  a  ladi2 for  loue exposing  her  self to all danger and disgrace3

N3v, a [TLN 603-664]
  obstinat   loue   and   wilfull prosecution4
   with contempt of all dangers
qualities  of  flowers
 double   toungues
N3v, b [TLN 665-727]
spiders webs
Two truths  in  one bosome
  preuention  of  temptation

N4, a [TLN 728-791]
Changed loue  by spels
Mans  will  swayed  by reason
N4, b [TLN 792-850]
surfet of sweet things breeds loathing

N4v, a [TLN 851-916]
doltish preparation for a shew
N4v, b [TLN 917-981]
reason and loue keepe not cumpanie

N5, a [TLN 982-1045]
sweet fruits     fooleries
N5, b [TLN 1046-1109]
perfidious treacherie  against louers
 Cowardlie iniurie5 not sufferable 
mans tongue double  as an edders

1 A similar form of the first e (probably altered from c) occurs also in prouidence in LLL, L3v, a, 1. 2 Probably an abortive ladie. 3 The final e is barely legible owing to cropping. 4 Barely legible owing to blotting. 5 Though not necessarily a minim error, the formation of this word is very much like inurie.
[Page 47]

Illus. 10. A Midsummer Night's Dream, sig. N4
[Page 48]

N5v, a [TLN 1110-1173]
mens  periuries  womens vehement loue
vufaithfull  vowes   vnparalled    beautie 
N5v, b [TLN 1174-1237]
         great  kindnesse  contracted  by education
mens falshood and Inconstancie    power   of  sleepe
                            sociable  breeding of
                             young ladies

N6, a [TLN 1238-1303]
scorne   dispised wronged louer
  mutuall loue of ladies       contempt 
    word a weake bond1 
N6, b [TLN 1304-1369]
Night  theefe of loue   tryall  of  modestie  and  patience
odious comparisons of ladies commendable qualities

N6v, a [TLN 1370-1434]
sleep the counterfeit of death /dispersion of errour
 The   day lookes vpon  our  shames
N6v, b [TLN 1435-1500]
Coosening brauerie     power  of  sleepe
our   desires   owtgoe our  leggues

O1, a [TLN 1501-1557]
[ NONE ]
O1, b [TLN 1558-1620]
[ NONE ]

O1v, a [TLN 1621-1686]
hunting and musicke of hounds 
O1v, b [TLN 1687-1750]
[ NONE ]

O2, a [TLN 1751-1809]
foolish  Imaginations  of  lunaticks louers
  and poets
   power of Imagination

1 The final d has been altered from an e.
[Page 49]
O2, b [TLN 1810-1873]
Satires         Choise of playes
 short long   mirrie  tragicall play

O2v, a [TLN 1874-1937]
Noble and  courteous acceptance  and excuse of an
  Intended harangue  Interrupted by the orators
   amazednesse       well  applyed mistaking
                wittie  blunt prologue
O2v, b [TLN 1938-2002]
[ NONE ]

O3, a [TLN 2003-2066]
[ NONE ]
O3, b [TLN 2067-2129]
[ NONE ]

O3v, a [TLN 2130-2175]
[ NONE ]
O3v, b [TLN 2176-2222, and Finis]
[ NONE ]1

1 There are some mirror images (that is, reversed images) of letters, perpetuated in this part of the margin, no doubt owing to wet ink, of the first line of the marginal notes on the facing page, o4, a, 1 (i.e., the first page of The Merchant of Venice ).
[Page 50]


O4, a [TLN 1-47] Nauigation and dangers therof prouidence of Marchants and their dangers cause of sadnesse vnknowne1 O4, b [TLN 48-94] Iesters and Melancolie men The st world a stage for men to play their parts against melancolie ---------------------------------- They loose the world that buyes it with to much care Resolution to lead a mirrie life O4v, a [TLN 95-160] sullenne and affected Ignorant grauitie endlesse speaker and Impertinent meane to be disburdened of debt friendlie offer forced mariages ---------------------------------- spending beyond2 partie engadged most3 a mans meanes still aduance to get his first debt O4v, b [TLN 161-224] offer of liberall friendlie lending praised lady Happie mediocritie Moe starue by surfet nor by want ---------------------------------- knowledge easier nor practise Loterie power of passion

1 This looks like vnkowne. For similar examples of this peculiar formation of the medial kno, see footnote 4 on p. 71 and footnote 1 on p. 90. 2 To be continued at the first word in the next line. 3 To be continued at the fourth word in the next line.
[Page 51]

Illus. 11. The Merchant of Venice, sig. O4v
[Page 52]
O4v, c
[ NONE ]
O4v, d
[ NONE ]
O4v, e [at TLN 95-97]
 offer to a
O4v, f
[ NONE ]

O5, a [TLN 225-290]
vaine discourses of wealthie and Ignorant youths
vnmanerly sadnesse of  a young man
 euerie man  in  no man a  counterfeit of all
  a man no thing but  a proper  mans picture
  a coward     a beastlie  man
  detested wooers
O5, b [TLN 291-352]
Incertaintie  of merchants estates
 a cautioner distrusted by a Iew

O5v, a [TLN 353-416]
Iewish opinions     Their  hatefull vsuries   
Thrift  is blessing if  men steale it not
 Craftie   meanes  to  make  aduantage
O5v, b [TLN 417-482]
aduentures   to make  aduantage
 scripture ill  cited and  peruersedlie   applied
  lending of  money  at  Vsance
                         bond with  a  stronge
                          and strange  forfeit

O6, a [TLN 483-542]
vnprofitable bond1
O6, b [TLN 543-604]
accidents of fortune   like that of  dice

1 The o has been altered from a.
[Page 53]
strife betuix the deuill and conscience persuasions

O6v, a [TLN 605-670]
[ NONE ]
O6v, b [TLN 671-734]
fortune read

P1, a [TLN 735-797]
feined modestie and deuotion
P1, b [TLN 798-861]
[ NONE ]

P1v, a [TLN 862-923]
Things are  more  earnestlie soght nor they
  are  esteemed when they are obteaned
P1v, b [TLN 924-982]
louers are blind

P2, a [TLN 983-1047]
Lady beloued  of all
 Gold  adored     vnhappie lotterie  
   all  that glisters is  not gold
P2, b [TLN 1048-1112]
Iewes dispaire for losse of his doghter and ducats

P2v, a [TLN 1113-1176]
Choise by the eye deceiues them vulgar
dignities   not   conferred  nor congnised1 by vertue
P2v, b [TLN 1177-1234]
erronious and vnhappie choises
  men  of  false  shew

P3, a [TLN 1235-1299]
 The Iewes  miserie  and  vindicatiue  mind
one  man  in most things like another in desires
  passions and suffrances
P3, b [TLN 1300-1365]
The Iew preferreth his gold to his doghters life
  womens affection Impeeded  to her grief

1 Probably an error for cognised, rather than an unrecorded variant cougnised.
[Page 54]

         resolution to deceiue  a  friend

P3v, a [TLN 1366-1428]
Hasard In election      fancie how fed and bred
The world deceiued with ornament  in all
   estates and professions  religion  law etc
      vice couered by ornaments
P3v, b [TLN 1429-1492]
   Passions     Coward1 couer their  feares
                  with  brags
   Viue and excellent   picture   of  a fairest lady
Gold  siluer and beautie  deceiue the world 
               we sould not choose by the view

P4, a [TLN 1493-1558]
Lady  accomplished  in  all  happines
The husband lord ouer his  wife  and  all that is hers
Thanks  th due that can not  be expressed
P4, b [TLN 1559-1622]
a man  broght to be worse then nothing
a letter stryking  the reader with  extreame confusion
  for his  friends  danger

P4v, a [TLN 1623-1686]
mercilesse Iew    Courteous and kind friend
P4v, b [TLN 1687-1750]
The  citie can not subsist if trade be not
  perfite friendship

P5, a [TLN 1751-1814]
  Direction to vse extreame  diligence
   Tricks   of  bragging  Iacks
Deuice  of  a young  lady  how to counterfeit
    all the  cariage   of  a  bragging youth

1 Probably an error for Cowards.
[Page 55]
P5, b [TLN 1815-1879]
Iestes vpon mistaken words

P5v, a [TLN 1880-1937]
 praise of an Incomparable  lady past all expression
  Constancie against death and torment
a Iew hauing  no  sparke of mercie in  him 
P5v, b [TLN 1938-2003]
strange  antipathies which particular  men haue with
 things not hatefull  to most part of other men
Things Impossible  not to  be vrged
  slaves  cruellie vsed

P6, a [TLN 2004-2067]
 Pithagorian transmigration of a volues heart In a
  mercilesse Iew
P6, b [TLN 2068-2131]
  Mercie  highlie  praised  and esteemed by god & man
Law wrested to do g a great right and litle  wrong
P6, a-b 
Mercie sould rule iustice and  moderat  it
                         Summe  of  Iustice

P6v, a [TLN 2132-2197]
  danger  ensueing1  vpon an  ill president
  mercilesse exaction of a  most cruell   penaltie by bond 
  death is  most welcome2 in extreame miserie
  death is a  conserne  against  aged pouertie
portia  made  Iudge vnder  the colour  of a doctour of law
P6v, b [TLN 2198-2263]
precise and wise and Iuste sentence

Q1, a [TLN 2264-2329]3
Crueltie  Iustlie   retorted

1 A long s has been written over the u in different, brownish ink, rendering the word meaningless: ensisieing. 2 The final e has been altered. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 56]

he takes the  life that takes the meanes that 
  susteane  it  he takes  the  house that
  takes  the  prop  that susteane it

Q1, b [TLN 2330-2394]1
 he is well payed that is  well satisfied / Thankfulnesse2
offers  more  large   then performance

Q1v, a [TLN 2395-2452]3
 haters of   musicke   are  brutish  and  not
   to be  trusted
greater  lights and powers euer shadow the lesser
Q1v, b [TLN 2453-2516]4
none dislike musick  but brutish men
             power  of musicke
             The greater glorie dimmes the lesse
     musicke heavenlie     power of musicke

Q2, a [TLN 2517-2580]
things seasoned by season
  Great  acknouledgement of receiued kindnes
    a light wife makes a heavie husband
Q2, b [TLN 2581-2646]
[ NONE ]

Q2v, a [TLN 2647-2692]
feares wittilie wroght and fairlie quenched
Q2v, b [TLN 2693-2738, and Finis]
Conceiued feares and losses happilie remoued 
     Intricassies cleered and Ioyfullie ended

1 This part of the margin also has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This word, written in pale ink, is not certain but the formation of the word is very much like that found in AWW X5v, b, 3 on p. 78 or Tit. cc5, b, 1 on p. 194 ('thankfulnesse'). 3 This part of the margin also has been affected by showthrough as seriously as the recto. 4 This part of the margin also has been affected by showthrough as seriously as the recto.
[Page 57]


Q3, a [TLN 1-51] Grief for want of good education The due of younger brether by the elder ---------------------------------- a younger brother worse bred and vsed nor a horse Q3, b [TLN 52-102] reproach passionatly resented Grief of an old seruant reuiled by his young master Q3v, a [TLN 103-168] Treacherous deuise to vndoe a brother false1 reproach of his bad qualities2 Confession of his worth3 Q3v, b [TLN 169-228] perfite friendship of youths bred together fortunes benefits mightely misplaced ---------------------------------- dulnesse of fooles is the whetstone of wits Q4, a [TLN 229-293] against foolish affected oathes expediencie4 that fooles speake wiselie that which wise men doe folishlie Q4, b [TLN 294-357] dissuasion from a dangerous aduenture resolution owt of wearinesse of a bad estate

1 This word, which is continued at the fifth word in the next line, is written in pale brown ink and with a worn-out pen, presumably at the time of another sitting. 2 Also written in the same ink and with the same pen. 3 Also written in the same ink and with the same pen. 4 The medial ed has been altered from something else.
[Page 58]

Illus. 12. As You Like It, sig. Q5v
[Page 59]
Q4v, a [TLN 358-423]
Vertue the attractiue of loue
Q4v, b [TLN 424-482]
freindlie warning  of danger in obscure termes
 hatrent  for popular fauour
            it is fit  to trade in beaten pathes

Q5, a [TLN 483-547]
True  excuses cruellie  reiected
  banishment of  a vertuous  lady vndeserued1
It  is cause enough in the prince to banish whom he distrusts
  no respect   to Innocence
  firme   frienship  of  two ladyes
Q5, b [TLN 548-608]
Mannish  Cowards with a marshall owtside
 Wished banishment for libertie
            Beautie prouoketh theeues more then gold

Q5v, a [TLN 609-674]
[Notes taken first]2
  securitie and happinesse of  retired life
   against cruell  sport  of  killing Innocent deere
  worldlings  testaments 
Contentment of frie /3   Errors of all estates 
[Notes added at the time of another sitting]4
  life                  Miserie parts cumpanie
oppressions  committed  by  men of all estates
Q5v, b [TLN 675-728]
Vertue enuied and depressed
   Cruell  brother 

1 The s has been altered from an r. 2 Written in darker ink, probably after the first reading of the text. 3 These three words (and Q5v, a, 5-6) have been written in brownish ink, probably after a second reading of the text, and continued at the opening word of the next line to complete the sentence. 4 Written in brownish ink, probably after a second reading of the text.
[Page 60]
Q5v, a-b 
[Notes added at the time of another sitting]1
           dyeing man for=/
           saken by all friends
Instruction from elements stones and tries
                                vertue vnnaturallie persecuted

Q6, a [TLN 729-788]
kind  and  faithfull old  seruant
 Lust bringeth sicknesse and old age
  prouision  for old age
   God prouides for all creatures
    well  gouerned yowth  makes strong old age
Q6, b [TLN 789-852]2
None now sweates but for promotion

Q6v, a [TLN 853-912]
Power of gold
 Glade welcome      Churlish pittilesse maister
   Contented life  /  Wealth  left  for  ease 
Q6v, b [TLN 913-970]3
beggerlie thanks
 encouradgement to a true old seruant and
 care of his preseruation

R1, a [TLN 971-1031]
Vanitie of the world
 fooles detect wise mens  errors safelie
  We ripe  and  rot  by houres
our   Iudgement  to be weeded  of errours
  Libertie  of  fooles   to checke  folies

1 Q5v, a-b, 1-2, a centred short note in brownish ink, has been written within a small space between the notes in Q5v, a and Q5v, b; likewise, Q5v, a-b, 3, a nother centred note also in brownish ink, has been written in a space after Q5v, a, 3 — probably additions after second reading. See Introduction, p. xxvi. 2 This space has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This space has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 61]
R1, b [TLN 1032-1096]
vicious men taxed in the generalitie
 rude beginning excused  and amended
   Ciuilitie  /  pride  beginnes at the head1
  vice obiected generallie        assumed by th2 guiltie

R1v, a [TLN 1097-1159]
The  world  is the  stage of  mens  chanegeable fortunes
estates of men compared  to the seuen degries of mans age
  and  many  parts played by one  man
                      miseries  of old  age   by weakenesse
                                                  ⌊ and hunger
R1v, b [TLN 1160-1212]
    Command vnder  payne of  forfeiture
freindship is  fayning / loving  folie / benefites forgotten
R1v, c
[ NONE ]
R1v, d
[ NONE ]
R1v, e [at TLN 1120-1145]
schoole boyes
bubble repu
tation in the
cannons mouth

1 The final d has been blotted. 2 This is probably a shortened form of the (i.e., th' guiltie).
[Page 62]

Illus. 13. As You Like It, sig. R1v
[Page 63]

Iudges coun
 terfeit part
greedie de
caying / old 
Miserie of
the last of
our age &

R1v, f
[ NONE ]

R2, a [TLN 1213-1278]
Conference  of  courtlie   foole and a good  wittie
  ship sheepheard        Contentments  & discontent
    Innocence  of  a  sheepheards  life 
R2, b [TLN 1279-1342]
right vertue of a medler  by allusion1 
 brief  life of  vnfaithfull   man
 high praise  of an excellent lady

R2v, a [TLN 1343-1407]
verses ill footed     men  will  meet
mirrie  preasing one to speake quickelie 
R2v, b [TLN 1408-1472]
questions vnansuerable on the suddaine
 a  woman  must  speake when she thinks
             mirrie  conference2

R3, a [TLN 1473-1538]
 mirrie conference of the diuers paces of time
R3, b [TLN 1539-1604]
markes  remarkable    of   a louer
 loue is a madnesse  deseruing a darke house and a whip
women giue the lie  to their conscience

1 The long s has been altered from a minim. 2 The f has been retouched.
[Page 64]

    Curing of loue by counsell
      louers folies

R3v, a [TLN 1605-1664]
 mirrie conference
Commodities of hornes
R3v, b [TLN 1665-1724]
Marriage  by a  martext
Doubts in loue and Inconstancie of wemen

R4, a [TLN 1725-1782]
Wes is not  is
oathes1 confirmers of false  recknings
 all is braue that  loue youth monts  and  folie  guides 
   a murderer in a louers eye
  The killing hangman craves pardon of the condamned
R4, b [TLN 1783-1848]
 eyes are murtherers of louers
women proude and pittilesse    woman proud of beautie causeles
deformed  woman made faire  by her louers fancie
     loue proudlie reiected

R4v, a [TLN 1849-1914]
louer  omitting2 and excusing the defects of him whom
  shee loueth      omittance is no quittance
R4v, b [TLN 1915-1975]
sorts   of melancolie      ·   To haue  seene   much 
 and to haue nothing is to haue rich eyes & poore hands
vanitie    of  trauellers    and  losse  by  their paines 
minutes  to be kept by louers
          a  louer naughtier     nor   a   snaile

R5, a [TLN 1976-2041]
Conference of louers vpon loue

1 The first two letters oa have been blotted. 2 The opening three letters omi have been altered (probably from qui ) and blotted.
[Page 65]

No  man hath  died  for loue
  Mariage  of  louers

R5, b [TLN 2042-2107]
            Conference of the disloyaltie of maried  men
             Impatience of women  in  absence of their husbands
               vnfaithfull husbands
a women1 neuer  wants an excuse  of   her faults

R5v, a [TLN 2108-2161]
Cupid how and  of  what conceiued
The horne is a common  Crist
R5v, b [TLN 2162-2226]
[ NONE ]

R6, a [TLN 2227-2292]
[ NONE ]
R6, b [TLN 2293-2351]
[ NONE ]

R6v, a [TLN 2352-2410]
[ NONE ]
R6v, b [TLN 2411-2474]
suddaine loue hasting to marriage

S1, a [TLN 2475-2535]2
Loue wherof composed
 Misterious       hopes  of
S1, b [TLN 2536-2593]3
prologues to a bad voice

S1v, a [TLN 2594-2659]4
Courtiers  qualities false    and   ridiculous
seven Inductions to a lie to ground a combat

1 An error for woman. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin also has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 66]
S1v, b [TLN 2660-2723]1
quarrell ended by an If to modifie
a lie direct

S2 , a [TLN 2724-2759]
[ NONE ]
S2, b [TLN 2760-2796, and Finis]
good epilogue

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 67]


S2v, a [TLN 1-48] praise of hownds a drunke begger broght to a fooles paradice S2v, b [TLN 49-96] noble entertainement S3, a [TLN 97-161] womens counterfeit kindnesse and teares S3, b [TLN 162-227] all sort1 of luxurious delights wherwith lords are serued and soothed ---------------------------------- a Tinker pe being drunk persuaded that he is a great lord S3v, a-b [TLN 228-354] direction of a young gentlemans course in his travels and studies S4, a [TLN 355-420] a mad wench a modest maide some men will take a woman with all faults and money anough S4, b [TLN 421-486] loue bred by Idlenesse S4v, a [TLN 487-551] loue makes the master to be his seruants seruant S4v, b [TLN 552-616] [ NONE ]

1 Probably an error for sorts.
[Page 68]
S5, a [TLN 617-682]
a man resolued  to marrie  the wickeddest
 woman in the world having wealth
S5, b [TLN 683-747]
[ NONE ]

S5v, a [TLN 748-812]
sorts of most thundering sounds
S5v, b [TLN 813-877]
[ NONE ]

S6, a [TLN 878-941]1
Complot to deceiue a father
S6, b [TLN 942-1007]2
a  man contemning a scolding woman and
 willing to marie her for her wealth

S6v, a-b [TLN 1008-1139]3
strange sort of wooeing twixt a madde humoured man and a deuelish
                                                     ⌊ women4

T1, a [TLN 1140-1203]
[ NONE ]
T1, b [TLN 1204-1269]
extreame rich furniture of a faire house
a maide giuen in marige to him that giues her best Iointure

T1v, a [TLN 1270-1330]
  a  subtle  counterfeit
deuice to confer vnder pretext  of expounding latine
Cause   why  musicke  wes  deuised
T1v, b [TLN 1331-1395]
words of the art of musicke vsed to propone loue

T2, a [TLN 1396-1461]
strange  apparell  of a bridegroome

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 An error for woman.
[Page 69]

Illus. 14. The Taming of the Shrew, sig. S6v
[Page 70]

  and his horse
  horses diseases of all  sorts

T2, b [TLN 1462-1526]
[ NONE ]

T2v, a [TLN 1527-1588]
a madde mariage
T2v, b [TLN 1589-1653]1
The husband will needs command his wife at his pleasure

T3, a [TLN 1654-1719]
preparation  of the bridegroomes house to 
  receiue the bride
T3, b [TLN 1720-1784]
[ NONE ]

T3v, a [TLN 1785-1850]
The bride tamed with fasting watching and 
  railing       wife  lured  like a halke
T3v, b [TLN 1851-1916]
[ NONE ]

T4, a [TLN 1917-1978]
a Counterfeit father
T4, b [TLN 1979-2043]
preparation for womens dressings

T4v, a [TLN 2044-2109]
strange brawles
Tailour  outfaced  And fashions reiected
T4v, b [TLN 2110-2175]
petruccio will haue euerie thing to be as
 pleased him

T5, a [TLN 2176-2238]2
[ NONE ]
T5, b [TLN 2239-2302]3
Mariage deceitfullie contriued and performed

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 71]
T5v, a [TLN 2303-2367]1
petruccio preuailes   with his wife  that  euerie thing is
 and is not and his2 againe as he pleases to say it is
T5v, b [TLN 2368-2431]3
Vincentio  owtfaced by him who wes his
  counterfeit and is disavowed    by his 
   owne seruant

T6, a [TLN 2432-2496]
Vincentio    his seruants  owtfaceing  him as an
 vnknowne4 Impostor cause vse him as a mad
T6, b [TLN 2497-2557]
Vincentio  finds  his sonne maried vnder a counterfeit
 name  and  habit   and  baptista tryes his doghter
  to be so abused

T6v, a [TLN 2558-2623]
Wager vpon wifes obedience to their
T6v, b [TLN 2624-2688]
husband  commended  for  making  her who  when
 she wes a  maide and  after she wes first maried
wes  Intolerablie   shrewd  and  scolding   to become
                  loving  and  obedient

V1, a-b [TLN 2689-2750, and Finis]
duties of true obedience of a wife to her husband

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 Probably an error for is. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This looks like vnkowne. For similar examples of this peculiar formation of the medial kno, see footnote 1 on p. 50 and footnote 1 on p. 90.
[Page 72]


V1v, a [TLN 1-46] praises of an excellent king / regrate for his Incurable disease / Commendation of an Incom= parable phisition And of a virgine of excellent nature and happie education V1v, b [TLN 47-92] excessiue grief for the dead is the ennemie of the liuing prayers of the mother for her sonne and her wise counsels to him ---------------------------------- passionat loue V2, a [TLN 93-156] That virginitie can not be defended against a man nor sould not be for it is contrare to nature and would destroy it ---------------------------------- Virginitie the longer kept is the lesse worth and is owt of fashion V2, b [TLN 157-220] wish that wishes had effects and substance1 Cowardlie souldier V2v, a [TLN 221-282] our remedies are oft in our selues paterne of a wise and gentle courtier V2v, b [TLN 283-345] old age weerie of life selfe praise

1 The b has been altered from a long s.
[Page 73]

Illus. 15. All's Well that Ends Well, sig. V1v
[Page 74]
V3, a [TLN 346-412]1
 benefites  of mariage and Cuckoldrie
Not one good woman amongst ten
 Noble reward  of  seruice
V3, b [TLN 413-475]2
Necessare discouerie by a seruant thankfullie accepted
Loue in youth excused

V3v, a [TLN 476-541]3
a maides loue subtilie discouered
excuse of loving one aboue our qualitie
V3v, b [TLN 542-602]4
Noble   and  kinde ladie
 to her maide

V4, a [TLN 603-667]5
warnings to young gentlemen going to the /
fashion of the time
V4, b [TLN 668-733]6
sickenesse in old men Incurable by phisick 

V4v, a [TLN 734-799]
 wishes payed with  thanks
God workes great things by weake ministers aboue all
 exspectation          Measured time
a great  pawnde of a bold vndertaking
V4v, b [TLN 800-863]7
great rewarde  frielie   promised
   Manners of the  court
  an answere  to  serue   all   men

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 75]
V5, a [TLN 864-927]
abuse of seeming knowledge
V5, b [TLN 928-991]
[ NONE ]

V5v, a [TLN 992-1057]
 vertue and  good qualities to be preferred to
   nobilitie of blood
                  Threats    of the  angrie king
True  honour
V5v, b [TLN 1058-1123]
    Compelled  mariage by the king
a Contemptible bragging fellow

V6, a [TLN 1124-1186]
many  disdainfull  and outragious   speeches
  a  nobleman passioned for wrong   receiued
   by a forced mariage  is egged to the warre
V6, b [TLN 1187-1249]
Roguie conference

V6v, a [TLN 1250-1313]
  a wife perfitelie obedient
a disgraced parasite
V6v, b [TLN 1314-1374]
[ NONE ]

X1, a [TLN 1375-1439]
  Iust cause of  warre
subiects sould  not prye in the affaires of state
   a gracious mother in law     Warre is phisicke 1
X1, b [TLN 1440-1502]
to restlesse young men surfetted with ease

X1v, a [TLN 1503-1563]
  a forsaken wife  continowes   neuerthelesse
   more carefull  of her husbands safetie and
   contentment nor her owne

1 To be continued at X1, b, 1.
[Page 76]

foolish  rewards to be exspected for warlike

X1v, b [TLN 1564-1625]
 a charitable and compassionat   mother in law 
a good  name is a maides richest legacie

X2, a [TLN 1626-1691]
how young maides are Intised by louers and
X2, b [TLN 1692-1754]
a cowardlie lyeing  vicious fellow
 a meane  to discouer his base falshood and feare

X2v, a [TLN 1755-1818]
 Mirrie deuice to trap the coward in his brawles
          Count  bertrands  lady  plots  how1
Cowardlie braggar   and lier detected
X2v, b [TLN 1819-1882]
 to haue companie  with him vnknowne to win his3
kindnesse    richlie  rewarded

X3, a [TLN 1883-1942]
ambush to entrape  bragging  paroles
multitude  of  disgraces
paroles Inuention  to couer his villainie
  obstinacie  of  louers  suites
New  inuented  counterfeit 
X3, b [TLN 1943-2007]
paroles offers to discouer all secrets of the armie to
 saue his life
   base Inuentions  to  countenance a knavish attempt

X3v, a [TLN 2008-2073]
a louers persuasions  and gifts / the womens counterraisons

1 To be continued at X2v, b, 1. 2 Continued from X2v, b, 1. 3 To be continued at X2v, a, 3.
[Page 77]

a laufull  and binding oath

X3v, b [TLN 2074-2138]
       secrecie     Mens frailtie
X3v, a-b 
It is  no sinne to cosen him that  would vniustlie winne
    Men  are  traitours  to them selues 

X4, a [TLN 2139-2202]
  The  counts wife reported to be dead
some times we make ws conforts of our losses and other
  times drowne  our  gaine  in   our teares
The  webbe of our life  is of a mingled  yarne  good
    and ill  together    dispatch  of many businesses
     In short  time
X4, b [TLN 2203-2267]
false and  shamefull   relation  made by paroles
 of the weake estate of the armie  and  of some
 particular  commanders  confirmed  with much

X4v, a [TLN 2268-2332]
  malicious  description of count rossillion
   trickes in loue
 base entreatie for a miserable life
Interrogatories  and  answers
X4v, b [TLN 2333-2398]
 a  man  confite1 in all  mischeif  of  thift lieing d r2
  drunkennesse and  treacherie and  cowardise
Sale  of  a  mans  saluation  for  gold

X5, a [TLN 2399-2462]
 a  braggart     disgraced    resolues    that being
    fooled3 he  will   thriue    by  foolerie
Theirs place  and  meanes   for euerie man to liue

1 The meaning of this word is not quite clear to the editor. But see Index of Words. 2 These are the first two letters, left unerased, of drunkennesse, which is properly written in the following line. 3 The second o has been altered from an e.
[Page 78]

  Helens plote to force1 her husband
    to accept her for his   wife

X5, b [TLN 2463-2527]
what ere  the course  the end is the renowne
  a  woman loued praised  and pittied for her vertue
a  foole and  a knaue  by his owne confession
  The  diuell   is the blacke   prince

X5v, a [TLN 2528-2590]
 The broad and the  narrow way
a pleasant wittie knauish  foole
A noble  scare is a good liuerie of honnour
X5v, b [TLN 2591-2654]
   diligence   making  dayes and nights one
Meanes to obteane  recommendation   and accesse to the king
       by  thankfulnesse   for  their paines
    smelling   stron2 of fortunes strong displeasure

X6, a [TLN 2655-2717]
helens merited praise           We contemne3
a gracious  king readie to pardon
The quiet  foot  of time  steales on old men
X6, b [TLN 2718-2782]
the best things we enioy and regrate them when they are lost

X6v, a [TLN 2783-2848]4
helens ring  on  Count  rossilions finger knowne to
  haue beene hers by the  king and stiflie denied by
 the Count
X6v, b [TLN 2849-2913]5
diana claimes  mariage of the Count and he
slanders her perffidiouslie

1 The c has been altered from something else. 2 These are the first four letters, left unerased, of the word strong, which is found later in the line. 3 To be continued at X6, b, 1. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 79]
Y1, a [TLN 2914-2979]
Paroles  testimonie  questioned as of  an
 Infamous   man
  Impediments in loue  ar motiues to Incense loue
     an equiuocall  knaue
Y1, b [TLN 2980-3043]
a woman as  an easie gloue goes aff and on
   a strange  discouerie of  Count rossillions  vnknowne
     knowing his wife enterchanging rings with her and
     begetting her with child

Y1v, a [TLN 3044-3061]
[ NONE ]
Y1v, b [TLN 3062-3078, and Finis]
The bitter past more welcome is the sweet

[Page 80]


Y2, a [TLN 1-48] discomfortable sorow power of loue Y2, b [TLN 49-93] [ NONE ] Y2v, a [TLN 94-154] secrecie prodigalitie / drinking of healths Y2v, b [TLN 155-220] ridiculous Iestes Y3, a [TLN 221-280]1 vntriable dauncing well chosen messinger Y3, b [TLN 281-342]2 Better a wittie foole then a foolish wit Y3v, a [TLN 343-408]3 fooles mourne for them whose soules are in heauen Infirmitie decayes the wise and betters the fooles sicke of selfe loue Y3v, b [TLN 409-474]4 senselesse drunkenesse a young man who will not be refused entrie at a ladies house Y4, a [TLN 475-540]5 bold carier of a loue message

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 81]

Illus. 16. Twelfth Night, sig. Y4
[Page 82]
Y4, b [TLN 541-606]1
vertuous  prince  highlie  commended
Loue forced by Importunitie
  loue steales on the heart Inuisiblie
   The messinger better liked then the message or sender
Y4, c 
[ NONE ]
Y4, d
a ladie surprised  with suddaine loue sends to the partie a
 ring  as it were his refused and  sent back to him with
  allurement   to returne

Y4v, a [TLN 607-663]2
exchange of courtesie
 and  thankfulnesse
Y4v, b [TLN 664-724]3
    force of surprising loue
strange  Intricacie of loue 
Y4v, c4 
[ NONE ]
Y4v, d
earlie rising

Y5, a [TLN 725-790]
[ NONE ]
Y5, b [TLN 791-856]
a  dolt gulled       a time pleaser
 plot to entrape a presumptuous louer
                       skilfull  counterfeiting of handwrit

Y5v, a-b [TLN 857-980]
                 womens  beauties florish short while
Marchants Intents is euerie  thing and  their affaires  euerie where

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 83]
Y5v, a [TLN 857-916]
[ NONE ]
Y5v, b [TLN 917-980]
mens Inconstancie
Y5v, c 
loue wittilie discouered but not conceiued
Y5v, d
[ NONE ]

Y6, a [TLN 981-1042]
 whether men or womens  loue be  more
 mans  loue  as  hungrie as the sea and can
 disgest  as much as the sea
miseries of  concealed loue
mens loue counterfeit
Y6, b [TLN 1043-1108]
Imaginarie state and greatnesse affected
a contemplatiue Idiot
 Trout  caught by tickling1      Imaginations effects

Y6v, a [TLN 1109-1174]
a fellow  Imagining  him self to be beloued
 of his lady contemneth  all his fellow seruants
Y6v, b [TLN 1175-1234]
The wrong side easilie  turned  owt
Bonds  disgrace2   words which are
 growne  false

Z1, a [TLN 1235-1300]
foolerie shines euerie  where   Compliment
  art  of  foolerie    fooles are like husbands
Z1, b [TLN 1301-1366]
Oliuia   plainelie   descouers t< >sario3 that
 she loues him and will not  loue his maister

1 The horizontal stroke of the t is missing — one of the annotator's features in writing. 2 The first three letters look like das. 3 Illegible owing to tear and repair; but the reading is probably to Caelig;sario.
[Page 84]
Z1v, a [TLN 1367-1426]
      <    >1  vowe  neuer to loue woman
      <   >2  report  of valour  makes men beloued of women
stirring  of a Cowardlie knight to writ  a  cartell
  in bitter termes
Z1v, b [TLN 1427-1484]
Thanks to a true friend
  Thanks is an vncurrent pay .

Z2, a [TLN 1485-1543]
time beguiled with feeding our knowledge
Z2, b [TLN 1544-1606]
o Cæs3

Z2v, a [TLN 1607-1672]
Maluolio made a foole by suggested meanes
sir andrewes Cartell  to Cæsario
Z2v, b [TLN 1673-1737]
deuice to draw on brawles tuixt them that will
  not fight

Z3, a [TLN 1738-1803]
Challenge by message peaceablie ansuered
 description of  a rodamont
  both campions equalie  affraied  and
   vnwilling to fight
Z3, b [TLN 1804-1869]
sister viola taken for her brother

Z3v, a [TLN 1870-1930]
Ingratitude detested
 beautie apparrell to vice
Z3v, b [TLN 1931-1990]
Sebastian taken  for his  sister Viola fightes with
 sir andrew and  sir  tobie   And is allured  by

1 Illegible owing to tear and repair. 2 Illegible owing to tear and repair. 3 These letters, written in the same hand as the other annotations, are found at the right end of the blank space but do not seem to be a result of tear or repair — probably the same annotator's abortive or short note on Cæsario.
[Page 85]

  oliuia  as being  Cæsario

Z4, a [TLN 1991-2056]
meanes  to persuade  maluolio   that he
 is mad and  possessed with a diuell
Z4, b [TLN 2057-2117]
[ NONE ]

Z4v, a [TLN 2118-2175]
 a Vertuous   well  gouerning     lady
a hasted mariage
Men more beholden to foes then to flattering friends
Z4v, b [TLN 2176-2240]
subtile greedie foole
 viola rated  by  antonio thinking her to be her
  brother sebastien and most  Ingrate to him
                        notable   kindnesses
                         ill  requit

Z5, a [TLN 2241-2306]
strange mistakings In loue
  and  fighting
Z5, b [TLN 2307-2370]
Mariage of oliuia and supposed Cæsario

Z5v, a [TLN 2371-2436]
discouerie of  mistakings and a conclusion
 of much friendship and many mariages
Z5v, b [TLN 2437-2502]
a Counterfeit  letter  the  subiect  of
 abusing maluolio  as he had beene mad

Z6, a [TLN 2503-2543]
Counterfeit handwrit
Z6, b [TLN 2544-2579, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

Z6v, a-b [A blank page]
[ NONE ]

[Page 86]


Aa1, a [TLN 1-50] nobler enterteanement nor can be repaied princes bred young together enterteane their friendship by all royall duties hopefull young prince vniuersallie beloued Aa1, b [TLN 51-100] Great thanks for royall enterteanement a beloued guest almost hindered perforce by his friends from parting from them Aa1v, a [TLN 101-166]1 most kind Inuitation Innocent youthes harmelesse sports praises are wages Aa1v, b [TLN 167-232]2 king leontes becomes Impatientlie Iealous folie discouered by nature Aa2, a [TLN 233-298] wise men doat vpon their young children Cukcoldrie a common disease vnrestable /3 dangerous ornaments & Incurable Aa2, b [TLN 299-364] hight of Intolerable Iealousie duties of an Intirelie trusted seruant and his excuses for his Ignorant neglects Aa2v, a [TLN 365-430] behauiour of vnlaufull louers

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 To be continued at the last two words in the next line.
[Page 87]

Illus. 17. The Winter's Tale, sig. Aa1
[Page 88]

Iealousie   is a  disease  of the opinion
 princes  seruantes  more curious of their owne profit nor
 of their masters  honour
plot for Impoisoning

Aa2v, b [TLN 431-496]
slanders  must be preuented    shew of  feined  friendship
  None that murther kings escape gods hand
             Iealousie discouered  by  the kings countenance
                      The kings grudge   seene  in his face

Aa3, a [TLN 497-562]
  Learning adornes  gentrie
necessare discouerie  of secret vrged
  purgation attested with Imprecations
    course of suddaine and safe
Aa3, b [TLN 563-622]
power of wrong conceiued Iealousie

Aa3v, a [TLN 623-688]
a lent poison    The king reproaches to the Queene
 her adulterie which she constantlie  denies
Aa3v, b [TLN 689-754]
The noblemen Interceed for the Queene
  and mainteane her honour  and Inno--

Aa4, a [TLN 755-818]
   Idle grounds of the kings Iealousie
he sends to consult the oracle
Aa4, b [TLN 819-878]
accesse  to the Queene In the prison refused  to Ladies
A Ladies  offer to present  the Queenes new borne  doghter
  to the Iealous  king

Aa4v, a [TLN 879-938]
The  young  Mamilions   sicke  for grief of
   the Queene hes mothers dishonour

[Page 89]
Aa4v, b [TLN 939-1004]
A  bold ladie will  not  be for bidden  accesse to the  king
 Nor  forbeare to defend against  him the Queenes honour
    her husband  will not at the k/ command expell  her

Aa5, a [TLN 1005-1070]
Infant    in euerie thing like the king
 husbands can not stay their wiues tongues
The k/ commands  his child to be brunt
Aa5, b [TLN  1071-1136]
all the lords Interceed for the  babes  safetie
The  king  commands it  to be exposed in a desert

Aa5v, a [TLN 1137-1189]
Inditement against   hermione  for adulterie
  and aiding polixenes and Camillo to escape
Aa5v, b [TLN 1190-1255]
The Queenes confident and wise defense

Aa6, a [TLN 1256-1321]
The Q.  compleaning    that she is  wrongfully
  bereft  of all  earthlie   Ioy  contemnes death
   but  defends  her  honour
To1 oracle purges the  Queene   and  condemnes
 the  king as a Iealous tyrant
Aa6, b [TLN 1322-1387]
The  young prince  dies for grief   of the extreame wrong
  & shame done to his mother   The king  resents  the errours
   of his causelesse  Iealousies  and  repents  them  and
       paulina   reproaches them to him most   bitterlie

Aa6v, a [TLN 1388-1447]
paulina   by  her  true  reproaches moues  the  king
 to the sense of the  wrongs done by him and  then
  asking  him  pardon he acknowledgeth her faith
Aa6v, b [TLN 1448-1513]
hermione appeares in  a  vision  to antigonus

1 Probably an error for The.
[Page 90]

 and Instructs him how to vse her doghter and
  to call her perdita
          perdita   found  by  a  sheepheard

Bb1, a [TLN 1514-1577]
a tempest descriued
Bb1, b [TLN 1578-1634]
The power  of  time  ouer  all  things
Camilloes  desire to die  in his owne countrie and polixenes
 his acknowledgement1 of his  faithfull  and profitable seruices
       and  his pourpose  to rewarde them

Bb1v, a [TLN 1635-1692]
polixenes  hopefull sonne florizell In loue with a
 rich shepheards doghter    princes spyes
Bb1v, b [TLN 1693-1758]
Autolicus a theef by generation

Bb2, a [TLN 1759-1817]
autolicas knauish cosenage
Bb2, b [TLN 1818-1883]
power of loue
    entertainement at a shepheards feast

Bb2v, a [TLN 1884-1949]
  art  that mends nature          extraodinar    praise of2
flowers  of middle sommer giuen to men of middle age
 flowers  of  many  sorts
Bb2v, b [TLN 1950-2015]
euerie thing that perdita does and delight in it
mutuall     loue        Ballads

Bb3, a [TLN 2016-2080]
songs of all sorts     pedlers wares
   round talking  by  maides

1 As for a peculiar formation of the medial know, see footnote 1 on p. 50 and footnote 4 on p. 71. 2 To be continued at Bb2v, b, 1.
[Page 91]
Bb3, b [TLN 2081-2146]
[ NONE ]

Bb3v, a [TLN 2147-2212]
expression of perfitest loue
Bb3v, b [TLN 2213-2278]
a  fathers consent  sould necessarlie be  required  by  his
   sonne to his mariage
The king interrupts the princes mariage with the shepheardesse
    with terrible threats  against all the  parties

Bb4, a [TLN 2279-2344]
prince   florizel    resolued   reither to loose
 his  succession to the crowne then to break
  his promised   faith  to perdita
  his entreaties  to Camillo  his
  fathers friend  to cast his good
   counsell on his passions
Bb4, b [TLN 2345-2410]
Camillo his compassionat  care of prince florizell
 his promise to assist him and his aduise how he sall

Bb4v, a [TLN 2411-2476]
 Camillo his counsell to the prince to vndertake a
   hasardous and  hopefull voyage
Nature   surpassing   education
Camillo    his  loue  faith  counsell and liberalitie
 to the prince
Bb4v, b [TLN 2477-2542]
perfection of knauerie and cutpursing
preparation  for the princes secret flight
Bb4v, c
Honestie and trust are fooles
  Tromperie  wares well sold
Bb4v, d
[ NONE ]

[Page 92]
Bb5, a [TLN 2543-2608]
Qualities   of  a cutpurse
 autolicus deceiues the shepheards
  lying onlie  becomes  tradesmen
Bb5, b [TLN 2609-2674]
Qualities  of a disdainfull  and  cosening courtier
description of  most exquisit1 torments

Bb5v, a [TLN 2675-2734]
 Courtiers  Cosenages  their  fies being forepayed
  Autolicus   his  Incredible   knaueries
The  kings true repentance for wrongs  done to
the Queene
Bb5v, b [TLN 2735-2800]
   praise of perfite goodnesse  of the Queene
Necessarie for the state that the king haue children

Bb6, a [TLN 2801-2866]
perdita her Incomparable beautie
Bb6, b [TLN 2867-2932]
florizell   coming  to king  leontes with perdita whom he giues
 owt to be the king of  libias doghter  and their gracious   recep--

Bb6v, a [TLN 2933-2998]
The king leontes visited by king polixenes
Bb6v, b [TLN 2999-3058]
Incredible   discouerie of perdita to be
  leontes doghter

Cc1, a [TLN 3059-3124]
strange  passions  at the meeting of the
 kings  when perdita wes  acknouledged
 most  excellent   painter
Cc1, b [TLN 3125-3187]
a man  a gentleman  borne before his   father
a true gentleman may sweare a lye  for his friend

1 The x has been altered probably from a p.
[Page 93]

    Autolicus pardoned

Cc1v, a [TLN 3188-3253]
  humble thanks for great honour
picture  equalling  life
Cc1v, b [TLN 3254-3319]
Things so Incredible as may make the beholders to
  beleeue they are done by witchcraft

Cc2, a [TLN 3320-3344]
The Queene hermione liues and speakes
Cc2, b [TLN 3345-3369, the Names of the Actors, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

Cc2v, a-b [A blank page]
[ NONE ]

[Page 94]


a1, a [TLN 1-48] The crowne of england clamed against king Iohn as an vsurper a1, b [TLN 49-96] An affecting reither to be reputed a princes bas-- tard nor the heire of his mothers husband a1v, a [TLN 97-162] Who euer is husband must be father to the children that his wife beareth a1v, b [TLN 163-227] noblemen flattered in eurie thing a2, a [TLN 228-290] [ NONE ] a2, b [TLN 291-351] [ NONE ] a2v, a [TLN 352-414] valiant and ferce young english souldiers Crowne vniustlie vsurped a2v, b [TLN 415-480] scolding of women threats Aa3, a [TLN 481-545] persuasions to yeeld a towne Aa3, b [TLN 546-611] [ NONE ] Aa3v, a [TLN 612-675] Brauerie and threats of warre
[Page 95]
Aa3v, b [TLN 676-741]
persuasion to tuo ennemies to Ioyne
  against the  thred
                  praise of a lady

a4, a [TLN 742-807]
excellent  prince  and princesse  fit to make
  an vnion
 extreame brauerie   auerse  from peace
  Bastinado geuen by the
  tongue  and  cudgels eares
a4, b [TLN 808-873]
       mariage  of the faire loving princes  makes peace
 strong and strange  allurement  of  a ladyes eye
damnable  blaming   of  a faire choice
                Meanes  of peace  by satisfieing parties
a4, c 
occasion of aduantage to be cacht
   strange  and excessiue dowre
a4, d 
[ NONE ]

a4v, a [TLN 874-933]
    Commoditie prevailes  in all respects  estates
      aboue all other respects
  exclamation against  a peacemaker as he were a traitour
  Craftie aduantage taken  of euerie man
No sinne but to be rich  No vice but
a4v, b [TLN 934-996]
power  of  feare  and  grief
 youth great  by nature  and fortune
  Countenance expressing confused thoghts
                Innocent    messinger
                 by  telling  truth

[Page 96]

Illus. 18. King John, sig. a4v
[Page 97]
a4v, c 
[ NONE ]
a4v, d 
deformed vicious man
beautifull and vertuous man
grief bringing furth  threats and
 vnbridled passions

a5, a [TLN 997-1058]1
happie  day   and  cursed  day
  reproach to periured   cowardlie  princes Imprications /
   reuylings    Cowardise
 some euer  strong  vpon the stronger syde
a5, b [TLN 1059-1124]2
The popes grosse abuses and the folie  of  kings affrayed
  of  his curses obiected  with boast to his Legat
 The king  of england  excommunicated  by the Legat
             The kings  supremacie
               an Vniust  king        makes  the Law
               to be the warrant  of   wrong3
                                       k/ Iohns threats
                                       against the pope
a5, c
[ NONE ]4
a5, d5
the k/ of england excommunicat by the pope and his
  kingdome proscriued6

a5v, a [TLN 1125-1190] 7
[ NONE ] 

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by damping and blotting. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by damping and blotting. 3 The reading of the first four words in this line, seriously blotted, is doubtful. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 The o has been blotted, and the reading of the word may be prescriued. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 98]

Illus. 2a. King John, sig. a6v (see Illus. 2 on p. 4)
[Page 99]
a5v, b [TLN 1191-1256]1 
[ NONE ] 
a5v, c2
Vnwillingnes   to breake faith  giuen to keepe peace which /
 quenched deadlie warres
 Terrour   of   excommunication
a5v, d 
 dispute  which of tuo contraire oathes
   ought to  be kept
popes  dispensation    with oathes

a6, a [TLN 1257-1315]
perplexed Ladie for warre  amongst her clocest3 friends
Commission to ransacke   the wealth of churches
     equall    danger    of   Warring    princes 
   encourdgement4 to fight
a6, b [TLN 1316-1380]
   promises of Infinit  rewards   to persuade a man
    to murther an  Innocent  young  prince
proposition  for shame  not to be made  but in the ing<s>5
        shamefull p r o p o s i tion   not to be vttered6
           nor ansuered  but  with  wicked  effects
           Consent  to  abomable7   murther

a6v, a [TLN 1381-1441]
    extreame grief and shame  for losse in warre
 desperat and vehement desire of death as the onely
  remeed of endlesse miseries  of a passionat woman

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This reading is doubtful owing to blotting. 4 An error for encouradgement. 5 The last three words are presumably an error for in things. The annotator seems to have forgotten to erase the final e of the article the in order for the and ings to be merged in one word things. 6 The final ed is blotted. 7 A minim error for abominable.
[Page 100]

  armado   defeat   and  scattered
victorie    at full

a6v, b [TLN 1442-1507]
If  men1 see and know their  friends in heauen
  way giuen  to grief in extreame miserie
 deceits   of fortune
                       loue in miserie and to
                       the miserable
a6v, c
Iust reproaches and threats against an Impious
 sowlelesse cardinall legat
a6v, d
  loue  of parents to oppressed children
  Tedeous  life  in  miserie
 false shewes of  deceiuable    fortune
  Losse in shamefull   Winning

b1, a [TLN 1508-1568]
 Tirants   seeking their suretie  by crueltie giue
   aduantage  to their ennemie and  winne them
    many friends
  Men multiplie   in reuolt as  snow  falling from
   a  hill    false   propheticall   prediction
scepter ill  catch  strenghtned
   by  murther
b1, b [TLN 1569-1630]
<Ge...         >2     powerfullie  with  a mercilesse
    kind3 and seruiceable offices  done by a prince to an
     Ingrate   cruell man

1 Barely legible owing to blotting. 2 Illegible owing to tear and repair. The line has been split into two parts and the first part completely cropped off excepting the opening four or five letters whose upper parts also have been seriously cropped and are illegible. 3 Tear and repair has split this word into two parts, the upper half and the lower half, which now run in parallel. The final d has been altered.
[Page 101]

               Mercilesse   directions
                Miseries   of   an      oppressed prince
               wishing  to be  a  sheepheard
Birth  applyed  to be a crime
sense of Iustice    and pitie  in a    tormentour
Clawnes  happier  then princes /  Crueltie   and  treacherie

b1, c
aduantage taken by the Iniquitie  of the
  aduersare  which  will  bring reuolt  of
  subiects  against   an vniust  tirant
true subiects leaue  an1 tirannous vsurper
b1, d
[ NONE ]

b1v, a [TLN 1631-1696]
    man the most  cruell  of <          >2
Iron age  fit for all  crueltie <       safetie>3 by Innocence /
  Constancie   in  torment       Compassion
  No sense  nor  pitie  in  tirants
  mercilesse executioner   of a tirants
  command /
  elements  more        mercifull then man
b1v, b [TLN 1697-1756]
 against  a redoubled  coronation    5 
  folie to striue to do better then well
  man more mercilesse then metals
 a man  reclamed   from  mischeef
             king  Iohn twice crowned6

1 Probably an error for a. 2 Illegible owing to tear and repair. 3 Barely legible owing to tear and repair. 4 A long rule, which probably accompanies the first line of the annotations. 5 A long rule, which probably accompanies the second line of the annotations. 6 This and the following three lines are written in the text-space at TLN 1715-1717.
[Page 102]
             Things absolutlie perfite can not be more
            overdoing is vndoing

b1v, c
[ NONE ]
b1v, d
wise counsellours yeelding to the will of an
   Imperious   king

b2, a [TLN 1757-1822]
discontent  for wrongous detention of arthour
 perplexities of  men guiltie  of  mischief
  reproches of  cruell   wickednes
  no  sure fundation  is set
   on  blood
Redoubled    coronation
b2, b [TLN 1823-1888]
      surprise   by want   of  Intelligence
  report how to be beleeued     conscience of guiltinesse
people amased   and  discontented
prophet  of  ill  newes
b2, c
vertuous education  sould be giuen to  a young prince
  The king and huberts confounded countenance
     after the   murthour of  prince  arthour
    a murthered  prince   enioyes  but thrie
       foot  of ground
b2, d 
[ NONE ]

b2v, a [TLN 1889-1954]
  muttering    of people Inclining to rebell agains
   a tirant
executioners  of wickednesse disavowed by tirants that
 emploied them
b2v, b [TLN 1955-2014]
The k/  excuses the outragious threats
giuen  to  hubert

[Page 103]
b3, a [TLN 2015-2080]
execration of a detestable murther
vowes of  Iust  reuenge
                        Impatience hath its1
b3, b [TLN 2081-2146]
 a gentle  man may defend his life againis an emperor2
  high  brawles  retorted   hugelie    with the lye
priveledge to hurt the  maister
                abomination  of Innocent murther
                  feyned teares
             True  purgation  of  an  innocent man

b3v, a [TLN 2147-2206]
  estate  miserablie  confused  by ennemies and  mal 
king  Iohn holdes the crowne  of the pope
 Need of      prophecie how performed
b3v, b [TLN 2207-2265]
couragious king giues courage to the  subiects
 Base parlie  dishonorable  for a  king
       The  king  encouradged   by the bastard
b3v, c
[ NONE ]
b3v, d
  Confederacie   of the english nobilitie  with
    the french dolphin againis  king Iohn
 Miserie  of  the state  of  england  thereby
a  wound  ill mended  by making  many  more

b4, a [TLN 2266-2331]
True  sense  of the countries danger by dissention /
  and warre    foraine  and intestine
experience of variable  fortune   confirmes  mens
  Quarrell  authorised by the
   popes approbation

1 To be continued at b3, b, 3. 2 The upper part of the whole line has been cropped and the reading is doubtful.
[Page 104]
b4, b [TLN 2332-2397]
  The Legat vrgeth vainlie to1 haue princes to  m a k e2
  warre   or  peace  at his  pleasure
 The  dolphin  contemnes the  popes  pride & checks it
                Incomparable     brauerie
                 vnspeakable   feare

b4v, a [TLN 2398-2457]
  reproach  to  rebels / Thrasonick threats
Terrour of conscience
b4v, b [TLN 2458-2519]
discouerie    of  the dolphins treacherous
  Intention  to  murther the english rebels
   his associats againis his oath taken on the
                  a dieing  man  will  not
   paction periured

b5, a [TLN 2520-2574]
[ NONE ]
b5, b [TLN 2575-2635]
king Iohn poysoned  by a Monke
power  of sickenesse drawing touards death

b5v, a [TLN 2636-2682]
 violent torments hastening death by poyson
vanitie of worldlie  honor and  power ouercome by death
b5v, b [TLN 2683-2729, and Finis]
Braue encouragement to defend the countrie
subiects faith and kings  thankfulnesse
England  Invincible   if   it be vnited 

1 This word has been blotted and the reading is doubtful. 2 The k has been blotted.
[Page 105]


b6, a [TLN 1-46] Challenge of treason offered to be mainteaned by combat b6, b [TLN 47-93] proude ansuer to the challange and the combat accepted Respect to royall blood1 proponed and the priuiledge renonced by the prince b6, c [ NONE ] b6, d [ NONE ] b6, e [ NONE ] b6, f [at TLN 50] Traitour2 b6v, a [TLN 94-159] Treasons proponed by the appellant against the defender pardon asked of the king to ansuer to one of his blood The defendants Iustifications and counter challenge ------------------------------ Motion of reconciliation b6v, b [TLN 160-220] The king may command his subiects life but not his shame honor is a noblemans deerest Iewell Triall by combat appointed

1 The opening b has been altered from a p. 2 This, in an Italian hand, appears to have been not so much blotted as deleted. It is not certain whether the hand is the same as that of the other annotations.
[Page 106]
c1, a [TLN 221-286]
Dutie of  blood  binding men to reuenge the
  death of their   kinsmen
Reuenge of  Iniuries done  by  princes is not
  to be taken by subiects but to be remitted to
    grief is talkatif
    desolat  house
c1, b [TLN 287-346]
order of publick   combat in lists
demands to the th campions their ansuers and

c1v, a [TLN 347-412]
Confidence of the appellant / ansuered by the
  defendant    Their  oathes
Launces giuen them by the Marshall
c1v, b [TLN 413-478]
Combat  stayed by the king and herford
 banished during ten yeeres and Norfolk
   for euer
c1v, c
[ NONE ]
c1v, d 
Miseries  of  an  old man  banished  to
 countries  where he can not speake
 Oath exacted of  the Campions

c2, a [TLN 479-544]
 a king  may   shorten   a subiects    life  but
    not adde  a   moment  to   it
  Grief   of  a  father   prononceing   a  rigorous
   sentence    against    his  sonne
  Things sweet to the taste are  of sowre disgestion
c2, b [TLN 545-605]
Grief  makes one houre ten
apprehension  of  the good giues  greater feeling
 to the worse
Great  mens  popularitie   suspected by kings

[Page 107]
c2v, a [TLN 606-664]
extorsion of  moneyes for the  charges  of the warre
  blank  charters
prince  reiecting good counsell
 The words of dieing  men of   weght to persuade
Imitation  of  foreine  vanitie1 and prodigalitie 
c2v, b [TLN 665-729]
small showres last long but suddaine stormes
  are short
extreame high praise england2
The kingdome  let to farme
he tyres  be times that spurs too fast
                         Watching con--
                         sumes men

c3, a [TLN 730-793]3
The kings Vices reproched to him being miscaried
  by flatterers      he  frets at good counsell
c3, b [TLN 794-859]4
reproach to the king for disinheriting the laufull

c3v, a [TLN 860-925]5
The kings Iniustices  extorsions and  misgournement
  Confident discouerie of thoughts  amongs true friends
  The kingdome farmed
c3v, b [TLN 926-985]6
apprehension and grief for vnknowne
  cause of feare
dissuasion from  causelesse  sorow

1 This may be vaintie (an unrecorded form in the OED ) — the formation of the first i (with the dot over the first minim) is particularly noticeable. 2 Probably an error for of england. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 108]

c4, a [TLN 986-1051]1
effects of presaged miserie
c4, b [TLN 1052-1111]2
confused    perplexities   in a rebellious scale
The commons hate them that empty their purses

c4v, a [TLN 1112-1177]3
 effects of hope
offer  of  seruice accepted with bountifull  promises
 Thanks    is the exchecker  of the poore
c4v, b [TLN 1178-1243]4
Treason obiected
The kings oppressions & wrongs reproached

c5, a [TLN 1244-1301]
right  sould not be  found owt with wrongs
 caterpillers  of the common wealth to be pluckt away
 Things past redresse  are past care
 presages of desolation   and  miseries  by warre
c5, b [TLN 1302-1357]
Heynous crimes obiected to the corrupters of the king
  Miseries of banishment

c5v, a [TLN 1358-1415]
 Congratulation  to his  countrie  at his returne
 Imprecations of many  mischiefs agains  the kings rebels
  Wickednesse seekes to be acted in  darkenesse
An   anointed   king  can not be  degraded
c5v, b [TLN 1416-1481]
The kings name more powerfull   then fourtie
   thousand men
Crowne   brings care
Concurrence of all estates  aiges and  sexes
   in rebellion against the king

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 109]
c6, a [TLN 1482-1547]1
Ingratitude    of  fauorites      desire  of death
many  meanes  wherby kings haue beene  ouerthrowne
   and murthered
presumption  of earthlie  king  mockt  and punished 
  small difference betuix  the king  and  base  people 
   except in shew2
c6, b [TLN 1548-1607]3
afflicting  newes bluntly deliuered
desperat woe
c6, c
feare breeds faint dispaire
c6, d
[ NONE ]

c6v, a [TLN 1608-1673]4
   Care of countriemens saftie 
   Impossible reconciliation
God onely  may depriue  a king
Gods  armies   in defense of   kings
c6v, b [TLN 1674-1739]5
Miseries of warre
Confused  thoughts of an ouercome king
c6v, c
[ NONE ]
c6v, d6
[ NONE ]

d1, a [TLN 1740-1805]
desire of death       fained courtesie
we  must yeeld to necessitie
d1, b [TLN 1806-1864]
No confort to be found for the Queene

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This may be show. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 110]

The tries  flowres weedes and  estate of  a garden compa
  red to the estate and gouernement  of a kingdome

d1v, a [TLN 1865-1924]
  Dutie of kings to reward1 vertue and punish vice
A vicious king downeweyed   by an vsurping  subiect
d1v, b [TLN 1925-1990]
accusation2 of treason refuted  and
 double challange to combat arrising therof

d2, a [TLN 1991-2056]
subiects can not Iudge  their king
 proude reproaches to the vsurper
predictions  of  miseries for deposing the king
d2, b [TLN 2057-2121]
The deposed kings neglect and expressed grief
  Resignation  of the crowne

d2v, a [TLN 2122-2187]
strange considerations in the resignation of a crowne
Treacherous subiects
d2v, b [TLN 2188-2253]
flatterers  like a false glasse
 prediction of generall woes

d3, a [TLN 2254-2313]
The  mind  ouerrules the bodie
  Compassion  of  a deposed  king
d3, b [TLN 2314-2373]
Chaingeable affection  and mutuall distrusts of false friends
  Heavie  farewell  at the parting of the king and queene

d3v, a [TLN 2374-2439]
apprecations to the vsurper and his popular thanks
Contempt  of  richard and his moving pacience theirin
d3v, b [TLN 2440-2501]
York discouers  a  conspiracie  agains the

1 The w looks like a v. 2 The u has been altered from an i and a long s.
[Page 111]

  king and accuses his owne sonne of it
  The kings Insolent debauched sonne 

d4, a [TLN 2502-2567]
Hope of recouerie  of  a vicious  prince
 rigourous  accusation of the sonne by the father
for treason agains
 the king
d4, b [TLN 2568-2633]
Vehement Instance  for  pardon
pardon the sweetest word a king can speake

d4v, a [TLN 2634-2694]
different and  deceiuing thoughts of men in
 this Inconstant and deceiuable world
d4v, b [TLN 2695-2760]
No contentment constant in this world
 our life is like  a clocke
  pride must haue a fall

d5, a [TLN 2761-2802]
king richard killed
d5, b [TLN 2803-2849, and Finis]
The  murtherer   of king richard abhorred by king henry
  who commanded  him

[Page 112]


d5v, a [TLN 1-46] Confidence of constant peace after ciuill Warres d5v, b [TLN 47-92] Battell of Holmedon where the scots were vanquished & their nobilitie prisoners ------------------------------ persies1 praise d6, a [TLN 93-152] dissolution of the prince robbing in the night and spending it In the day in drinking harlotrie debauch and riot with damned villaines d6, b [TLN 153-218] proiect for purse taking d6v, a [TLN 219-284] pernicious allurements to debauch the prince and make him a robber d6v, b [TLN 285-344] The princes resolution to giue a time to debauch and then convert to vertue The king forced to break his patience e1, a [TLN 345-410] description of a cowardlie effeminat courtier disdaining valiant men kild in battell for their prince Intolerable pride enrageing the king ------------------------------ faithfull captaine reuiled by the king e1, b [TLN 411-476] a traitor will not receiue mortall wounds in his

1 Several letters have been blotted.
[Page 113]

Illus. 19. The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, sig. d5v
[Page 114]
  kings seruice
 percies  extreame  Impatience  for the wrong done to
  his friend mortimer by the king

e1v, a [TLN 477-542]
 percies  vehement desire to haue Ingrate king
  henry dethroned
expression  of  desperat   anger
e1v, b [TLN 543-608]
preparation to  make a partie for rebellion
 The plot of the  conspiracie

e2, a [TLN 609-669]
Great   seruices  not able  to be
 recompenced   repayed  by vndoing
  of the best deseruers by princes
e2, b [TLN 670-733]
plot  of the chamberlaine to1 direct robbers to spoile
 the guests

e2v, a [TLN 734-792]
rascallie   conference betueene the prince and
  his rogue associats
e2v, b [TLN 793-851]
[ NONE ]

e3, a [TLN 852-915]
Vehement  thoughts of warre  draw  furth
  expressions therof from a man in his sleep
e3, b [TLN 916-979]
Secrets not to be trusted  to women
 roguish discourses  of  the prince

e3v, a [TLN 980-1044]
[ NONE ]
e3v, b [TLN 1045-1108]
[ NONE ]

1 This has been altered from a word that begins with a t.
[Page 115]
e4, a [TLN 1109-1174]
[ NONE ]
e4, b [TLN 1175-1240]
[ NONE ]

e4v, a [TLN 1241-1304]
Roguish conference of the prince and his
  lewd  companions
e4v, b [TLN 1305-1370]
[ NONE ]

e5, a [TLN 1371-1436]
[ NONE ]
e5, b [TLN 1437-1497]
[ NONE ]

e5v, a [TLN 1498-1556]
Impudent vaunting scoffinglie chekt
e5v, b [TLN 1557-1622]
The kingdome shared in the Imagination
  of the conspirators for them 

e6, a [TLN 1623-1688]
scornefull  tales of  deuils and spirits
Tediousnesse of Incredible talk
e6, b [TLN 1689-1746]
haughtie frowning and disdainefull speech looses mens

e6v, a [TLN 1747-1806]
[ NONE ]
e6v, b [TLN 1807-1866]
[ NONE ]
e6v, a-b
The princes vices  obiected to him by his father
  The princes excuses / detracting  flatterers and liers
                       possesse kings eares
e6v, c
[ NONE ]

[Page 116]
e6v, d
Meanes vsed  by harie   to gaine  reputation  loue
  and respect   of   the people.
princes  sould    be graue   retired and courteous
  when they come   in publick

f1, a [TLN 1867-1932]
 riotous1   life and  vicious  cumpanie  cause  of
  the contempt and ouerthrow of king richard 
The king  Iealous  of percies reputation  and worth
f1, b [TLN 1933-1996]
The  prince  promises  reformation  of his  life and
vowes either to giue  proofes of his noble courage or die

f1v, a [TLN 1997-2055]
roguish speaches of the prince and his wild fellowes
f1v, b [TLN 2056-2119]
[ NONE ]

f2, a [TLN 2120-2185]
[ NONE ]
f2, b [TLN 2186-2243]
douglas highlie praised by hotspur

f2v, a [TLN 2244-2309]
sad newes affright not hotspur
f2v, b [TLN 2310-2373]
[ NONE ]

f3, a [TLN 2374-2432]
presse of a rabble of arrant rogues for
 the kings seruice
f3, b [TLN 2433-2492]
persuasion to Inuade the ennemie in the night

f3v, a [TLN 2493-2556]
The  craftie meanes vsed by the  king to vsurpe the
  crowne and his Ingratitude  to his  friends
f3v, b [TLN 2557-2615]
[ NONE ]

1 The horizontal stroke of the t is missing.
[Page 117]
f4, a [TLN 2616-2673]
The kings fraude vsurpation and Ingratitude
  told to his face
f4, b [TLN 2674-2739]
  painted colours to grace rebellion
The prince praises  percies valour exceedinglie and appea--
    les him to a single combat

f4v, a [TLN 2740-2799]
 The king offereth   peace and pardon to the rebels
 reasons who1 opinion  and respect of honour is abuse
No hope of  constant   and safe pardon to  reconciled
f4v, b [TLN 2800-2863]
Worcester misreports falselie the kings  ansuer
 he  makes  true report of the princes courteous
   challenge of percie

f5, a [TLN 2864-2929]
douglas   killeth  tuo who were apparrelled
 as the  king and vttereth  rodomontades
f5, b [TLN 2930-2988]
[ NONE ]

f5v, a [TLN 2989-3054]
douglas   his  Incomparable valour  and
 attempt to haue killed  the king if the
 prince had  not saued his father
f5v, b [TLN 3055-3120]
The prince  giues excessiue praise to 
  percie whom he killed 

f6, a [TLN 3121-3147]
[ NONE ]
f6, b [TLN 3148-3180, and Finis]
douglas  his valour  highlie honored by the prince
  who giues him life and libertie

1 This is probably an error for why.
[Page 118]


f6v, a [TLN 1-44] false rumours and effects therof f6v, b [TLN 45-87] false report of the king and princes ouerthrow g1, a [TLN 88-151] sad newes of percies death to his father speechlesse messinger of ill tidings g1, b [TLN 152-217] percies death makes all his hoast flie most fearefullie Northumberlands dispaire for percies death g1v, a [TLN 218-281] wise men sould foresie the worst and prouide for it Churchmen by reputation of holinesse draw mens soules and bodies to assist ther quarrels g1v, b [TLN 282-347] scoffing Iesting falstaffes brawles to the Iudge g2, a [TLN 348-413]1 fastalffes2 rudiculous ansuers < >he3 Iustice g2, b [TLN 414-479]4 Tokens of old age No separation of old age and couetousnesse Nor of young limmes and leachery

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This of course is the annotator's way of reading the Folio's Falstaffes. 3 Illegible owing to repair, but the reading may be to the. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 119]
g2v, a [TLN 480-543]1
 Consumption  of the  purse  Incurable
Diseases turned  to commoditie
Aides must be exspected in warre  and hopes are
  not sure grounds  of  building
g2v, b [TLN 544-609]2
True accompts t< >3    be  laied for a sure building
  Distracted  power       is weake and vnsafe
    Inconstant  and       variable multitude loues and
     hates withowt      and  against reason

g3, a [TLN 610-672]
past and  to come seemes best  things present worst
 men are times  subiects 
Impudent  Impudicke   hostesse and   falstaffes
g3, b [TLN 673-738]
[ NONE ]

g3v, a [TLN 739-798]
[ NONE ]
g3v, b [TLN 799-863]
foolish  conferences renewed by the prince
 with his wounted rascals

g4, a [TLN 864-929]
Vanitie  of  great men that speake alwayes
  of their kinred with the king
g4, b [TLN 930-988]
excessiue praises of percies vertues admired
 and honored by all men

g4v, a [TLN 989-1048]4
[ NONE ]
g4v, b [TLN 1049-1109]
pockes how purchaced

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 Illegible owing to repair, but the reading may be to. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 120]
g5, a [TLN 1110-1173]
g5, b [TLN 1174-1239]
[ NONE ]

g5v, a [TLN 1240-1301]
 The prince  disguised heares his disgraces
Men  fauoured of princes for conformitie
 of vices with theirs
g5v, b [TLN 1302-1367]
fastalffes1  comment  vpon his revyling
 speaches  of the prince

g6, a [TLN 1368-1424]
[ NONE ]
g6, b [TLN 1425-1488]
meane  men haue sweeter sleepe in dangers of death nor
 p  kings in their royaltie
Incredible  changes of time and of mens minds  by time

g6v, a [TLN 1489-1548]
  grounds of  prediction
Rumour redoubles reports like an echo
g6v, b [TLN 1549-1612]
[ NONE ]

gg1, a [TLN 1613-1676]
men prickd to serue falstaffe in the
gg1, b [TLN 1677-1742]
[ NONE ]

gg1v, a [TLN 1743-1808]
Hoise of leane men for the warres
gg1v, b [TLN 1809-1867]
base Ignorant lieing fooles made Iustices

gg2, a [TLN 1868-1929]
 a prelat    reproached  for stirring  warre

1 This is the annotator's way of reading the Folio's Falstaffes.
[Page 121]

  contrarie  to his profession and dutie
sicknesse  by surfet  of peace and ease must 
be cured  by blood

gg2, b [TLN 1930-1995]1
grieuances done to all estates force them
 take armes against the king for redresse

gg2v, a [TLN 1996-2061]
 peace offered  and  pardon  to the rebels
   Condicions craved by them
 rebels affraied that their pardons sall not be
truelie  obserued
gg2v, b [TLN 2062-2126]
The king wearied  and  worne  with  h a r m e s
  of ciuill warre will   affect  peace  constantlie
 Indecencie to a bishop ho reuerenced for holinesse
  to raise warre against  the king

gg3, a [TLN 2127-2192]
Peace  couenanted in presence of
 both armies
gg3, b [TLN 2193-2258]
The Lords after reconciliation treacherouslie
  made prisoners and their dismissed armie

gg3v, a [TLN 2259-2322]
[ NONE ]
gg3v, b [TLN 2323-2382]
 Praise  of sirres  sack  by fastalle2 and
  mightie operations thereof
Preparation for the holie warre

gg4, a [TLN 2383-2448]
The king  descriues the princes qualities
 and commands his sonne clarence to obserue

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This is the annotator's way of reading the Folio's Falstaffe.
[Page 122]
gg4, b [TLN 2449-2514]
fortune doeth euer mixe prosperities with

gg4v, a [TLN 2515-2576]
The king  taken with an apoplexie
The crowne is a golden care    Kings Cares
The princes  filiall  dutie   The prince taketh1
gg4v, b [TLN 2577-2642]
fathers  cares for  vnnaturall    children
The prince hardlie reprooued by the king
away the crowne before his father die
                         True  sorrow

gg5, a [TLN 2643-2708]
The  kings  presage  of miserie  to england by
  The princes   manifold   vices
The princes  humble excuse for taking the crowne
 The crowne gold the
 worst   of  all  gold
gg5, b [TLN 2709-2772]
The  kings wise  fatherlie counsell to the prince
 kings sould bussie giddie minded subiects with foreine

gg5v, a [TLN 2773-2831]
 prophecie that the king sould die In Ierusalem
  performed deceitfullie
absurdities of an Ignorant Witlesse Iustice
gg5v, b [TLN 2832-2891]
Corruption  of Iudges by their seruants
 solicitours  for  malefactours
Infection  by conuersing with wicked men
                        affected  Iestes

1 To be continued at gg4v, b, 3.
[Page 123]

Illus. 20. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, sig. gg4v
[Page 124]
gg6, a [TLN 2892-2954]
apprehension   of  the  miseries  of a disordered
  state In respect of the young kings Insolences
The  king  promiseth  reformation
gg6, b [TLN 2955-3020]
The chief Iustice  who  had commanded the king  being1
prince  to prison  now  doubting  his wrathfull  reuenge  is
by him commended confirmed in his office  and  the  king
giueth  vertuous  promises of his conuersion to all  vertue

gg6v, a [TLN 3021-3079]
foolish talke at the Iustices supper
gg6v, b [TLN 3080-3144]
fastalles2  hope to command  all In england
 since the prince  is  now  king

gg7, a [TLN 3145-3204]
[ NONE ]
gg7, b [TLN 3205-3260]
The king checks and reiects the authours and assistants
  of his former debauches

gg7v, a [TLN 3261-3291]
The  king  banishes  ten mile from the court
 the wounted associats of his ryot
gg7v, b [TLN 3292-3322, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

gg8, a-b [Epilogue: TLN 3324-3350]
[ NONE ]

gg8v, a-b [The Actors' Names: TLN 1-32]
[ NONE ]

1 Probably an error for bring. 2 This is the annotator's way of reading the Folio's Falstaffes.
[Page 125]


h1, a [TLN 1-18 and 37-60]1 bill in parliment to reforme the clergies temporall Lands to the king The Incredible value therof h1, b [TLN 19-36 and 61-85]2 The kings suddaine and happie conuersion from vice to vertue ------------------------------ The kings excellent wisdome and knowledge of all vertues politick and martiall h1, a-b3 ------------------------------ The auditours Imagination must supplie the strangenesse of ⌊ Incredible representations of the stage h1, c-d4 [ NONE ] h1v, a [TLN 86-151]5 [ NONE ] h1v, b [TLN 152-216]6 [ NONE ] h1v, c7 The king sensible of the curse god sends

1 Annotations in this part of the margin have been seriously affected by blotting. 2 Annotations in this part of the margin have been seriously affected by blotting. 3 This note is found in a broad space occupied by `Enter Prologue' (TLN 1). 4 The lower margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 Several letters in this note have been seriously affected by blotting.
[Page 126]

Illus. 21. King Henry the Fifth, sig. h1
[Page 127]
 vpon prince1 who make  vniust  warre

h1v, d2
discourse of the law salike of france
 and the king  of englands  title to

h2, a [TLN 217-282]
 persuasions  to  Incite  the  king to
 make  warre   for his title  to france 
when the  english warre  in france  the
 scots Inuade england
h2, b [TLN 283-348]
Gouernement  put in higher and lower parts compared
 to harmonious musick
The art and exercises of Bees represent the estates and
  order of a well  gouerned  kingdome

h2v, a [TLN 349-414]
 Things  hauing reference    to  one  consent  worke
    contrariouslie   to  one end
The  dolfin  sends to  king henry  a  tunne  of  tennis
   bals for his title   to france
The king vseth  the embassadors   mildelie 
 The kings  proude    ansuer to  their message
h2v, b [TLN 415-479]
        king  haries  boisterous   threats
        excuses  of his  lewdlie  led youth
       preparations    for the  french Warre
english3  traitours corrupted   by the french king to
                            kill  king  harie

h3, a [TLN 480-544]
[ NONE ]
h3, b [TLN 545-610]
foolish brawles of dastardlie rogues and whoores

1 Probably an error for princes.
2 Annotations in this part of the margin have been seriously affected by blotting.
3 The last four letters lish  have been blotted.

[Page 128]
h3v, a [TLN 611-676]
 fidelitie   and  heartie readinesse of1 the subiects /
  to serue the king in his warres
faithfull    professions of disloyall traitors
Impunitie    fostereth wickednesse
h3v, b [TLN 677-742]
    Traitors fainting at the sight of their treasonable
Treacherous Ingratitude    vehementlie  enforced
  vpon the lord scroope
h3v, c 
Traitours trapt and condemned by their
 owne sentence
h3v, d
Scroopes  eminent  vertues  polluted and
 ouerthrowne by his abominable  treason

h4, a [TLN 743-808]
Innumerable  calamities which would
 haue ensued If the treason had succeeded
h4, b [TLN 809-874]
fooleries of rogues and whoores

h4v, a [TLN 875-940]
 The french prepare for defense  and vse
   the  ordinarie   meanes  
king  henries  conuersion to vertue praised
h4v, b [TLN 941-1006]
fearefull   remembrance  of the blacke prince
Clame to  france by the english ambassadours
 Threats of all calamities  arrising  of warre

h5, a [TLN 1007-1066]
english rodomontades against the dolphin
Imagination   must conceiue the  suddane
 changes and actions of the stage
h5, b [TLN 1067-1130]
encouragement  to the cruell actions  of mercilesse

1 The second letter is barely legible owing to tear and repair.
[Page 129]

persuasions seuerall to gentlemen and yeamen
 dastardlie  feintnesse of licentious villaines
h5, c 
No english courage will stay at home
from following harrie to Inuade  france
h5, d
[ NONE ]

h5v, a [TLN 1131-1196]
Description of feint harted cowards
Mines  and  contermines
h5v, b [TLN 1197-1261]
rude conference of Irish scots and
 welsh captaines

h6, a [TLN 1262-1326]1
expressed miserie of sacked townes by 
  lawlesse souldiers
h6, b [TLN 1327-1391]2
[ NONE ]
h6, c-d3
[ NONE ]

h6v, a [TLN 1392-1456]4
 The  french   think  the english   blood  cold
Imaginarie   contempt  of the distressed english
 makes the french to demaund   their  ran=
 some before victorie
h6v, b [TLN 1457-1522]5
power    a souldier must no6 be hang for

1 This note has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 Annotations in this part have been seriously affected by blotting. 5 Annotations here have been seriously affected by blotting and showthrough. 6 An error for not.
[Page 130]
h6v, c-d1 
Cowardlie rascals and feintharted  brawle  In
 words and rodomonts
 heartlesse villaines  couer their cowardize
 with words and  shewes

i1, a [TLN 1523-1586]
subdued people must be gentlie allured
 Brawling message  of france to k/ henry
 and valuation  of reparations  to be made
i1, b [TLN 1587-1650]
king henries ansuer to the french herauld
praise of a  most  warlike horse

i1v, a [TLN 1651-1716]
   fond praises  of a horse
 Ridicoulous2 and nipping  discourses of great
disdainfull     estimation of vntried  valour
i1v, b [TLN 1717-1780]
scoffing vnseemelie to  great  warriours
 Contempt of the english by the french 

i2, a [TLN 1781-1840]
preparation   for a  horride  battell
 Carefull    foresight  of the english
watchfulnesse  and  encouragements by k/ henry
souldiours   heartened
 by the kings courage
i2, b [TLN 1841-1904]3
morall  made  of the diuell him self
Confidence by couragious  exemple 
i2, c-d4
[ NONE ]

1 Annotations here have been seriously affected by blotting. 2 The opening R has been altered from something blotted. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 131]
i2v, a [TLN 1905-1967]
  Ceremonies  layed aside the king is but
    a  man
The king sould not be discouraged lest he sould
  discourage the armie
i2v, b [TLN 1968-2033]
subiects sould not dowbt  of the equitie of the
 kings quarrell
The charge and sinne of  wrongs done in warre
                    chargeth the kings
i2v, c-d 
 The king is not the cause of the death of souldiers in battell but
                                                           ⌊ the
 Iniquitties1 of their former life   punished by god in battell
Armies composed for most part   of  wickedest  malefactours
                                                       ⌊ Who2
 escaping punishment  of  law  find  it In  the feild  by the
                                                     ⌊ ennemie
Christian  preparation   for death

i3, a [TLN 2034-2099]
 combat  vndertane   betueene the king and
   a souldier
kings  beare  the  burdings and  cares of all
  their subiects
deceitfull    ceremonie  is
  all that  kings haue aboue
i3, b [TLN 2100-2164]
  kings many wayes more vexed and wretched  then slaues
The kings prayer to god before the battell  for expiation
 of his fathers murthering  k/ richard and  vsurping the

1 The double tt is a result of some alteration. 2 The opening W has been altered.
[Page 132]

Illus. 22. King Henry the Fifth, sig. i2v
[Page 133]
i3v, a [TLN 2165-2230]
disdanefull   contempt of the english by the french
  as their assured and vnresistable  prey
i3v, b [TLN 2231-2295]
  king henry confesseth his ambition of  honour
The king  confident  of  victorie  and  lasting
  glorie  by it  and hope  of eternall  fame

i4, a [TLN 2296-2360]
The kings braue ansuer to the
 constables  rodomontades
i4, b [TLN 2361-2425]
[ NONE ]

i4v, a [TLN 2426-2487]
 Guard of the baggage neglected
Noble death of york  and  suffolke
i4v, b [TLN 2488-2547]
Command to kill all  prisoners to resist a new charge
 Comparison of alexander the great  and  king henry

i5, a [TLN 2548-2611]
license beg'd to burie the slaine
i5, b [TLN 2612-2677]
why the welsh weare   likes
 a  souldier  sould keepe his vowe

i5v, a [TLN 2678-2742]
[ NONE ]
i5v, b [TLN 2743-2808]
Courage honored  by a badge from the king
 Nomber of the french  dead in the battell

i6, a [TLN 2809-2869]
 The praise of victorie  onelie  due to god
The Imaginarie conception by thoght  of the
  victorie / returne to england / and the kings 
   Ioyfull entrie to london
i6, b [TLN 2870-2933]
Welsh quarrell for eating of a leeke

[Page 134]
i6v, a [TLN 2934-2998]
an1 cowardlie bragging souldiour turnes bawde2
  and  cutpurse
friendlie   salutations   of  princes
i6v, b [TLN 2999-3064]
        Meeting of the  kings of england and france
 prosperities  of peace  and  Miseries of warre
land and men  sauaged  by  warre
 peace must be bought with grant of Iust demands

k1, a [TLN 3065-3129]
Commission to treate absolutelie of peace
 king  henry  wowes  Catherine  of  france
  in  a  souldearie  and plaine  manner
k1, b [TLN 3130-3195]3
Blunt souldiarie and true woeing by the king

k1v, a [TLN 3196-3261]4
The king hard  fauoured   but noble valiant  and
   true harted     Beauties decay by age
Inside better  then the owtward  shew of the king
kings are  the  makers  of fashions and
bind the lippes of      all  find  faults
k1v, b [TLN 3262-3325]
Loue yeelds  winking
 louelie discourses  of   loue
 Condicions of peace tuixt5 france & england

k2, a [TLN 3326-3354]
wish of eternall coniunction of france
  and england
k2, b [TLN 3355-3381, and Finis]
desolation of the state by nomber6 of commanders 

1 Probably an error for a. 2 The w has been altered from t. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 The x has been altered from h. 6 Probably an error for a nomber.
[Page 135]


k2v, a [TLN 1-49] king henries funerals and Immortall praise beginning of contention amongst the peeres prince commanded by his Imperious wife k2v, b [TLN 50-98] prediction of englands miseries Miserable losse of france by the contentions strifes of english rulars k3, a [TLN 99-163] Talbots Incredible valour and falstaffes cowardize k3, b [TLN 164-225] winchesters ambition to gouerne / fortune variable englishmen heartlesse of1 the want store of beif desperate resistance of the english Inuincible courage of salisburie k3v, a [TLN 226-288] The pucelle of orleans tryed by a supposed dolphin predictions of the virgine Marie to the pucelle k3v, b [TLN 289-354] Glorie like a circle in water disperseth it self till it turne to naught k4, a [TLN 355-416] entrie to the tower refused by the lieutenant to glocester protectour Brawles betueene the protector and winchester

1 This looks like if.
[Page 136]
k4, b [TLN 417-479]
   winchester reuiles the protector to make  him  odious
   to the citizens of  london
proclamation  of the kings peace by the  maior   of  london
 discouerie of aduantage  disapointed  by the Master gunner

k4v, a [TLN 480-544]
rigourous  Imprisonement and shamefull
 vsage of talbot by the french
k4v, b [TLN 545-609]
Salisburies valour and death

k5, a [TLN 610-673]
Immortall praises of Ieane La pucelle1
k5, b [TLN 674-728]
[ NONE ]

k5v, a [TLN 729-790]
[ NONE ]
k5v, b [TLN 791-854]
plot to entrape and Imprison Talbot

k6, a [TLN 855-920]2
Talbot  prouidentlie appoints his souldiers
 to attend his releif and tels that they are his
  substance  armes sinewes and  strength
k6, b [TLN 921-984]
Beginning  of the red and White  roses badges of
the bloodie Warres of the houses of  york  and

k6v, a [TLN 985-1050]3
posteritie of forfeited princes are yeamen
k6v, b [TLN 1051-1113]4
all things concur   to end old age by death
death Is the Iusti5 vmpire  of mens wrongs

1 The Folio text at TLN 643 reads Ioane de Puzel. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This is an error for Iust. The annotator was apparently going to write Iustice.
[Page 137]
l1, a [TLN 1114-1179]1
pedegree  of  the house of york and the
 title to the crowne
Courts cloyed  with   Long  continouance
In a setled place
l1, b [TLN 1180-1243]2
haynous  crimes obiected to a prelat
 The prelats refutation3

l1v, a [TLN 1244-1307]4
 prelats   presumption
  Ciuill  dissention gnawes   the  bouels of  the state
The duke  and bishop being for bidden    to vse weapon
 their men   bicker with stones  and threat
  to fight with their       teeth5
l1v, b [TLN 1308-1373]6
  bloodie pride of the bishop
disloyall  bishop

l2, a [TLN 1374-1432]7
power  of a kings presence
Dissention burneth  vnder  ashes of
 Dissembled loue
festered members  rote by degree
 politicke order for surprise  of  a towne
l2, b [TLN 1433-1496]8
 signall to enter in a surprised towne

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This reading is doubtful owing to blotting and showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 The horizontal stroke of the first t is missing. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 8 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 138]

  delayes haue dangerous  ends
   souldiarie brauades
l2v, a [TLN 1497-1558]1
 folie to try if  our owne  be our owne
  sicke  bedford will pairtake  with  his souldiers
flight   of cowardlie   falstaffe
  No strength  in Weake and foolish man
l2v, b [TLN 1559-1619]2
   all3 all4 all men must  die
 Care is no cure but reither corrosiue 
policie to distract  burgundie from france

l3, a [TLN 1620-1685]
 pithie persuasions to make burgundie5 to
  quite the french partie
l3, b [TLN 1686-1742]6
         Talbots victories  in  france
Victories ascriued to god and next to the king
l3, a-b 
praise and rewards  to  talbot for his noble seruices
notable Iniurie to be repaired by combat

l3v, a [TLN 1743-1805]7
  The gouernour   of paris   of  oath to the king 
Talbot  teares the garter from    falstafes   leg
 Institution  of the order  of  the garter
The D. of burgundies letter to the king
l3v, b [TLN 1806-1871]8
Challenge of combat betuix somerset and

1 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 2 This part also has been seriously affected by blotting and showthrough. 3 Barely legible owing to blotting. 4 Barely legible owing to blotting, which has probably necessitated the third all. 5 The first three letters may be bro or bra in Italian hand. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 8 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 139]
l4, a [TLN 1872-1937]
danger1 to the state by contention amongs
  the nobilitie
l4, b [TLN 1938-2001]2
Talbot  summons burdeaux to render or els to
 exspect famine  sword and fire
l4, a-b 
Talbot threatned with death

l4v, a [TLN 2002-2063]3
dissention of the nobilitie and somersets not bringing
 timelie and cause of talbots ouerthrow
l4v, b [TLN 2064-2125]4
Talbot can not persuade his sonne to

l5, a [TLN 2126-2190]
Talbot rescueth his sonne
l5, b [TLN 2191-2253]
[ NONE ]
l5, a-b 
        Talbot braues the bastarde of orleance
young talbot  resolued to die  with  his father      his valour 

l5v, a [TLN 2254-2317]
Talbots great titles / Lucie braues the french
l5v, b [TLN 2318-2373]5
[ NONE ]

l6, a [TLN 2374-2430]
[ NONE ]
l6, b [TLN 2431-2493]6
[ NONE ]

1 The opening d has been blotted. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 140]
l6v, a [TLN 2494-2559]
Loue makes suffolk to raue
l6v, b [TLN 2560-2623]
[ NONE ]

m1, a [TLN 2624-2688]
The  pucelle disauoweth her father and is condemned
   to die as a sorceresse
m1, b [TLN 2689-2754]
             Sche affirmes  her self to be with child 
her Imprecations aganes the english
  york en Inveyes agains the treatie of peace

m1v, a [TLN 2755-2818]
Condicions of peace  wherby the french   king  does
 acknowledge him self to be vasall to the  king of
 england                Controuersie   among     the  peeres1
                         renees2 dochter  to be his3 wife
m1v, b [TLN 2819-2879]
king renees doghter so highly praised to the king as he
  resolues to  take  her to wife
     anent   the  kings  choice  of  armaignac4 or king5

m2, a [TLN 2880-2905]
[ NONE ]
m2, b [TLN 2906-2931, and Finis]
[ NONE ]
m2, a-b
The king sends hastely for margaret to be his Queene

1 To be continued at m1v, b, 3. 2 Continued from m1v, b, 3. The Folio text at TLN 2869 reads Reignier. 3 The i has been blotted. 4 The Folio text at TLN 2866 reads Arminacke. 5 To be continued at m1v, a, 4.
[Page 141]


m2v, a [TLN 1-45] The Queene accepted by the king with great expression of mutuall Ioy m2v, b [TLN 46-90] Condicions to the kings mariage and of the peace betueene france and england verie displeasant to the english m3, a [TLN 91-156] [ NONE ] m3, b [TLN 157-222] [ NONE ] m3, a-b Duke humfries popularitie suspected and a faction banded ⌊ agains him a confederacie to the contrare for defense of the king and him m3v, a [TLN 223-288] pirates make cheap wares of other mens goods yorks secret and subtile desseins and preparations to clame and obteane the crowne when he finds time Duke humfreys melancolie and faith to the king m3v, b [TLN 289-354] duke humfrie Ieckes1 his wiues ambition his dreame and hers The dutchesses treason against the king by witchcraft m4, a [TLN 355-416] hume corrupted to work duke humfrey and his wiues ruine as a double traitour

1 This may be Iockes. But the OED records neither Ieckes nor Iockes, and the meaning of this note is not clear to the editor. See Index of Words.
[Page 142]

 strange  petitions  offered to suffolk of wrongs done
  be the cardinall   and him
m4, b [TLN 417-482]
The Queene disdaines the kings holinesse and sim<   >1
  she praises suffolk suspects and hates the cheif noblemen
   and aboue  all duke humfreyes wife /    suffolk   proiects
   her the duke and his wifes ouerthrow

m4v, a [TLN 483-545]
<   >2 reproaches enterchanged betuix  the  noblemen
   The   Queene   strikes the dutchesse of glocester
m4v, b [TLN 546-607]
The noblemens brawles continue

m5, a [TLN 608-668]
predictions   magicall  of the death of the king
 and some noblemen
deceitfull  double ansuer of the   diuell
m5, b [TLN 669-730]
  duke humfreyes wife arrested of treason
ambition compared  to hawkes soaring  flights

m5v, a [TLN 731-794]
 hatefull brawles of the  nobilitie and  assignation of
  places for fighting
a borne counterfeit blind borne recouers his sight
m5v, b [TLN 795-858]
[ NONE ]

m6, a [TLN 859-920]3
duke humphrey discouereth  the false  miracle
 of the counterfeit blind and  cures him of his
  counterfeit  lame legs by whipping
m6, b [TLN 921-984]
   Duke humphreyes wife  accused of treason  whom he
    remits  to the triall  of  Law
The duke of yorks  title to the kingdome  of  england

1 Illegible owing to tear and repair. The word may be simplicitie. 2 Illegible owing to tear and repair. 3 This part of the margin has been stained.
[Page 143]
m6v, a [TLN 985-1050]
yorkes title to the  crowne       his  politick proiect
 to suffer others to destroy his competitors that  then he
  may easelie   vsurpe  the possession withowt danger
m6v, b [TLN 1051-1114]1
elianor  the dukes wife  confined  perpetuallie
 and himself2 depriued  of the protectourship
Combat betuix the armorer  and  his man  

n1, a [TLN 1115-1176]3
The armorer ouercome and condemned to
  be hanged
worlds mutabilitie
n1, b [TLN 1177-1240]
elianor caried shamefully thorow the streetes
duke humphreys confidence  in his Innocence 

n1v, a-b [TLN 1241-1371]
The Queene malignes and detracts glocester she  and suffolk4  put
                                    ⌊ the king in suspicion of him
   The Cardinall and  york accuse  him and  the king excuses him

n2, a [TLN 1372-1435]5
france   reuolted
 Glocester arrested of high  treason  and the
  particular    facts  obiected to him refuted
   by him
 his Iustice and mercie
n2, b [TLN 1436-1501]
Glocester protesteth his owne Innocence  foresies  the
  false plot for his destruction and propones  the humours 
   and malice  of his ennemies and the kings dangers

1 This part of the margin has been stained. 2 The h has been altered from an s. 3 This part of the margin has been stained. 4 The s has been altered from a d. 5 This part of the margin has been stained.
[Page 144]
n2v, a [TLN 1502-1567]
The king confident   of glosters   Innocence  bevailes1
   his danger  by the malice  of his ennemies
resolution  of glosters dcath2  without  any reason  in
   law  or conscience   or  order or  triall
n2v, b [TLN 1568-1631]
rebellion in Ireland

n3, a [TLN 1632-1696]
 yorks  resolution to   attempt  the   Crowne
Iohn cades Incredible  tried valour  whom york
  subornes to raise rebellion by the name of Iohn
   mortimer   whom he resembleth
n3, b [TLN 1697-1761]
duke  humphreyes murtherers feine   that  he is dead of
 suddaine sickenesse      The  king   sownes for grief
  and can abide to sie suffolk  who told of the dukes death

n3v, a [TLN 1762-1825]
  The false   hearted   Queene    feining   sorow for the
   dukes   death  chides   the  king  as  cruell and  Ingrat
    to her who suffered so much for him and  loued him  so well 
The people  in  mutinie   for the dukes death
n3v, b [TLN 1826-1891]
euident tokens of duke humphreyes
 violent  murther

n4, a [TLN 1892-1954]
Warwick and suffolk reuile other shamefullie
 and draw suords in the kings presence
n4, b [TLN 1955-2020]
The commons rise and  prease suffolkes death  or
  banishment   The king  ordeines  him to voide the
  kingdome  whereat the Queene rages

n4v, a [TLN 2021-2084]
  strange curses expressed

1 Probably an error for bewailes. 2 An error for death. The formation of the second letter clearly represents a c.
[Page 145]

The Queene and suffolks  passionat loue and
   extreame  grief  at their parting
n4v, b [TLN 2085-2148]
The Cardinals desperat death

n5, a-b [TLN 2149-2278]
Response that suffolk sould die by Water and is killed  by one called
                                            ⌊ Walter / he vpbraides
  his taker and  is reproached with all the  wickednes of  his life

n5v, a [TLN 2279-2342]
  Great   men   killed  by base villaines
The base rebels complaints  and  scoffes
n5v, b [TLN 2343-2406]
   Cade bragges   of his  nobilitie and  valour and is secretly
   derided by hes fellowes as come  of base beggers
his promise  of  reformation and to kill  all  lawyers

n6, a-b [TLN 2407-2533]
Confusion and crueltie of the base rebels Ignorant and stubborne

n6v, a [TLN 2534-2596]
The king flieth for feare  of the rebels and  leaueth
   london   Iack  cade cals him self lord Mortimer
n6v, b [TLN 2597-2656]
Cade   commands the records of the kingdome
 to be destroyed

o1, a [TLN 2657-2720]1
ridicoulous  accusations  against the Lord say
 and his noble Iustification
o1, b [TLN 2721-2780]2
[ NONE ]

o1v, a [TLN 2781-2845]
    Many   rebels   forsake   Cade   by  good persuasions
     of the Lord Cliffurd
Cade forsaken by  his followers flieth

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 146]
 The king  grants  generall pardon to the submitted rebels
o1v, b [TLN 2846-2904]1
Yorke  in armes  to  force the king to put
 somerset to triall for treason 

o2, a [TLN 2905-2965]
power of  hunger    Contentment of privat life
 Cade   killed  in  combat
o2, b [TLN 2966-3027]
Buckingham sent by the king demands of york the cause
 of his rising in armes      yorks dissembled ansuer

o2v, a [TLN 3028-3090]
 Iden / reuarded for killing  Cade
yorkes  reproaches to the king for brecking promise
o2v, b [TLN 3091-3154]
hawtie brawles amongst the lords

o3, a [TLN 3155-3220]
  It is sinne to keepe a sinfull oath
fight for yorks  title      True  valour
o3, b [TLN 3221-3286]
Barbarous cruelties of <        >2

o3v, a [TLN 3287-3318]
The <   > of saint  albons  being  lossed by the king3
   he is persuaded to flie  to London
o3v, b [TLN 3319-3355, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 Something has been cropped off. 3 The reading of this line is doubtful because the upper part of every word has been cropped. The lower part suggests that this line refers to TLN 3291.
[Page 147]


o4, a [TLN 1-46] [ NONE ] o4, b [TLN 47-90] [ NONE ] o4v, a [TLN 91-156] < > if a king may resigne his1 crowne or adopt an2 successour In preiudice of his righteous heire o4v, b [TLN 157-222] king henry resignes the crowne In fauour of york with resignation reseruation of his owne lifrent o5, a [TLN 223-287] The Queenes reproaches to the king for his resigning the crowne and his danger by that act o5, b [TLN 288-350] persuasions to yorke that it is laufull for him to breake his oath made to henry and to usurpe the crowne in his life o5v, a [TLN 351-409] [ NONE ] o5v, b [TLN 410-473] [ NONE ] o6, a [TLN 474-537] all aduantages to be taken in warre

1 The upper half of the line has been cropped and the reading is doubtful. 2 Probably an error for a.
[Page 148]
o6, b [TLN 538-603]
reproaches to the Queene

o6v, a [TLN 604-667]1
[ NONE ]
o6v, b [TLN 668-731]2
[ NONE ]

p1, a [TLN 732-796]
extreame sorrow
p1, b [TLN 797-862]3
[ NONE ]

p1v, a [TLN 863-926]
  naturall  defense
  affection naturall of fathers to their children
More care  nor  content  followes  a  crowne
Male parta male dilabuntur4
p1v, b [TLN 927-989]
[ NONE ]

p2, a [TLN 990-1055]
[ NONE ]
p2, b [TLN 1056-1117]
[ NONE ]

p2v, a [TLN 1118-1181]
 Battell    compared to sea and tempestuous wind
happinesse of  a sheapherds life And miseries  of a
   kings life
p2v, b [TLN 1182-1245]
father  killing  his  sonne  And  sonne  killing  his
 father  in  ciuill  Warre     and  their endlesse
  sorrowes and detestation of ciuill warre

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This line in Latin is written in an Italian hand.
[Page 149]
p3, a [TLN 1246-1307]
Too great leuitie ouerthrowes the king and state 
p3, b [TLN 1308-1372]
[ NONE ]

p3v, a [TLN 1373-1436]
 york  being king promises all power to Warwik
king henries  miserable estate            Mens1
 The Queenes power of  persuasion
p3v, b [TLN 1437-1501]
 The strongest  partie  best admitted
faith  and oath Lighter then  a  feather 

p4, a [TLN 1502-1567]
The king woweth lady grey to be his loue and
  she winnes him to make her  hes2 Queene
p4, b [TLN 1568-1633]
[ NONE ]

p4v, a [TLN 1634-1697]
Richards proiects  neuer  to leaue plotting and
  practising till he obteane to be  made king
his monstrouous deformities
  his absolute skill in treacherous  dissimulation
p4v, b [TLN 1698-1761]
 Behauiour must be  conformed to our lowe estate
king Lewis courtesse vsage conforts  the banished
   Queene  in  her desolation and  he promises her aide

p5, a [TLN 1762-1825]
warwikes   embassie from  king  eduard to king
 Lewes to haue  his sisiter in  mariage
Q  Margret  giues  reasons  to the contraire
p5, b [TLN 1826-1891]
king lewes and his sister consent to the mariage

p5v, a [TLN 1892-1957]
  The  king of france   enraged for the scoffe done to him
Warwik  after reproaches of eduards  Ingratitude  sweares

1 To be continued at p3v, b, 2. 2 The e appears to have been retouched. It could be an i.
[Page 150]
 to be his mortall foe and  king henries friend
p5v, b [TLN 1958-2021]
prince eduard affianced to Warwicks doghter

p6, a [TLN 2022-2086]1
strength of england  within  it self and by the sea
The kings  brether offended  that he bestowes the 
 richest heires of the kingdome vpon his wifes
 kinsmen and   neglects  his  brether
p6, b [TLN 2087-2150]2
Messenger  from  france relates the k/ edward
 the threats of the french king Warwik  etc

p6v, a [TLN 2151-2214]3
Clarence marieth Warwikes doghter
 Triall of friends
p6v, b [TLN 2215-2275]4
Reproaches by warwik to k/ eduard his

q1, a [TLN 2276-2336]5
The Queene flieth to sanctuarie
q1, b [TLN 2337-2396]6
k/ henry giues thanks to the lieutenant of the tower for
 his courteous vsage during  his  captiuitie

q1v, a [TLN 2397-2462]
  Warwik  and  Clarence  made   protectors by k/ henry
King  henries  predictions  of  henry duke  of  richmont
  who therafter wes King henry  the sevint
q1v, b [TLN 2463-2522]
    henry7 duke of  richmond  sent by his friends

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 7 The h has been altered from a k.
[Page 151]
     to brittaine for his  safetie
edward subtelie proffeses onelie to clame york
q2, a [TLN 2523-2586]
Eduard of New Proclamed King
q2, b [TLN 2587-2650]
king henries gentle and Iust vsage of his subiects

q2v, a [TLN 2651-2712]
Warwiks proude ansuer to king edward proudlie
q2v, b [TLN 2713-2770]
Warwik is forsaken by clarence

q3, a [TLN 2771-2832]
Warwik at his death acknowledges the vanitie
  of worldlie ambition and power
q3, b [TLN 2833-2896]
encouragement and  persuasions not to fainte
 for warwiks ouerthrow and death

q3v, a [TLN 2897-2959]
The fortune of the armies compared to a ship and tempest
encouragement   to battell
q3v, b [TLN 2960-3021]
prince   edward  prisoner   procures  his death
 by proude words  to king edward & his brether

q4, a [TLN 3022-3085]
  Q/ Margarets  dispaire and Imprecations
   against her sonnes murtherers
k/ henries reproaches to mercilesse richard
q4, b [TLN 3086-3151]
king henries predictions of cruelties to be executed
 by richard

q4v, a [TLN 3152-3183]
 richard  professedlie    resolues like a  Timon  to doe  all
 kind  of wickednesse
king edward  glories    in the ouerthrow of his ennemies an1 

[Page 152]
 promises to him  self and his posteritie the
 secure possession of the     crowne

1 This is an abortive and. q4v, b [TLN 3184-3217, and Finis] Richards endlesse ambition
[Page 153]


q5, a [TLN 1-45] Richard acknowledgeing the crooked deformities of his bodie and malice of his mind resolues to Interrupt the Ioyes of the peace of his brether and by putting distrust and ------------------------------ dissension amongs them to make each of them ouerthrow other to make him vnlawfull1 way to the crowne he destroyes his brother clarence by forged prophecies q5, b [TLN 46-91] misconstrued prophecie cause of committing cla-- rence to the tower king edward misled by his Queene and her kinred ------------------------------ and shores wife his paramours discontent of his brether q5v, a [TLN 92-155] Richards subtile and scornfull speech to the lieutenant of the tower and distainfull pourpose anent the Queene and shores wife his pourpose to procure clarence his death before the king die q5v, b [TLN 156-212] he Intends to marrie warwicks doghter prince edwards widowes Imprecations aganst richard who therafter maries her q6, a [TLN 213-278] richard smoothes the bitterrest reproaches giuen to him by the deceased princes widow q6, b [TLN 279-344]2 Richard wowes her with extreame patience

1 Probably an error for an vnlawfull. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 154]

Illus. 23. King Richard the Third, sig. q5
[Page 155]
q6v, a [TLN 345-410]
Richard  wowes and  winnes  Prince edwards
 widow  and distaines  her in his heart for  forgetting
 her husband killed by him and  loving him his murtheror
q6v, b [TLN 411-469]1
[ NONE ]

r1, a [TLN 470-531]
richard menaceth the Queenes kinred and
 disparageth them  baselie
r1, b [TLN 532-595]
Richard  boasts the Queenes kinred and braues her self2
the  king  being sicke

r1v, a-b [TLN 596-727]
Cruell   Imprecations  by Queene  Margaret  against the Queene
                                 ⌊ her Issue Richard and others
reproach of the blind pride of new made noblemen

r2, a [TLN 728-793]
Richards  remorse for wrong done by him to aduance
 them whom he finds Ingrate
r2, b [TLN 794-850]
 Richard abuseth the scripture to cloake3  his dissimulation
   he hastes and  encourages   Clarences   murtherars
Clarence his   dreame  before   his death that he wes drowned

r2v, a [TLN 851-914]
Clarence  dreame  of his deserued torments in hell
princes happie in titles and miserable in effect
 Torments on sea
 Riches  in the sea bottome
r2v, b [TLN 915-978]
powerfull operations of the conscience   of  man
vexation of princes minds   Conscience derided

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This word has been seriously cropped and the reading is doubtful. 3 The k has been blotted and is barely legible.
[Page 156]
r3, a [TLN 979-1044]
Conference betueene clarence and his murtherars
r3, b [TLN 1045-1110]1
[ NONE ]
r3, c2
[ NONE ]
r3, d
[ NONE ]

r3v, a [TLN 1111-1170]
king  edward  on  his death bed Makes peaces betweene
 the Queene and her kinred and his friends and seruants
r3v, b [TLN 1171-1233]
Richard profession  of extreame  loue of peace
Gloster reproaches to the king clarence  his  
  murther which him  self had caused haste
r3v, c 
[ NONE ]
r3v, d
King edwards   greeued to the death for clarence
  murther  who had done him  many more then
  brotherlie  duties  reuiles  his courteours  for
  not  Interceeding   for his pardon   and making
  him  by their Importunitie  to  grant  pardon for
   to  their  guiltie   seruants

r4, a [TLN 1234-1292]
Gloster  Imputes  the  murther  of Clarence /
 to the king and the Queenes kinred
r4, b [TLN 1293-1356]
 detestable dissimulation   and   falshood
The Queenes extreame sorow for the kings death

r4v, a [TLN 1357-1420]
 reason why we sould sorrow Impatientlie  for  friends   death
how men sould gouerne in a change of things by the kings death
r4v, b [TLN 1421-1479]
  Richards vnspeakable   malice  & flatterie

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 157]
Miseries of  a kingdome vnder a young  king
 foresight  of  troubles
r4v, c 
It is dangerous  after a greene reconciliation
 of  great  quarrels to bring great parties
 together with nombers  and  armes
r4v, d
[ NONE ]

r5, a [TLN 1480-1536]
Gloster Imprisons the Queenes kinred
r5, b [TLN 1537-1595]
falshood of men couered with faire faces and words

r5v, a [TLN 1596-1659]
priuiledge of sanctuarie    Cæsars high praise
 young king eduards royall courage
r5v, b [TLN 1660-1723]
meruellous sparkes of spirit and wit In
the young duke of york

r6, a [TLN 1724-1787]
[ NONE ]
r6, b [TLN 1788-1844]
Catesbies treacherous dealing
  fearefull  presagings1

r6v, a [TLN 1845-1906]
hastings  securest confidence   when of  constant
  successe when he wes going to put his head in his
   ennemies hand to be cut  aff
r6v, b [TLN 1907-1962]
[ NONE ]

s1, a-b [TLN 1963-2081]
 Richards short shew of meekenes turned to a command  to cut aff
                                               ⌊ hastings head

1 The final s could be an e or a mere blotting. This line, written in the same hand but in different ink and with a worn-out pen, may have been added on the occasion of a second reading.
[Page 158]
presages  of  mischance
 we affect  more  the  grace of men  nor the grace  of god

s1v, a [TLN 2082-2144]
Buckingham   and gloster  faine  to haue trusted and /
  loued hastings whom they beheaded
s1v, b [TLN 2145-2209]
Gloster makes  Buckingham   to Informe    the
londoners of king  edwards wicked life  and  bastard
rie to giue  colour to glosters clame  to the crowne
s1v, c-d
shamefull and shamelesse vsage of the lord hastings

s2, a [TLN 2210-2271]
reproaches  to the kings  memorie  and false
 praises giuen to richard can not moue the citizens
  to accept of him  as king
precepts  of deepe dissimulation   And   to say no
     and take  it
s2, b [TLN 2272-2333]
damnable hypocrisie

s2v, a [TLN 2334-2399]
 Richard entreated to accept the crowne    which  he
  Dissemblinglie    seems to  disdaine  and then accepts
Bastardrie obiected to king edwards children
s2v, b [TLN 2400-2465]
[ NONE ]

s3, a-b [TLN 2466-2586]
Anne detests gloster her husband

s3v, a [TLN 2587-2645]
Gloster preases buckingham    to giue consent  to the
 murther of king edwards   children and resolues his
 ourthrow  because finds1 him not forward
s3v, b [TLN 2646-2706]
 he plots to murther  his nevewes  and  his owne wife
   and  marrie    his niece

1 Probably an error for he [i.e., Gloster] finds.
[Page 159]
he daines  not to giue ansuer to buckingham   when he
  craves the promised reward of his by past assistance

s4, a [TLN 2707-2768]
The Innocent  princes murthered
  resolution and diligence  in   warre
Miserie  viuelie expressed
s4, b [TLN 2769-2827]1
heape of crosses and mercilesse mischiefes done by

s4v, a [TLN 2828-2893]
  Imprecations   against  richard
Most Insolent scornes Iustlie  punished with the like or
  greater miseries sent  by god
Art of cursing
s4v, b [TLN 2894-2958]
  Calamitie talkatiue
Richard  is reuiled by his mother for his Incredible wickednesse

s5, a [TLN 2959-3024]
  Richards  mother   vses bitter Imprecations agains him /
he makes sute to haue his brothers doghter to wife
s5, b [TLN 3025-3090]
speech betuix richard and the Queene anent his
  marieing  her  doghter
loue  of  our  posteritie

s5v, a [TLN 3091-3156]
persuasions  by richard to the Queene to moue her
 doghter to accept him for her husband  and  the
 Queenes  reprochfull    ansuers  ouercome at last
s5v, b [TLN 3157-3222]
[ NONE ]

s6, a [TLN 3223-3284]
Richards confused mind vpon the newes of
  richmonds landing with forces

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 160]
s6, b [TLN 3285-3340]
he retaines1 stanlies sonne as pledge of the 
 fathers fileditie

s6v, a [TLN 3341-3392]
falsified  oath  and  Imprecation Iustlie remembred /
 and punished by god   /   power of hope
s6v, b [TLN 3393-3450]
encouragement to fight against
  a mercilesse Tirant

t1, a [TLN 3451-3513]
[ NONE ]
t1, b [TLN 3514-3577]
Richmonds  prayer to god before the battell
Richard affrighted by fearefull   visions

t1v, a-b [TLN 3578-3705]
dispaire of conscience and memorie of abominable cruelties and
                                                  ⌊ periuries make
  richard madde       Richmonds confident hope / he encourageth
                                                 ⌊ his souldiors

t2, a-b [TLN 3706-3832]
Richard encourages his souldiers        Contempt of conscience2

t2v, a-b [TLN 3833-3887, and Finis]3
Richmonds  victorie  and vowe to vnite the white and red   rose 
                                 ⌊ by his  marieing  of  elizabeth
  and hopes therby to quench the fire of bypast miseries  of warre
				     ⌊ and to establish peace and

1 The final two letters es have been blotted and are barely legible. 2 These three words have been blotted. 3 The left-hand part of the margin (i.e., division a) has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 161]


t3, a [TLN 1-17 and 34-56] suddaine reuolution of great mens good fortune praise of two peerelesse kings t3, b [TLN 18-33 and 57-79] Imcomparable brauetie t3v, a [TLN 80-145] wolsey by Magnificence couers his base birth his pride disdained english gentlemens estates quite ouerthrowne with the charges of apparrell at the meeting of the tuo kings ------------------------------ Cardinals pride hereing hell The Cardinals pride ouerswayes both kings1 t3v, b [TLN 146-209] Counsell to auoid contestation with the powerfull cardinall wise persuasion to moderat and maister suddaine and vehement anger we may loose by ouerrunning t3v, c Mens backes broken by laying manours on them The coast of the treatie of peace exceeds the benefit t3v, d ambassadour silenced Malice and potencie sould be Ioyntlie weighed a beggers booke owtworths a nobles blood t4, a [TLN 210-275] harmes by giuing way to anger

1 A few words in this line have been written in considerably small letters.
[Page 162]

Illus. 24. King Henry the Eighth, sig. t3v
[Page 163]
Wolseyes pride and greed
t4, b [TLN 276-336]
The cardinall   corrupted by the craftie emperor persuades the
  king to breake the peace  with  france
t4, a-b 
Buckingham aburgaine and others arrested of treason and committed
                                                   ⌊ to the tower
 The Queene  Interceedes for buckingham
t4, c 
 passion must be quenched  or allayed by
 a holie Wolf  or foxe equallie rauenous
   and subtile
Way  made  and paued with gold
t4, d 
[ NONE ]

t4v, a [TLN 337-402]
   The Clothiers1 in  mutinie  for taxation  on their trade
a  Taxation  of the sixt   part of   euerie  mans  substance / 
   whereby all the people  are readie   to  rebell 
 statesmen subiect  to misconstruction and  sclander
    must  not faint  for detraction or danger
t4v, b [TLN 403-467]
 The2 king discharges the taxation  and  Wolsey
 surmises that he moued  the king to release  it
Buckinghames   excellent   parts of  wisdome
 and learning  turned  to  practise of   treason
t4v, c 
The subiects greif  from commissions
  prayers for the king turned in curses of the people
                 The cardinall   affects  by surmises to haue the
                  praise   of  the kings reuocation  of  vnlaufull
t4v, d 
High credit envyed        State  statues
Malicious censurers 
We  may   lope  but not root owt  our  tries

1 The opening C has been altered probably from an I. 2 The opening T has been altered from a W.
[Page 164]
Too much of   practise  can  not be to little
  heard  nor  to  much felt

t5, a [TLN 468-533]
Buckingham    accused  to haue  treated  with
 sorcerers  to know the kings  fortune   and death
  and to aspire  to the crowne
 accuser  encouraged    Searce   a base Informer
t5, b [TLN 534-593]
  his threats to kill  the  king
The folie of new vncomelie fashions counterfeited by
  the english

t5v, a [TLN 594-659]
The Imitation  of  french cloathes quarrels and
  talk2 prohibited in england by proclamation .
french  deuices to corrupt  ladies
The cardinals   pompe  and  greid
t5v, b [TLN 660-718]
The Cardinals braue welcome to the ladies
Merrie  entertainement  of  ladyes

t6, a [TLN 719-782]
pleasant welcome  and  merrie  frie discourses
 Thankfull welcome to strangers
                              Courtlie conuersation
t6, b [TLN 783-843]3
Buckingham arreigned and condemned
t6, c 
[ NONE ]
t6, d 4
[ NONE ]

t6v, a [TLN 844-907]
 Buckingham   found guiltie   of high treason

1 Interlined above the deleted Searce — a rare example of an interlined note. 2 Probably an error for talks. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 165]
his first colere  quicklie   tempered
 Trickes  of state  to send the kings fauorits farre aff

t6v, b [TLN 908-973]
 fortune    of  the  house  of  Buckingham
  and  their  calamities2
false  seruants    to  be auoided
 Buckinghames vowes & praiers for the king
t6v, c 
  The cardinall  vniuersally    hated3
Buckinghams speech to the people after his conviction
  verie notable     his  praiers   for the  king
t6v, d 
wish that goodnesse and  yeeres  may  make the
   kings monument  
  friends  faithless  when  fortune du4 failes

v1, a [TLN 974-1033]
 Command from the king to the Maior  to stop the
   rumour of his  separation  from the Queene
Cause of the Cardinals  plotting  to diuorce  the
  king from the  Queene  is the emperours refusing
  to giue him the archbishoprik5
   of toledo
v1, b [TLN 1034-1098]
 The Queenes vertuous  duties to the king
The Cardinals  absolute  rule of the king / his malice
   aganes the  Queene  and the  nobilitie 
                  Blind king Cardinall  the eldest  sonne  of fortune
                             dyving in the k/soule      with feares & dispaires6

1 This sign is written just outside the vertical rule to the left of pagination `212'. What it means is not clear to the editor. See Introduction, p. xxi. 2 The final four letters have been blotted and are barely legible. 3 Stain of printing ink makes this word look like chated. 4 The deleted letters are doubtful. 5 A few words in this line have been written in considerably small letters. 6 These lines also have been written in unusually small letters.
[Page 166]
v1, c 
The cardinals hawtie dealing with the gr greatest
v1, d
princes wroght to pages
 Mens  honours   lye as a  li1 lump fit for his frame
 Craftie diuersion    in  a dangerous   time

v1v, a [TLN 1099-1164]
 The kings welcome to  Campeius
The Cardinals craft  to persuade the king  that  all
  diuines and lawers approue his  Intended diuorce
The kings threats against vntimelie  Interveeners2
        The  kings welcome to Cardinall  Campeius
                        Campeious  ansuer   to
                         the king3
v1v, b [TLN 1165-1224]
   Queene  Catherines  vnspotted  vertuous4
 IT is better neuer  to  haue beene promoued
   nor to be diected 5
abiect secretarie  to the6 Cardinall his creator
                            he  is a  foole  that
                                     will   needs be vertuous7
v1v, c 
Vertuous  men  truly  serving the king   remoued  from 
  him craftely   and   false  slaues to the great courties8
  put  in  their  places
  The kings opinion of a new secretarie

1 This is an abortive like, a word found in the Folio text of the play at TLN 1082. 2 These lines have also been written in unusually small letters. 3 These lines have also been written in unusually small letters. 4 This word suggests an unfinished annotation, or else it is an error for vertues. 5 Probably an error for directed. The Folio at TLN 1168 reads `commanded'. 6 The opening t has been altered from b. 7 These lines, ll. 4-6, have also been written in unusually small letters. 8 An error for courtiers.
[Page 167]
v1v, d 
[ NONE ]

v2, a [TLN 1225-1289]
Anne boleines  fained  profession that she would
 not be a Queene  merrelie refuted  by  an old
  lady     We possesse a glistering  greif  and  a  golden  sorrow1
 Content is our best hauing2
v2, b [TLN 1290-1349]
pompous preparation  for Queene Catherines
   long and fruitlesse sutes of old  courtiers
            honours  traine is longer nor his foreskert3
v2, c 
 Impossibilitie  of condigne thanks but by wishes
anne  Boulleines     humble   and wittie thanks
  for high  honour  conferred     vpon  her
her vertues greatlie  praised
 promotions  and  benifites     bestowed   vpon
   new come  courtiers   maligned  by  auncient 
  Message of the kings fauour to anne bouleyne
v2, d
pompous entrie of the two cardinals

v2v, a [TLN 1350-1415]
Q· Catherine giues  accompt  of her  faithfull
 Duties humblie and truelie performed by her to
 king  all the  time  of her mariage  with him
v2v, b [TLN 1416-1481]
she declines Wolsey as her ennemye
   his proude  and subtile  ansuer

1 These words in this line have been written in considerably small letters. 2 These words also have been written in unusually small letters. 3 These lines also have been written in unusually small letters.
[Page 168]
  her bitter reply
v2v, c
[ NONE ]
v2v, d1
[ NONE ]

v3, a [TLN 1482-1547]
  Q· Catherine exceedinglie2    praised  by the king
Wolsey desires  to be cleered  by the king
The  king Iustifies  Wolseyes  dealing  and  shoues
   the reasons  that  moue  him  to vrge diuorce
   pretense of conscience
v3, b [TLN 1548-1613]
The  king  relates  the Laufull  meanes vsed by him to
  cleere his  conscience     The  Bishops sooth him and
  the  Cardinall3  triffle  him with  subtile delayes

v3v, a [TLN 1614-1673]
  power of Musicke
The Queene refuses priuat   conference   with the
   Cardinals and owt of  confidence  of the Integritie
   of her life desires them to speake in the hearing of
  her women
v3v, b [TLN 1674-1739]
Q. Catherine ansuers wittellie4 to the Cardinals
 false  and subtle persuasions and   puts them
  in memorie of the gods Iustice  hanging  ouer
  their heades 

v4, a [TLN 1740-1805]
The Cardinals still striue  to deceiue the Queene and
  she boldlie professes her vertuous  duties  the fraude
   of the english the  kings  hatred and Iniustice  to her
v4, b [TLN 1806-1864]
The  nobilitie  conspire the  Cardinals   ruine

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 The second e has been torn and almost lost. 3 Probably an error for Cardinals or Cardinalls. 4 The second l is almost torn off.
[Page 169]
his  false  dealing  with the  king  discouered
who  would ouerthrow  a  fauorit    sould find meanes
   to barre  him from accesse to the king

v4v, a [TLN 1865-1930]
 presage of happines to be broght to england by anne boullen
Cranmer   confirmes  the  king in the  resolution  of  his
  diuorce  by autoritie   from all vniuersities   of europe
v4v, b [TLN 1931-1994]
Wolseyes rage for anne bullens  hope
 to be Queene and Cranmers credit with
 the king             
Wolseyes  distracted countenance
                    Inuentare   of 
                     his wealth

v5, a [TLN 1995-2060]
Time   how dispensed  by Wolsey
 The  kings excessiue  fauour and  bountie to him
Wolseyes   profession  of  his faith and  dutie to
   the king and acknowledgement of his benefites
v5, b [TLN 2061-2124]1
Wolsey  promises faith  to the king though all  the  world
  sould  faile  him
he dispaires  when  he finds  that his  owne  neglect    in
  putting  papers in this his packet   to the king which disco
   uered his falshood  would  be his deserued  ouerthrow
v5, c
[ NONE ]
v5, d
wolseyes stif  standing owt against the  lords who broght  a verball
 charge from the king to him till they sould show their Commission 

v5v, a [TLN 2125-2190]2
    he will    rander the great  seale to none but to
     the king   that gaue it  him
  his stowt  brawling   with  surrey

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 170]
he  purges him self of buckinghams ouerthrow
v5v, b [TLN 2191-2256]
  The  Cardinall  fallin1 in a pramunire2
Degries3 of rising and falling of great men 
v5v, c4 
The articles of his life collected and obiected
v5v, d
[ NONE ]

v6, a [TLN 2257-2322]5
 Inconstancie of princes fauours  and  of honour
Too much honour is a heavie load & Importable
 dutie of  a good Iudge      wolseyes  wife and6
v6, b [TLN 2323-2381]7
 wolsey counsels  his  f a i t h f u l l  c r o m w e l l  to
   provide for his owne   good
godlie counsell to cromwell   how  to serue the king  and
             vse credit  and  place    vertuouslie  and
               eshew errors  by      the  lesson of his
               faults   and  fall

v6v, a [TLN 2382-2445]8
 Sentence of  the diuorce betu of the  King  and Queene
order of the Coronation  /  Q · annes  passing   beautie
v6v, b [TLN 2446-2511]9
Incredible  throng at the ceremo
 nie of the coronation

1 This is an abortive falling. 2 This is as it occurs at TLN 2239 in the Folio text. 3 The D has been altered from something else. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 To be continued at v6, b, 3. 7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 8 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 9 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 171]
x1, a [TLN 2512-2571]
Cromwels praise and aduancement
     recitall  of  the great  and many vices of wolsey
       Q · Catherines holie preparation   for death
x1, b [TLN 2572-2637]
wolsey penitent and deuote  at his death
               And  of  his vertues

x1v, a-b [TLN 2638-2767]
 Queene  Catherines  letter to the king before her death
			   ⌊ recommending to him their doghter
  her women and men  seruants   which also desires  the
                       ⌊ emporours  ambassador    to solicit
her care of comelie vsage after her death

x2, a [TLN 2768-2828]
   late businesse supposed to Import haste
 Cromwels speedie aduancement
Great power of  the Chancelars  place
  Gardinars  accusation of  the Chancelar as an
x2, b [TLN 2829-2894]1
  The chancelar the kings hand and tongue
  Queene Anne In trauell of  her berth
The  kings conference with  Canterburie

x2v, a [TLN 2895-2960]
The kings  forewarning   of  Canterburie  of   the accusation
   Intended against  of  him,  of  the  power and malice of his 
   of the danger of  his ouerthrow by  vnlaufull     meanes
   and giues  him assurance of his  fauour
Canterburie  relies  whollie on his  truth  and  Innocencie
None dare  accuse    or beare witnes
against  a great       counsellour till he
be  committed  prisoner
x2v, b [TLN 2961-3017]
Canterburie   made to attend  Long In

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 172]
the vtter roome before he get entrie to
the counsell chamber  till he be called

x3, a [TLN 3018-3082]
 order  of  sitting  in councell
Canterburie  accused  of heresie by the Chancelar /
  and  gardiner
 danger to the state by hereticall  doctrine /
x3, b [TLN 3083-3148]
  Bitter2 reproaches against winchester
    when noblemen are in trouble it sould be remembred
    what they haue been
Mutuall reproaches  twixt   winchester and   Cromvvell

x3v, a [TLN 3149-3213]
Cranmer  appeales from the counsell to the king    and
  he is royallie  and graciouslie  protected   by the king 
The king  checks Winchesters flatterie   and  malice
he vpbraides the councell for vsing  an  accused  councellor
x3v, b [TLN 3214-3274]
The  king   graces canterburie  with his  royall
 testimonie   of  his  faith and merite  reconciles
  him with all the councell  and Inuites him to be
   god father to his doghter

x4, a [TLN 3275-3339]
Confused remedilesse throng at solemnities
 with  Infinit disorders 
x4, b [TLN 3340-3398]
             solemne  returne   from the  Christening
Canterburies  prediction   of  elizabeths  excellent and Incompa—
 rable vertues and of the blessings she sall bring to england

1 Intended to mean Defenses. For a similar example, see footnote 8 on p. 231. 2 The medial tt has been altered from something else.
[Page 173]
x4v, a [TLN 3399-3423 and 3450-3456]
Canterburies   predictions  of  king Iames his vertues1
 surpassed2 the excellence of  all others
The kings  gracious  thanks to all the assistants
x4v, b [TLN 3424-3448, 3457-3463, and Finis]
and  renowen exceeding  Q · elizabeths who3

1 To be continued at x4v, b, 1. 2 Continued from x4v, b, 1. 3 To be continued at x4v, a, 2.
[Page 174]


x5, a-b [TLN The Prologue 1-32] [ NONE ] x5v, a [TLN 1-79] passionat loue / peerelesse perfections x5v, b [TLN 80-126] pandar makes bawdrie nice x6, a [TLN 127-191] paris wond scoffed at The strange humors of aiax x6, b [TLN 192-258] pandarus pandar for troyilus1 prefers him to hector which Cressid contradicts x6v, a [TLN 259-324]2 [ NONE ] x6v, b [TLN 325-390]3 praises of æneas antenor hector but of troylus aboue all the rest by pandarus & scorned by cressid ¶1, a [TLN 391-453] qualities of an accomplished man womens subtilties for her defense Cressids high accompt of troylus per= fections which she conceales to edge him ¶1, b [TLN 454-519] Vertue onlie accomplished by constant triall Of hard fortune valour4 best approued in stormes of fortune

1 Probably an error for Troylus. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 The opening v has been altered from something resembling W.
[Page 175]

Illus. 25. Troilus and Cressida, sig. x5v
[Page 176]
The  king  is the  heart and spirit  of all the subiects
¶1v, a [TLN 520-585]
degries and order necessare  in all actions and amongst
  all qualities  of men  /  and disorder vndoes all
¶1v, b [TLN 586-651]
          achilles    being   discontented  patroclus
           Incenses  him  and  counterfeits the behauiour
            of  the  principall  greeks scoffinglie
vniuersall Infection by the vicious exemple of the greatest man

¶2, a [TLN 652-717]
policie  and  wisdome taxed  as  cowardise by
 brainsicke  souldiers Ignorant   that  it availes
  more in  warre  nor forcible   violence
   Æneas brings message to agamemnõ
¶2, b [TLN 718-783]
Hectors challenge  of  Combat  to  the valiantest   of  the
 greeke princes ·  offer accepted by  agamemnon    and by
 Nestor      nestor Intends to moue  achilles to vndertake
            the combat

¶2v, a [TLN 784-849]
 earnest care   to   mainteane    reputation
The aduantage   in  the duell graces   the whole countrie
 Trick  to choose  aiax to fight against  hector to abate
  achilles pride
           Two   curres  tame each other
¶2v, b [TLN 850-915]
Thersites Intolerable scoffing at aiax who
  beats him soundlie

¶3, a [TLN 916-981]
Thersites railes at aiax achilles  and
  patroclus1    valour not subiect to reason

1 The medial ro has been blotted and is illegible.
[Page 177]
¶3, b [TLN 982-1047]
Consultation of the troians  anent the  ansuer to be giuen to
the grecians offer of peace If  helen be restored to them
     worth of things  is as they are  valued

¶3v, a [TLN 1048-1112]1
 Troylus     reasons  against  helens  restitution
Cassandraeds2 prediction of troyes destruction
¶3v, b [TLN 1113-1178]3
[ NONE ]

¶4, a [TLN 1179-1242]4
Thersites malice and Imprecations
¶4, b [TLN 1243-1306]5
[ NONE ]

¶4v, a [TLN 1307-1372]
 achilles pride   vehementlie blamed
   merite drowned in self praise
Iealousie stirred in aiax against achilles
¶4v, b [TLN 1373-1438]
aiax flattered as worthier nor achilles

¶5, a [TLN 1439-1503]
shamelesse flatterie to aiax
¶5, b [TLN 1504-1567]
[ NONE ]

¶5v, a [TLN 1568-1631]
Generation    of  loue
honour to serue  hector
¶5v, a-b [TLN 1568-1697]
fearefull  passion  of  surprising  loue
 pandarus  Incites  troylus and cressid to the effecting of their
                                                        ⌊ desires and

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 An error for Cassandraes. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 178]

¶6, a [TLN 1698-1763]
louers  promise and vndertake   more    then they
  performe      few  words  neede  to  faire  truth
Cressid confesseth to troylus her  long and  extreame
  conciled  loue to him  and  the reason  therof
¶6, b [TLN 1764-1829]
Contention in truth  of loue
Things Inviolabie1 true and Inseparable   in  nature
Things   naturallie    false  and  treacherous

¶6v, a [TLN 1830-1893]
  all  bawds  are called  panders   from   pandarus
extreame harmes  to a man who looses his countrie
   for  seruing stranger ennemies  against   it
exchange   of  prisoners
¶6v, b [TLN 1894-1959]  
achilles pride disdained by the greekes
Men  onelie honored for their fortune  and when it
  failes  they are  neglected and contemned of all

¶¶1, a [TLN 1960-2025]
No  man is lord of any thing till  he  communicat
  his parts to others
  Good deeds  forgot as  soone as done
   emulation    envie and  Ingratitude
  Time   ouercomes and owtwears
     all best  things
¶¶1, b [TLN 2026-2091]
        present eyes  praise   present  obiect
  providence of a watchfull  state  discouers  all  secrets
ane effeminat man  disdained  in time  of action
   wounds heale ill that man giues to him self

¶¶1v, a [TLN 2092-2157]
Thersites description  of  aiax his arrogant Ignorance
   scoffing  counterfeiting of  aiax  dulnesse

1 An error for Inviolablie.
[Page 179]
¶¶1v, b [TLN 2158-2221]
Braueries of kindnesse and threats betueene
 æneas and diomedes

¶¶2, a [TLN 2222-2285]
 diomedes Iudgement  of  menelaus  and
   paris deseruing  to possesse as vnworthie
   men the strumpet  helen ouerthrow of
   greece and troy
foolish conference of  Troylus   and cressid and
  pandarus  Interueening with  the
   quircks  of his trade
¶¶2, b [TLN 2286-2349]
[ NONE ]

¶¶2v, a [TLN 2350-2412]
Cressids  great profession of loue to troylus
 rencountered with the  like
¶¶2v, b [TLN 2413-2478]1
sorrowfull and suddaine parting of2
   subtile Inducements to loue

¶¶3, a [TLN 2479-2543]
Troylus pure and perfite  simplicitie  in loue
 Troylus Iealousie   and  threats to diomedes
  for praising cressid and vowing to be her seruant
¶¶3, b [TLN 2544-2607]
mirrie checks at the receiuing  of  Cressid by the
greeke princes and their kissing her

¶¶3v, a [TLN 2608-2673]
  Cressids wantonnesse  descriued  by vlisses
 Braue  condicions   of  fight proponed   by
   æneas with declaration   of hectors  valour
    and courtesie
Troylus   descriued  by æneas to be true valiant

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This phrase, left unfinished, requires Troylus and Cressid to complete it.
[Page 180]
    and compleitlie vertuous
¶¶3v, b [TLN 2674-2739]
Combat  betueene  hector and aiax ends in courtesie
  hector visites the grecian campe and is graciouslie
   receiued  be agamemnon

¶¶4, a [TLN 2740-2805]
hector highlie praised  by nestor
 vlisses conferres  with hector and Inuites
   him to feast in his tent
achilles  and hector admire each other
¶¶4, b [TLN 2806-2871]
strange and absurde  brags of achilles repayed by he1
  with the like brauerie
Troylus   convoyed by Vlisses to menelaus tent where
  menelaus and  Cressid  are  feasted

¶¶4v, a [TLN 2872-2937]
 Thersites   railes  at achilles  and at patroclus
   as  his ganimede
Thersites   speakes spitefullie and villanouslie of
  the grecian  princes  but chieflie of Menelaus
¶¶4v, b [TLN 2938-3003]
extreamitie of falshood  discriued in diomedes by
Troylus  in rage  at the bawdie  familiaritie  of
  Diomedes  and cressid

¶¶5, a [TLN 3004-3069]2
Vlisses sharpeneth troylus passion for
  cressids vnfaithfulnesse and whoorish
   loue  to diomedes
¶¶5, b [TLN 3070-3135]3
Minds sweied by eyes ar  full  of  turpitude
 villanie of vild  women
Troylus will  not beleeue his owne eyes in their seing
  Cressids disloyaltie

1 Probably an abbreviation of hector or else an abortive hector. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 181]
¶¶5v, a [TLN 3136-3201]
Troylus  distracted  in the consideration of
  cressids Incredible disloyaltie
his threats  against diomedes
¶¶5v, b [TLN 3202-3267]
In what sort vowes are laufull  and bind
 honor  more deere to man then life 
mildenesse  in warre  blamed 

¶¶6, a [TLN 3268-3331]
predictions  of  hectors death can not
 diuert him from his appointed  fight
¶¶6, b [TLN 3332-3395]
Thersites doggish railing  against the grecian princes
fortune of the armies fight  and hectors prevailing
 Stirring  of  aiax and achilles to the  feeld

¶¶6v, a [TLN 3396-3460]
valour of hector and Troylus
¶¶6v, b [TLN 3461-3524]
diuers single fights  That of paris and Menelaus
 Thersites dastardlie cowardise

¶¶¶1, a [TLN 3525-3558]
vniuersall sorrow for hectors death
¶¶¶1, b [TLN 3559-3592, and Finis]
Traitors and panders emploied and their  seruice  being
 done are detested    Testament  of  panders & bawdes

¶¶1v, a [A blank page]
[ NONE ]
¶¶¶1v, b [A blank page]
[ NONE ]

[Page 182]


aa1, a [TLN 1-50] The plebeians complaints of the crueltie auerice and disdaine of the patriciens and of Martius withowt regard of his seruice to the state poore suters haue strong breaths and sometimes ---------------------------- strong armes aa1, b [TLN 51-100]1 The peoples mutinie for famine which they Impute to the patriciens and sould Impute it to the gods The senators care as fathers for the people and they curse them as ennemies aa1, a-b ---------------------------- Statutes made against vsurie to support vsurers lawes made to restraine the poore and such repealed as are ⌊ against the rich fable of the contention betueene the other members of the ⌊ bodie and the wombe aa1, c2 [ NONE ] aa1, d3 [ NONE ] aa1v, a [TLN 101-166]4 The profitable vse of the seuerall members of the bodie ---------------------------- The necessare vse of the bellie to all the members

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 183]

Illus. 26. Coriolanus, sig. aa1
[Page 184]
aa1v, b [TLN 167-231]1
[ NONE ]
aa1v, c 
The members of the state compared to the members2 of the bodie
The vicious disposition  of the vulgare  particu l a r i s e d
aa1v, d 
Meate is made for
 mouthes all must liue3

aa2, a [TLN 232-295]
warres consume the superfluitie of the citie
 exorbitant  praise  of valour
  Intolerable  pride  of  Martius and his
  disdaine of the people
aa2, b [TLN 296-359]
 If  the generall  haue  not successe he beares all the blame
   If the4 prevaile his famous  lieutenant  participats the honor
The secrets of the state  perfidiouslie   discouered

aa2v, a [TLN 360-422]
a mother    most   martiallie   minded  Ioyeth more   in
 the honor acquired in warre by her  sonne nor  in the safetie
  of his life  and would be more  glade that  elleven  of  her
 sonnes sould haue died honorablie   for  their
  countrie nor  that  one  sould  voluptuouslie 
  surfet  owt of  action
an Infant   promising  his  fathers  courage
aa2v, b [TLN 423-486]
Conference   of  ladies
 Virgilia  can  take  no  confort nor  can   not
  be Induced  to keepe cumpanie or take Ioy In
   her husbands absence  in the warres

aa3, a [TLN 487-550]5
 Braueries       Martius   eagernesse

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 The b is followed by an apostrophe. 3 The l is followed by an apostrophe. 4 An error for he. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 185]
Martius  vilde reproaches to cowardlie
 souldiers with encouradgements and threats
aa3, b [TLN 551-615]4
Martius   Incomparable  valour  and  vndanted
 constancie in hardest extremities
detestation of auaricious   spoilers before absolute
               commendable   retrait

aa3v, a [TLN 616-680]1
valour  of the romans and cowardize
of the vulgar
aa3v, b [TLN 681-743]2
Choice of braue souldiers
                 Martius and aufidius
                  brauerie and fight

aa4, a [TLN 744-803]
extreame  praise of  Martius  merites
 honours and rewards offered him which
  he reiects as Immoderat  and vndeserued
aa4, b [TLN 804-867]
Militarie honors done to  Marcius  and  the  title  of
  his thankfull respect to his poore host prisoner

aa4v, a [TLN 868-926]3
pride obiected to Martius by prouder tribuns
aa4v, b [TLN 927-992]4
vilde reproaches and disgraces  to the Ignorant tribuns
  In their Ignorance  dulnesse and delaying pleaders

aa5, a [TLN 993-1056]
Ioy for Martius    successe  and   his  mothers

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 186]
 contentmen1 that he hes purchased honour
 with his wounds  and   best blood

aa5, b [TLN 1057-1121]
Coriolanus honored and Welcomed by his friends his
 mother and his wife

aa5v, a [TLN 1122-1185]
Martius  honored   and  admired   of almost  all   but
  deadlie   maligned   by the tribuns  for his  pride
suggestions  to the people   of  Coriolanus his hartred2
  contempt and  wrongs done to them
aa5v, b [TLN 1186-1246]
honor to Coriolanus by all estates
The Inconstant Ingrat  and malicious   nature  of  the
Coriolanus errour in disdaining the people and provo-
     king their hatred against him

aa6, a [TLN 1247-1312]
Coriolanus   recommended   to the people to be
  counsull  and  his  excellent  seruices praised
   to the full
he  likes  not  to heare his owne  praise
aa6, b [TLN 1313-1376]3
Coriolanus  desirous  of  disserued  glorie   contemnes
 his part of the spoile
 he  can not entreate the people to giue him their voices

aa6v, a [TLN 1377-1442]4
The contrarie opinions of the Ignorant and
  Inconstant multitude
 Coriolanus can not solicit  the people
aa6v, b [TLN 1443-1507]5
[ NONE ]

1 An error for contentment. 2 Haitred is a Scottish form of the word hatred, but the text of the annotation reads hartred. Is this the annotator's characteristically personal spelling? 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 187]
bb1, a [TLN 1508-1571]
Coriolanus  dealing  with the people
 conceiued to haue beene contempteous1
bb1, b [TLN 1572-1637]
Instructions  to haue  disapointed  Coriolanus     and taken
  aduantage  of   his choller to hinder to him to2 be consul
dogges keeped to barke ar  oft  beating3 for barking

bb1v, a [TLN 1638-1701]
   Coriolanus  high and auncient   nobilitie
 Malicious plots  against his being elected Consul
The tribuns the toungues  of  the common mouth
bb1v, b [TLN 1702-1767]
Coriolanus Impatient reproaches to the

bb2, a [TLN 1768-1833]
Most bitter  Inuection   by coriolanus against
 the presumption of the people and their tribuns
Confusion   when  two supreame  authorities
  ar permitted  in  a  state
bb2, b [TLN 1834-1899]
Confusion by popular  authoritie
Mutinie  and  confused trouble betweene the patr<i->
 cians and people
bb2, c 
 Coriolanus   his spite at the peoples Naughtinesse
  In  peace  and warre  their attempts  to depresse
  the senat  and the patricians  senselesse  souffrance
perrell  of  the states ouerthrow  by  giuing way to the
 plebeiand4 to controll the senats  authoritie
bb2, d
[ NONE ]

1 This is a variant form of contemptuous. See Index of Words. 2 The t has been altered from a b. 3 I.e., beaten. This has been altered from beating with the g deleted. 4 An error for plebeians.
[Page 188]

Illus. 27. Coriolanus, sig. bb3
[Page 189]
bb2v, a [TLN 1900-1965]
 meanes to ruine  the  state
Tumult  for preasing to take and execute Coriolanus
  and the patricians forceable resistance
           foolish resistance blamed
bb2v, b [TLN 1966-2031]
proude and vndaunted  nature
         execution to preceed triall  of  a dangerous traitor
       extreamer danger to  be reither prevented then the
            lesser           vnnaturall   and Ingrate
bb2v, c
[ NONE ]
bb2v, d1
[ NONE ]

bb3, a [TLN 2032-2097]2
when members sould be cured  and when  p
  cut aff    Suddaine  folie  breeds slow repentance
 a souldiers blunt speech excused
 exquisit   torments
bb3, b [TLN 2098-3163]3
place sould be giuen to friendlie persuasion
  honour  and  policie vnseuered  friends
bb3, c-d4 
stubborne sonne of a haughtie mother     authoritie sould be put
                                          ⌊ on before it be  worne
 Bastard words of the tongue bind not the heart  in  our bosome
Tumultuous people  may  als laufullie be taken with gentle  words
                                           ⌊ as5 besieged townes

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by blotting. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 The s has been altered from a b.
[Page 190]
bb3v, a [TLN 3164-2229]1
actions  are eloquence  and  the eyes of
the Ignorant more learned nor their eares
bb3v, b [TLN 2230-2293]2
[ NONE ]
bb3v, c-d3 
Instructions for base and  fained submission contrare to a noble
                                        ⌊ courage
 Coriolanus Inflexible  and Incapable of  flattering    plots for his4
                                          ⌊ accusation & condemning
aduantage concluded to be taken of  Coriolanus  Impatience

bb4, a [TLN 2294-2359]5
Praier  for the contries prosperitie
excuse  of a  souldiers  harsh  speech
a  lye boldlie   giuen  In
 most  disdainfull   termes
bb4, b [TLN 2360-2425]6
Coriolanus can not giue one good word for no perrell
  sentence  of banishment against  him
           his threats and execrations against  the
               people and prediction of  their miseries
bb4, c-d 7
[ NONE ]

bb4v, a [TLN 2426-2486]8
extremities trier of spirits
bb4v, b [TLN 2487-2552]9
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This looks like lis. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by blotting. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 8 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 9 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 191]
bb4v, c1
extreame   perrels    how to be  borne / Couragious precepts
  Ineuitable  strokes  how to be resisted
Consultation where to reside  during   banishment
Coriolanus   confidence     that  his vertue   sall not lurke
bb4v, d 
Volumuniaes Curses and threats

bb5, a [TLN 2553-2618]
dissention  amongst the romans
The fittest time to corrupt a mans  wife  is
 when she is  fallen  owt with her husband
bb5, b [TLN 2619-2684]
Inconstant  and  vnsure   friendship   and  ennemitie   of
 men both changing vpon bu most light and vnexspected cause
    Coriolanus  scoffed by aufidius   seruants

bb5v, a [TLN 2685-2750]
Coriolanus bold and  braving words to
 aufidius in his hardest distresse
bb5v, b [TLN 2751-2816]
aufidius extreame Ioy and Welcome to coriolanus
  Cloathes  make  false report  of  men

bb6, a [TLN 2817-2882]
extraodiner  honor done to Coriolanus
  Warre commended and  peace reuiled
   In peace men need lesse one  another    
bb6, b [TLN 2883-2948]2
[ NONE ]

bb6v, a [TLN 2949-3014]
Confused feare  in  rome  for  Coriolanus
 approch with the volces   and reproch to the
 tribuns and people authours of his banishment
bb6v, b [TLN 3015-3080]
 valiant Ignorance   and  constant  folie

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by blotting. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 192]
The vulgare rated for banishing Coriolanus
  deny or expound their voices

cc1, a [TLN 3081-3146]
aufidius  Iealousie  of  coriolanus  honour
   and secret Intension to vndoe him
successe  breeds presumption
 a  naile driues a  naile
cc1, b [TLN 3147-3207]
great  entreaties to Menenius to go to coriola1
 nus and Interceed for romes safetie

cc1v, a [TLN 3208-3273]
 when we fast we  are  faint and when we are
  fed  and refreshed we are more heartned
Coriolanus  Imperious dealing
 praises giuen  to friends aboue the full
cc1v, b [TLN 3274-3339]
  Menenius  vnworthelie thretned by the guard
  his speech to coriolanus2 and his outragious answer
Menenius couragious  speech to the guard

cc2, a [TLN 3340-3405]
Coriolanus    Inward    respect to Menenius
  his resolution not to yeeld3 to his wife or
    mothers teares or  entreaties
   his mothers speech to him
cc2, b [TLN 3406-3471]
Miserable   estate  of Coriolanus friends by his distrac=
  tion from his countrie

cc2v, a [TLN 3472-3537]
Volumuniaes vehement exhortation to Coriolanus
 for peace       Menenius  terrible  description of4
cc2v, b [TLN 3538-3603]
Coriolanus  presage  of his owne ruine  by gran

1 The r has been blotted. 2 The r has been altered from t. 3 The d has been altered from e. 4 To be continued at cc2v, b, 3.
[Page 193]
  ting peace to the romans
Coriolanus  ferce and  cruell nature and behauiour

cc3, a [TLN 3604-3666]
  honor  to Volumunia for procuring peace
Aufidious treacherous  plot  to ouerthrow
cc3, b [TLN 3667-3732]
Causes of aufidius enuy against Coriolanus and points of his
    accusation and false  witnesses  prepared
             The  senators of the volces wroth aga i n s t

cc3v, a [TLN 3733-3785]1
[ NONE ]
cc3v, b [TLN 3786-3838, and Finis]2
[ NONE ]
cc3v, c3 
Coriolanus giues  accompt  of his charge and  of
  peace  made  with the romans
Aufidius accuses him of  treason and puts  him owt
  of all  bounds of  patience and  reason
cc3v, d4 
The enraged people assist aufidius  to
 murther coriolanus
The senat of  the volces regrate his death
  and honour  his funerals

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 These annotations are written in a broad blank space above `FINIS.' and affect, by showthrough, the text printed on the other side of the leaf (sig. cc3). 4 These annotations are written in a broad blank space above `FINIS.' and affect, by showthrough, the text printed on the other side of the leaf (sig. cc3).
[Page 194]


cc4, a [TLN 1-46] Contention for the empire by succession and election andronicus recommended for1 his great seruices2 to the state cc4, b [TLN 47-91]3 [ NONE ] cc4v, a [TLN 92-155] The most part of andronicus fiue and tuentie sonnes killed in the empires seruice Mercie is nobilities true badge and approches to ------------------------------ the nature of the gods Irreligious pietie cc4v, b [TLN 156-217] honour and happines of men dead for their4 countrie a vertuous death exemes a man from fortunes5 power cc5, a [TLN 218-283] old men vnfit to vndertake highest charges one and tuentie of andronicus sonnes killed in their cuntries seruice Thanks a reward to an honorable minde cc5, b [TLN 284-348] great promises of due thankfulnesse Bassianus clames and rauishes lauinia by help of her brother whom the father killes ------------------------------

1 Almost illegible owing to blotting: probably altered from by. 2 The c has been blotted. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 The t has been affected by repair and is only legible against the light. 5 The for has been affected by repair and is only legible against the light.
[Page 195]
         Saturninus    reiects  lauinia  and owtrages
                andronicus  her  father
cc5, c 
Saturninus  made emperor by  andronicus
 recommendation maries  his doghter
cc5, d 
[ NONE ]

cc5v, a [TLN 349-412]
andronicus     will not  suffer his  sonne   whom he
 killed to be buried in the monument of his auncestors
cc5v, b [TLN 413-477]1
[ NONE ]
cc5v, c 
[ NONE ]
cc5v, d2
[ NONE ]

cc6, a [TLN 478-543]
Tamora Interceeds for andronicus and yet
  Intends to ruine him and hes race
   fained  reconciliation
cc6, b [TLN 544-602]3
aaron the moore becomes  Insolent  and   presumptu
 ous for tamoraes aduancement whom he had entertained

cc6v, a [TLN 603-668]
    Tamoraes  sonnes brawle    and fight   for lauinia
    women may  be wonne   withowt ther husbands  knowledge
 The brothers sha agrie to share  in  lauiniaes  loue and  to
   concurre  to winne and enioy  it
aduised to take their  mothers help to it
cc6v, b [TLN 669-730]
The court is full of toungues eyes and eares

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 196]
dd1, a [TLN 731-794]
Tamora  Inuites aaron to their wounted villanie
  aarons plot for  bassianus murther and rauishing
   lauinia for tamoraes  sonnes
dd1, b [TLN 795-860]
         Tamora   threatnes   Lauinia and  bassianus  for coming
         where  she wes quiet  with aaron  and they obiect to her
          that  Infamous   conuersation
Tamora Informes her sonnes  that bassianus after vilde  reproches
    would haue  killed  her and makes them to murther  him

dd1v, a [TLN 861-926]
Tamoraes sonnes resolue by their mothers
  allowance  first to violat  and then kill
dd1v, b [TLN 927-991]
andronicus  sonne  drawne Into the pit where
 bassianus trunk  wes cast

dd2, a [TLN 992-1051]
abominable  treacherie  of  Tamora   and
 aaron to make   the Innocent sonnes  of
  andronicus  to be put to cruell death as
   murtherers of  bassianus
dd2, b [TLN 1052-1115]1
Tamoraes  sonnes hauing deflored Lauinia cut
  aff her hands and cut owt her tongue

dd2v, a [TLN 1116-1172]
 andronicus    most lamentable   regraits
  for his sonnes vniustlie condemned
stonnes more pitifull then  the tribuns
dd2v, b [TLN 1173-1237]
  A man happie by being banished  from   a cruell countrie
Andronicus in no better case  nor a  man  standing
 on th a lone rock  in the  midst of the sea when it
  is filling

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 197]
dd3, a-b [TLN 1238-1364]1
More tragicall deuices and executions nor is credible

dd3v, a [TLN 1365-1428]
andronicus  miseries  encreasing beyond
 all measure  of beleef and patience
his resolution of reuenge
dd3v, b [TLN 1429-1490]
[ NONE ]

dd4, a-b [TLN 1491-1615]2
meanes to know by Lauinia wanting tongue and hands who deflored
                                                          ⌊ and
  martired her

dd4v, a [TLN 1616-1680]
andronicus   resolution   of  reuenge
 The beastlie leacherous disposition of Tamoraes
dd4v, b [TLN 1681-1746]
Tamora broght to bed of a blacke moore and
    sends to aaron  to stabbe it

dd5, a [TLN 1747-1812]
aaron   to conceale Tamoraes  shame  killes
 her  midewife  and  nurse and supposes a
  white boy In place of his owne  whom he
dd5, b [TLN 1813-1876]
[ NONE ]

dd5v, a [TLN 1877-1942]
 Iustice   not  to be found on earth
he seekes it in heaven in his distraction
dd5v, b [TLN 1943-2007]
[ NONE ]

1 The right-hand part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 198]

Illus. 28. Titus Andronicus, sig. dd6v
[Page 199]
dd6, a [TLN 2008-2073]
Tamora    seeming   to procure andronicus
  pardon   Intends to  aduance his death
The emperour    discouraged  by the Inuasion
  of  the gothes vnder lucius andronicus
Tamoraes  pourpose to
 bewitch  andronicus
  with   faire  speeches
dd6, b [TLN 2074-2133]
Tamoraes   presumptions    in her art  of perswading
words enchant men  as  bait  does fish it catches or honnie
 stalkes the sheepe whom it rots
  Aaron  surprised  by the  gothes  carieing  his bastard

dd6v, a [TLN 2134-2199]
aaron   vpon sworne promise   of his childes safetie
 offers  to detect  all the  devilish plots  and cruelties
  practised   and performed  against andronicus and
   his children
dd6v, b [TLN 2200-2265]
aarons  confession  of all mishiefes  done
by him which exceed all conception and hes2
sorrow that he has not done worse  then the
 diuell   can   doe
dd6v, c 
an atheist  exacts  from  andronicus an oath
 by the god whom he adores
dd6v, d 
[ NONE ]

ee1, a-b [TLN 2266-2395]2
Tamora and  her sonnes come to old andronicus   vnder  the shew
                                           ⌊ and name  of
  reuenge  murder  and rape  offering to execute  his
                                 ⌊ commandments he directs them
  to kill the Queene and her sonnes whom he conceiues them to
                                         ⌊ resemble

1 This may be his. 2 The right-hand part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 200]
ee1v, a [TLN 2396-2457]
andronicus   cuts  the Queenes sonnes  throats
 and   bakes their flesh and blood to be a  repast
  to their mother
old andronicus    reproaches  to tamoraes sonnes
ee1v, b [TLN 2458-2519]
[ NONE ]

ee2, a [TLN 2520-2584]
old  andronicus    killes  his  doghter  lauinia
 and  makes tamora   die  feed  on  her sonnes
  flesh  and  then stabbes her  the emperor
   him and his sonne stabbes the emperor
ee2, b [TLN 2585-2650]
Aaron produced to confesse the damnable
 and Incredible cruelties and  treacheries of
 Tamora her children and him self
ee2, e [in the text at TLN 2567]
Sat. kills Tit, Lucius Sat.1           ^2

ee2v, a [TLN 2651-2679]
honorable exequies of andronicus
ee2v, b [TLN 2680-2708, and Finis]
dishonored funerals  of  Tamora
Cruell and desperat death of aaron

1 Written in an Italian hand in a blank space preceding the Folio stage direction. 2 Written in a space after the Folio stage direction between TLN 2567-2568. 3 This word is written in an Italian hand. See Introduction, p. xx.
[Page 201]


ee3, a [TLN 1-48] foolish and cowardlie brawles ee3, b [TLN 49-96] The princes threats against the tumultuous partisans ee3v, a [TLN 97-162] vaine florishes of fight against the winde passionate Louers behauiour secrecie no cure without knouledge of the disease ee3v, b [TLN 163-228] Vanitie of loue descriued Dispaire for louing a faire dame that vowes to loue chast ee4, a [TLN 229-294] ke1 meed of loue by loving another Inuitation of faire ladies and young gallants to a supper ------------------------------ The list of the Inuited trusted to one that can not reade ee4, b [TLN 295-360] Romeo distracted by loue his persuasion that no beautie can equall his mistresses Beautie vewed and weighed by the ey ee4v, a [TLN 361-426] foolish speech of a rude nurse a maide of fourteene may marrie persuasion to marrie a gracious yowth ------------------------------ faire withowt the faire within doeth hide

1 The reading of these deleted letters is doubtful.
[Page 202]

Illus. 29. Romeo and Juliet, sig. ee3
[Page 203]
ee4v, b [TLN 427-492]
[ NONE ]

ee5, a [TLN 493-558]
Causes  of dreames to men of all qualities 
 wherof dreames arrise
ee5, b [TLN 559-624]
[ NONE ]

ee5v, a [TLN 625-690]
[ NONE ]
ee5v, b [TLN 691-756]
[ NONE ]

ee6, a-b [TLN 757-888]
Iuliet being of the house of capulet desires romeo to quite his name
                                               ⌊ of Montague ennemie
  to hers             power of loue

ee6v, a [TLN 889-954]
Iuliet professes avowedlie her loue to romeo
ee6v, b [TLN 955-1016]
hearbes  flowers  and  things of many kinds brought
 furth  by  nature  proue good or euill as mans likes
  to make vse of them

ff1, a [TLN 1017-1082]
 Care  bereaues  ws of sleepe    Secure young
  men  sleepe sownd
Romeo confesseth  his loue  to Iuliet to the frier
ff1, b [TLN 1083-1148]
derision of duellists and fashion mongers

ff1v, a [TLN 1149-1213]
[ NONE ]
ff1v, b [TLN 1214-1279]
[ NONE ]

ff2, a [TLN 1280-1345]
[ NONE ]

[Page 204]
ff2, b [TLN 1346-1410]
violent delights haue violent ends

ff2v, a [TLN 1411-1476]
foolish1 quarrelling withowt Iust cause
ff2v, b [TLN 1477-1541]
deadlie wound receiued in a foolish quarrell

ff3, a [TLN 1542-1607]
[ NONE ]
ff3, b [TLN 1608-1673]
[ NONE ]

ff3v, a [TLN 1674-1739]
[ NONE ]
ff3v, b [TLN 1740-1804]
[ NONE ]

ff4, a [TLN 1805-1870]
Mad men haue no eares
ff4, b [TLN 1871-1936]
[ NONE ]

ff4v, a [TLN 1937-2000]
Some men haue vertue as usurers haue gold and vse it not
ff4v, b [TLN 2001-2064]
[ NONE ]

ff5, a [TLN 2065-2130]
Much grief showes want of wit
ff5, b [TLN 2131-2194]
a weeping woman compared to a barke in the sea

ff5v, a [TLN 2195-2260]
father highlie discontented  for  Iuliets   refusing   to
 marie  an accomplished gentleman to2 whom he hes
  promised her

1 The first letter f has been affected by tear and repair. 2 Interlined above a small space between gentleman and whom.
[Page 205]
ff5v, b [TLN 2261-2324]
[ NONE ]

ff6, a-b [TLN 2325-2454]
an oyle benumbing the senses and making a man to appeare verilie
                                                          ⌊ dead

ff6v, a [TLN 2455-2519]
[ NONE ]
ff6v, b [TLN 2520-2583]
[ NONE ]

gg1, a [TLN 2584-2649]
we sould reioice  at the death of our children
that  die happelie and  holilie
gg1, b [TLN 2650-2715]
[ NONE ]

gg1v, a [TLN 2716-2781]
description   of   a  beggerlie  apothecaries shop who is
  ffitter to sell  drogues then good drogues 
          Gold does more  ill in this world
                    nor poison does
gg1v, b [TLN 2782-2847]
[ NONE ]

gg2, a [TLN 2848-2910]
[ NONE ]
gg2, b [TLN 2911-2976]
Romeo killes paris vnhappelie and empoisons him self

gg2v, a [TLN 2977-3042]
Iuliet killes her self
gg2v, b [TLN 3043-3107]
The frier  discouers   the vnhappie accidents that broght paris
   romeo and Iuliet to their deaths

1 Interlined above drogues.
[Page 206]
Gg1, a [TLN 3108-3146]
[ NONE ]
Gg1, b [TLN 3147-3185, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

[Page 207]


Gg1v, a [TLN 1-47] all sortes of men affect timons fa bountifull fauour resort to his house and offer him presents praise of an excellent picture Gg1v, b [TLN 48-93] [ NONE ] gg2, a [TLN 94-156]1 all men adore fortunes fauorits and when she forsakes them they are forsaken of all men Tis not aneugh to help the feeble vp but to support him after ------------------------------ Timon send2 fyve talents to pay for redeeming his Imprisoned friend gg2, b [TLN 157-222]3 Timon giues a portion to his seruant to equall the ⌊ tocher of a rich heire he gratifies poets painters buyes Iewels etc liuelie pictures represent men of this age reallie because they are ⌊ but owtsides gg2v, a [TLN 223-288]4 apemantus maligneth all men gg2v, b [TLN 289-351]5 Complimentall meeting Thankfulnesse

1 This part of the margin has been partly affected by showthrough. 2 Probably an error for sends. 3 This part of the margin has been partly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 208]
gg3, a [TLN 352-416]1
   Ceremonie needes  not where  friendship  is true
 Timon eaten   by  his feasters and false  friends
vnnaturall   dissimulation    and    couered hatred
  amongst professed   friends
 apermantus    grace 
gg3, b [TLN 417-477]2
Timon wishes  to haue need of his friends
The  dutie  of kind friends
gg3, c3
[ NONE ]
gg3, d4
[ NONE ]

gg3v, a [TLN 478-541]
all   men  are  either  depraued  or depraves
 Blindnesse of  vnbounded liberalitie
 presents giuen to Timon richlie rewarded
gg3v, b [TLN 542-607]5
Timon Commands much to be giuen not knowing that
 his coffers are emptie     he speakes all in debt
  and   payes Interest for  his rash promises
gg3v, c-d
     Timons profused   gifts accepted and repayed with flattering
                                                  ⌊ thanks
he who giues too much will in end giue him self away in  paper

gg4, a [TLN 608-670]6
 mens   eares deafe to counsell and not to flatterie
 Timons excessiue waste  and  Infinit  debts
Timon rigourouslie   craved for debt
 Timons  foolish profusion

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 209]

Illus. 30. Timon of Athens, sig. gg3v
[Page 210]
gg4, b [TLN 671-734]1
 a  nomber of suters for payments put fairlie  aff
vsurers men are bawds betweene gold and want
gg4, c2
[ NONE ]
gg4, d3
[ NONE ]

gg4v, a [TLN 735-797]4
Changeable fortune and cariage of vsurers
Definition  of a Whoremaster        The world is5
gg4v, b [TLN 798-863]6
but a word and any thing may be giuen at a breath 
gg4v, c-d
      Timon vnwilling   to be troubled with the note of his meanes
                                     ⌊ and debts
       ebbe of his estate and  flow of his debts        all sorts
                                     ⌊ of prodigalitie
deuoring flatterers   scatter  like flees7 when a prodigie  becomes
                                         ⌊ poore
Timons foolish opinion that friends  whom he had benefited will
                                     ⌊ supplie his wants and miserie
  his messingers and letters reiected by his  foolishlie supposed
                                    ⌊ friends

gg5, a [TLN 864-927]
The senat refuse Timons  sute with excuses  of the
  states burdings and  regrate  and  scorne   of his
old men  going towards earth  become are8 dull and heavie9

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 To be continued at sig. gg4v, b. 1. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This may be fliees, a form not recorded in the OED. 8 One of these two verbs (probably becomes ) should have been deleted. 9 The reading of this word is doubtful owing to blotting.
[Page 211]
 faire  and  flattering   acceptance
  of timons man  before  he declared
   his message  exspecting  some present
gg5, b [TLN 928-992]
When timon sends  to seeke supply lucius1 begins to regrate his
 waste which his  counsels  could  not restraine he pities  him and
  offers to bribe the messinger to say he met  not  with him
     Money  not  lent  vpon bare  friendship withowt securitie
         Detestation     of  flatterie    and  Ingratitude
          Rumour   of    Timons breake  and lucullus  refusing
                                              to supplie him
gg5, c2
[ NONE ]
gg5, d3
[ NONE ]

gg5v, a [TLN 993-1057]4
[ NONE ]
gg5v, b [TLN 1058-1120]5
a noble6 true heart grieued at the Ingratitude of
              timons false friends
gg5v, c
Detestable Ingratitude7 of greedie flattering dissembled friends
gg5v, d
Base mettall tried by touch
gg5v, c-d
 Lucilius exspecting that timons man  had brought him a present
     ⌊ when he heares he is come to  borrow he professes much
  kindnesse and  much  grief   that he hes giuen owt  his moneyes
        ⌊ contracted   debt and  can  not supplie him

1 Probably an error for lucullus, who enters at TLN 921 of the Folio text. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 The bl has been altered and blotted. 7 The opening I has been altered.
[Page 212]
an Impudent   refusall    of a  friend  whom timon had  first
    ⌊ benefited   before all  others    denying him  supplie
   because  he had dishonored1  him  seeking  help  sooner  of
       ⌊ others then of  him
 The deuill   hes teached  men  policie   which  they will   vse
   ⌊ against   him     vertuous     copies   taken  to be wicked
   subiects    vnder  hote ardent   zeale   would  set
      ⌊ kingdomes on fire

gg6, a [TLN 1121-1186]2
 Timons miserie  oppressed by his creditours
  and  foresaken  of his false deuouring friends
pouertie is reuenge  against an ennemie
 None bolder then he that hes naught
gg6, b [TLN 1187-1251]3
    Many keepe  their chamber   that are  not  sicke
    debts may be called  desperate when a madman oweth them
Timon hes not so much  Left  as may  furnish a dinner
gg6, c4
[ NONE ]
gg6, d5
[ NONE ]

gg6v, a [TLN 1252-1316]
  nothing   imboldnes  sinne  so  much  as  mercie
  None vse law  cruellie  but   tyrants
alcibiades    sute for pardon to a valiant   friend that
  killed  a  man in the heat of  his  anger
  querrelling    is  bastard   valour
   he is truly  valiant   that  can  wiselie   suffer  and
   make   his wrongs   his owtside6 to weare  them
   like  his rayments  careleslie

1 The second o has been altered. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 6 The Folio reading of this word at TLN 1289 is outsider.
[Page 213]
gg6v, b [TLN 1317-1382]
      a  drunkard   drownes    his valour   In sinne  & blood
    alcibiades offers to pawne  his deserts  for his friends  requitall
     of his pardon  with  profitable   seruices
life forfeited by law offered to be redeemed  or  lost by warre
                        he forfeites hes owne  blood that spils
gg6v, c
     It  is no valour to reuenge  but to beare
If bearing  carie it women are more valiant nor captaines
It  excuse of  anger and  slaughter in defense
gg6v, d
alcibiades banished for too earnest entreatie for pardon
 to his friend
gg6v, c-d
alcibiades  Imprecations against  the senats1 for their
                          ⌊ Ingratitude   and neglect of  his merits
 who repulsed the ennemie whilst they securelie  told
                        ⌊ their money and gaue it to Interest
 he threats  to do vengeance  on the  athenians

hh1, a [TLN 1383-1445]
Timons    false  friends supposing  his  wants  to
 haue beene   fained because   he of new  Inuites
 them to feast repent that they refused to lend him
hh1, b [TLN 1446-1507]
Timon welcomes  his Ingrate  friends   with a feast
 of nothing  and vses Imprecations    against  the
  Ingratitude of  men  and women
    Timons detestation of athenes and the athenians
hh1, c2
[ NONE ]
hh1, d3
[ NONE ]

1 The final s looks like an e — a result of imperfect movement of the pen. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 214]
hh1v, a [TLN 1508-1571]
 Timon dechiphering  all  the wickednesse    that
  man can conceiue  or  act  wishes  it to befall to 
   the Ingrate athenians
Timons men part rich  in sorrow parting poore
hh1v, b [TLN 1572-1635]
 Timon  vndone by the goodnesse of his owne heart
 Mans worst sinne is  when he does most good
Bountie that  makes gods  marres   men
hh1v, c
Thankfull and kind seruants
hh1v, d
 Mankind degenerat  to  all  mischief
 Gold the cause  of  all  corruption   and violation
     of nature      It  makes  all villanie  to be
Reasons why timon detests him self and  all men

hh2, a [TLN 1636-1699]
vniuersall   corruption   of  man
Timon vses Imprecations   against  all  and  wishes
   alcibiades to make warre   because it destroyes men
 he is glade that harlots destroy
  their louers
hh2, b [TLN 1670-1765]1
Timon exhorts alcibiades  to vse all the  cruelties   that euer
 were practised in warre     and giues him gold  to do it
 he entreates  whores  to performe  the  worst of  their trade
   and  bribes them to do it
hh2, c2
[ NONE ]
hh2, d3
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 215]
hh2v, a [TLN 1766-1831]1
  prayer  for  all diseases   / Iniustice   and  atheisme
    among   men    all   estates vndone  by whores
 wishes  that all Venomous  beasts and hearbes   and
  all rauenous  beastes  may  destroy man
apemantus   chiding timons by past liberalitie persuades
  him to be a base       abusing  flatterer of his perfidious
hh2v, b [TLN 1832-1897]2
No man content   The miserable sould wish to die
Willing miserie owtliues   Incertaine   pompe
 No contentment  in  man
hh2v, c-d
     allurements to vice
Concurrence of all sortes of false men to flatter and blind Timon
 a begger begotten of beggers

hh3, a [TLN 1898-1963]
  Gold doeth hired  harme
No vnthrift  beloued after his meanes
 Men vndoe men as  beasts destroy  beasts
 The Brutall  disposition  of  men
   Beastes subiect  to beastes
hh3, b [TLN 1964-2029]
Hatefull  railing  of  apemantus  and  Timon
  Timon prayes to the gods patrons of worst vices to destroy men

hh3v, a [TLN 2030-2093]
  The earth  euerie where furnishes  hearbes3 and 
     water for mens  refection more naturall then
     flesh and fishes
 The  heauens the earth the lawers and all men
 are theeues
hh3v, b [TLN 2094-2157]
We so haue  reason  to loue  our  ennemies more then our

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 The b has been blotted.
[Page 216]

Illus. 31. Timon of Athens, sig. hh2v
[Page 217]
   professed friends
Timon   moued  with  the honestie of his steward and
   blames  him  for having  beene vnprofitablie honest

hh4, a [TLN 2158-2222]
rich  men giues vsuring   gifts  exspecting tuentie
   for one     exhortation to avoide man as a pest
hh4, b [TLN 2223-2286]
To promise is courtlie and fashionable  performance    is a
  kind of testament that argues sickenes in the performers
  Iudgement    Gold adored  as a god

hh4v, a [TLN 2287-2350]
villanous deceit of men ane to another
hh4v, b [TLN 2351-2414]
  Timon  flatteringlie   Inuited  by the messingers of athenes
   to be their captaine for defense of the state against alcibiades
he wishes  and delites at their destruction

hh5, a [TLN 2415-2478]1
Timon Inuites the athenians  to come  and remeed
 their afflictions   by hanging themselues one his
   figge  trie
hh5, b [TLN 2479-2540]2
 Threates of destruction of a licencious  vicious towne
The athenians excuses of wrongs done to alcibiades and

hh5v, a [TLN 2541-2574]
The athenians  offer power of decimation   to alcibiades
  Crimes  are not  enherited  as lands
 They Inuite alcibiades  like a shepheard to cull the
   Infest  Infected and  saue the wholesome
hh5v, b [TLN 2575-2607, and Finis]
Alcibiades  onelie punishes  timons wrongers
  and his owne
 Alc   Timons epitaphe  of Imprecation

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 218]
              Warre  and peace made to be
               each other Leach

hh6, a [The Actors Names]
[ NONE ]
hh6, b [The Actors Names]
[ NONE ]

hh6v, a [A blank page]
[ NONE ]
hh6v, b [A blank page]
[ NONE ]

[Page 219]


kk1, a [TLN 1-48]1 a mirrie Cobler The people who oft adored pompey triumphing of romes ennemies throng Ingratelie to sie Cæsar triumph ouer pompeyes blood kk1, b [TLN 49-95]2 feathers pluckt from cæsars wings kk1, c3 [ NONE ] kk1, d4 [ NONE ] kk1v, a [TLN 96-161]5 a soothsaier warnes Cæsar to be worre of the Ides of March Brutus at warre with him self excuses his sowre lookes to his friends The ey sies not it self but by reflection kk1v, b [TLN 162-225]6 Cassius purgeth him self of flatterie and dissimulation kk1v, c-d Cassius had triall that cæsar had no more strength or courage nor ⌊ him self and that in sickenes he wes als deiected as a woman kk2, a [TLN 226-289]7 Cassius encourageth brutus to think himself as

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 220]

Illus. 32. Julius Cæsar, sig. kk1
[Page 221]
   he trulie is euerie  way as good as cæsar
 Brutus  much moued will not  suddainlie  resolue
   withowt due  consideration
kk2, b [TLN 290-354]1
reasons why cæsar feares  cassius being leane hawghtie and
  The crowne  offered by the romans to cæsar which he
    dissimulatlie   refuses  faintlie

kk2v, a [TLN 355-420]2
  Cæsar ouertaken    with  the  falling    sickenesse
 Caskaes fained    rudenesse   a sawce to his good wit
  Noble minds sould  conuerse with3 the like  to eshew
Cassius  throwes in  papers at  windowes   to
 bewray   cæsars        ambition
kk2v, b [TLN 421-483]4
  prodigies  seene
Men construe  things  to   their  fashion
 contrarie to the pourpose of the things themselues

kk3, a [TLN 484-549]5
 dastardlie   fainting   of the romans courages
  euerie captiue can with death cancell his captiuitie
fainthearted  cowards  make  aspiring tyrants to
  become lyons
  Contempt of dangers
kk3, b [TLN 550-613]6
preparation for the 

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 The i looks like e. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 6 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 222]
kk3v, a [TLN 614-674]1
Brutus considers  the  steps of cæsars ambitions
 mounting to the hight of the  state
kk3v, b [TLN 675-738]2
[ NONE ]

kk4, a [TLN 739-804]3
Conspiracie    to  kill  cæsar      Brutus desires4
 Brutus  will exact  no oath of the coniuratours
  whom he trusts  and accompts honorable
Ciceroes concurrence neces
 sar to authorise the act
kk4, b [TLN 805-870]5
  Cæsar to be killed but  not boutcherd
 Anthonie  saued because contemned
best  men  abused by flatterie
            constant  countenance  conceales
             dangerous attempts
kk4, c6
[ NONE ]
kk4, d7
[ NONE ]

kk4v, a [TLN 871-936]8
[ NONE ]
kk4v, b [TLN 937-999]9
[ NONE ]
kk4v, c10
porcia   tempts  brutus to reueale11 his secrets to her

1 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting and showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 4 To be continued at kk4, b, 1. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 8 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 9 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 10 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 11 The second e has been altered from ct.
[Page 223]
 she tries her owne constancie   by   a  wound
kk4v, d1
    prodigies  to affright   Cæsar  /  his confidence
The heauens2 blaze furth the death of princes

kk5, a [TLN 1000-1065]3
Death a  necessarie end will  come when
 it  will come and is not to be forefeared 
kk5, b [TLN 1066-1130]
The dreames which affright     Cæsar   are by contrare
 Interpretation   of decimus4 brutrus   made to be prosperous
   and cæsar thereby Induced   to go to the senat
              euerie  like is   not  the same

kk5v, a [TLN 1131-1196]5
[ NONE ]
kk5v, b [TLN 1197-1256]6
The conspirators prevent the forewarner    of
   cæsars danger
                   Cæsars prowde  dealing     with
                        metellus    Interceeding for
                        his brothers

kk6, a [TLN 1257-1322]
Cæsar compareth  his Constancie to the fixed /
   north starre
Cæsar stabbed and libertie  proclamed
kk6, b [TLN 1323-1388]7
  he that cuts aff tuentie yeeres of life cuts aff as many

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by blotting. 2 The opening h has been altered from p (?). 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 An error for decius (i.e., Decius) who enters at TLN 1048 of the Folio text. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 224]
   yeares  of fearing death
Anthonie  sends a fawning  message to brutus

kk6v, a [TLN 1389-1454]1
Antonies predictions of the miseries sall proceed of Cæsars murther
kk6v, b [TLN 1455-1520]2
[ NONE ]

ll1, a [TLN 1521-1582]
Brutus   declareth   to the people  the cause
 of cæsars  death to which  they applaude
ll1, b [TLN 1583-1648]
Anthonie Incenseth the people to reuenge Cæsars death

ll1v, a-b [TLN 1649-1780]
Antonies subtle and seditious  harangue to stirre the people to
                                ⌊ mutinie  and the3 to kill cæsars
 murtherers        Cæsars testament moues rage in the peoples
                                       ⌊ hearts

ll2, a [TLN 1781-1844]
Cinna the poet killed because he wes called
  Cinna    The triumuirat and proscription
ll2, b [TLN 1845-1904]4
Antonie resolues to decard Lepidus
a fierce  souldier  withowt  Wit and Inuention is no better
  nor a  strong couragious horse

ll2v, a [TLN 1905-1969]
 Iarres   betweene  Brutus   and    Cassius
  In troublesome times   It is not   meet that
   euerie nice offence sould beare  his comment 
Brutus  blames Cassius for selling offices to men
of no worth

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 Probably intended to mean then, but there is no contraction sign above the final e. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 225]
ll2v, b [TLN 1970-2035]
Cassius  madde  for briberie  reproached to him braves
 Brutus  who answers  him with  threats and  disdaine 
Brutus  reprooues Cassius for refusing to send him gold to
 pay the souldiers

ll3, a [TLN 2036-2101]
  Brutus  his  Innocent   Integritie
  a man  sould   make   his friends  Infirmities greater
   Cassius   regrate   for his  losse of brutus loue 
Brutus  carieth  anger   against  Cassius as flint does
  fire which much enforced
   showes an hastie  sparke
    and  straight   is  cold againe
ll3, b [TLN 2102-2164]
heartie reconciliation  of  brutus  and  cassius
         Cassius entreates brutus  to beare  with  the  first
           flasches of his vnbridled  choller
            portia  deuores fire  and  dies

ll3v, a [TLN 2165-2230]1
 Men  must take the current as it serues  or  loose
  their Ventures
The  tide of  mens  affaires  must be taken at the flood
 Nature   must obey necessitie
ll3v, b [TLN 2231-2296]2
[ NONE ]

ll4, a [TLN 2297-2355]
Brawles betweene the commanders of the two armies
ll4, b [TLN 2356-2421]
[ NONE ]

ll4v, a [TLN 2422-2483]
Cassius causes his slaue kill him

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 226]
ll4v, b [TLN 2484-2546]
[ NONE ]

ll5, a [TLN 2547-2610]
[ NONE ]
ll5, b [TLN 2611-2674]
[ NONE ]

ll5v, a [TLN 2675-2701]
Brutus after death honored by his ennemies
ll5v, b [TLN 2702-2730, and Finis]
[ NONE ] 

[Page 227]


ll6, a [TLN 1-42] [ NONE ] ll6, b [TLN 43-89] [ NONE ] ll6v, a [TLN 90-146] Witches and their riddles / enquirie at soothsayers Makbeths valour praised and1 ll6v, b [TLN 147-210] Their predictions examined rewarded mm1, a [TLN 211-276] Thane of Cawdors treason punished The diuell telles truth to allure ws to our harme present feares are lesse then horrible Imaginations ------------------------------ Time and the houre runnes through the roughest day mm1, b [TLN 277-337] Cawdors constant and penitent death excessiue thanks for great seruice subiects worthiest seruice to their prince are but duties ------------------------------ Malcolme created prince of Cumberland mm1, a-b vse aides new honours to fit the aduanced mm1v, a [TLN 338-396]2 Macbeths wife resolued to stirre him to the top of ambition vpon all perrils to attaine the kingdome

1 To be continued at ll6v, b, 2. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 228]
  and Instructs him to dissemble
mm1v, b [TLN 397-456]1
Macbeths  wiues   faire shew  of glade welcome
when she Intends to murther the king 

mm2, a [TLN 457-518]
Macbeth furnishes to him self true reasons to
   foresake his pourpose  of killing  the king
   but his hellish  wife driues him to do it
mm2, b [TLN 519-578]
false face must hide what the false heart doth know

mm2v, a [TLN 579-642]
  Bancho will not loose his honour seeking to augment it
fearefull   Imaginations  of men going about  horrible2
mm2v, b [TLN 643-703]
Macbeth having murthered  king  duncane  Is
terriblie  affrighted by his owne guiltie apprehensions
mm2v, a-b 
mishief      Macbeths wife besmeares the kings bedchamber men
                             ⌊ being a sleep with the kings heart
             blood drawne   with their  daggers  by  macbeth

mm3, a [TLN 704-762]3
    performances of drink
Much drinke is an equiuocator with leacherie
mm3, b [TLN 763-826]4
      Terrible exclamations for the kings murther

mm3v, a [TLN 827-888]
 Macbeths   counterfeit sorrow for the kings death
He kills  the king chamberlanes  sleeping  as  if
   they had murthered their master
mm3v, b [TLN 889-947]
king duncanes friends  flie for feare  to be murthered

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 To be continued at mm2v, a-b, 1. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 229]

Illus. 33. Macbeth, sig. mm2v
[Page 230]

The kings sonnes flight brings them in  suspicion   of
  the kings murtheropre>
mm4, a [TLN 948-1006]1
Macbeth Crowned  at scone
Duncane buried in  Icolmekill2
mm4, b [TLN 1007-1070]3
Macbeth is most affraied of banchoes valour and wisdome

mm4v, a [TLN 1071-1136]4
 Macbeth seduces  murtherers   against bancho
Men of  many different   sortes as dogges
Miserable  men fittest for dangerous
  enterprises      death  ends all our  miseries
mm4v, b [TLN 1137-1195]5
   Things withowt  remedie   sould  be withowt regarde
They are happiest that die  airlie   in a cruell   raigne
       our  faces6 as  visars to our  hearts disguise them

mm5, a [TLN 1196-1252]
Things bad begunne  make strong themselues by ill
     Bancho  murdered
mm5, b [TLN 1253-1310]
[ NONE ]

mm5v, a [TLN 1311-1376]
The king terriblie affraied by banchoes ghost
mm5v, b [TLN 1377-1435]
[ NONE ]

mm6, a [TLN 1436-1495]
  securitie  is our  greatest   ennemie
Consideration  of the degries  of Macbeths murthers
  and noblemens desire to be frie  of his danger

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 The Folio reading of this at TLN 968 is Colmekill. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 6 The f has been altered from h.
[Page 231]
mm6, b [TLN 1496-1555]
The banished princes  fauored by the king of england
 Materials   for poyson and  charmes

mm6v, a [TLN 1556-1619]1
spirits coniured  to  resolue macbeth
Their predictions to him
mm6v, b [TLN 1620-1685]2
[ NONE ]

Nn1, a [TLN 1686-1745]3
 When our actions   make  ws not traitors4  our  feares
   does5 it    Verie beastes fight in defence   of their young ones
description   of  a  most dangerous  time
Nn1, b [TLN 1746-1811]6
[ NONE ]

Nn1v, a [TLN 1812-1872]
    Malcolmes   distrusts
 He confesses  his owne  wilde  and   wicked   nature
    his leacherie    his auerice
Royall    Vertues
 Malcolme    descriues   him self to be possessed
      of all the damnable   Vices  that  euer   Inhumaine tirant
Nn1v, b [TLN 1873-1938]7
Women readie to obey kings pleasures

Nn2, a [TLN 1939-2004]
 Malcolme  Ingenuouslie    confesses his distrust
   and professis8 his owne royall   vertues

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 Barely legible owing to blotting. 5 Probably an error for do. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 8 Intended to mean professes. For a similar example, see footnote 1 on p. 172.
[Page 232]
 Curing of  the   kings  evill 
Most miserable    estate of scotland
Nn2, b [TLN 2005-2070]
Macdufs Wife and children murthered

Nn2v, a [TLN 2071-2130]
The distracted queene goes writes &
 talkes spl sleeping
Nn2v, b [TLN 2131-2191]
vnnaturall deedes trouble the mind vnnaturallie

nn3, a [TLN 2192-2251]
a man is miserable when all that is within
 him condemnes it  self for being there
nn3, b [TLN 2252-2310]1
[ NONE ]

nn3v, a [TLN 2311-2369]
shortnesse and Incertaintie of mans life
 The diuels equiuocation
nn3v, b [TLN 2370-2423]
[ NONE ]

Nn4, a-b [TLN 2424-2529, and Finis]
Malcolme after macbeth killed being saluted king promiseth
                                           ⌊ thankfulnesse to all the
  noblemen that serued  him faithfullie

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 233]


Nn4v, a [TLN 1-48] apparition of the dead kings ghost Nn4v, b [TLN 49-96] enquirie of the secret causes of Warlike preparation Nn4v, a-b Condicions of single combat betweene hamlet and fortinbras Nn5, a [TLN 97-162] riotous youth fit for tumults and Warres Causes of apparitions The cockes naturall Instinct to diuide the/nigh1 Nn5, b [TLN 163-222] funerall sorrow performed to the deceased king Ioyfull reception of the present king and prouision for safetie of the kingdome ------------------------------ ambassadors sent to procure refuse of auxiliaries to the ennemie Nn5v, a [TLN 223-288] most friendlie offer offers of court fauour entreatie to forget his fathers death vnfained and deepe sorrow for a fathers death ------------------------------ reasons against excessiue sorrow for a fathers death

1 Probably an abortive night. The writer seems to have written the first four letters of night too close to the preceding the and created an unintelligible word thenigh first, which then was divided by a stroke between e and n. Then this n and the next letter i seem to have been emphasised (rather than completed) by an unusually large and obtrusive dot over the i. But he seems to have forgotten to add the final t in order to produce the intended word.
[Page 234]

Illus. 34. Hamlet, sig. Nn5v
[Page 235]
Nn5v, b [TLN 289-352]
  a sonnes detestation  of  a mother  forgetting  her
husband  and  marieing  his brother Incestuouslie
  within a  moneth

Nn6, a-b [TLN 353-479]1
silence entreated    foule  deeds will rise though all the earth
                                    ⌊ orewhelme them to mens eyes
    No trust to be giuen to promises  made by young  men
                                  ⌊ to  women

Nn6v, a [TLN 480-545]2
The  kingdome hes  Interest  in the choice of
  kings3 wife    how warie women sould be of
   their fame
Wise precepts of  a father to a sonne going to
trauell   In foraine  countries
Nn6v, b [TLN 546-610]4
a fathers wise counsell to his doghter not to beleeue the
                  promises  and oathes  of  a  young
                    professed   louer

Oo1, a [TLN 611-676]
 against Carowssing
apparition   of the deceased king hamlet
  Terrible   apprehensions    of   feare
Oo1, b [TLN 677-742]5
swiftnesse    dulnesse  king traiterouslie murthered
 Lust blinds and seduces     dutie in mariage

Oo1v, a-b [TLN 743-874]
euerie man hes a businesse and desire such as it is

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 The opening letter k is blotted. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 236]
Oo1v, a [TLN 743-808]1
Meanes   of empoisoning     vnnaturall   crueltie
exhortation to take Iust vengeance but to forbeare
 it against  his mother  and Leaue her to heauens
 punishment and her owne  conscience
deepe and vnchanegeable   remembrance of wrong
Oo1v, b [TLN 809-874]
deepe aduization to keepe secret 

Oo2, a [TLN 875-935]
promise of  friendlie   thankfulnesse
 direction to try the actions  of a young student in paris
   Meanes of debauch   of  young   strangers
   By  Indirections we  find  directions   owt
Oo2, b [TLN 936-1000]
Countenance of a louer passionatlie distracted

Oo2v, a [TLN 1001-1061]
 aged men   cast beyond themselues  in their opinion
   and the younger sort want  discretion
Course  for discouerie  of  the young princes disseins
Command   more fit then  entreatie  for princes
  Tender    of  humblest  seruice
Oo2v, b [TLN 1062-1127]
  ambassadors   report  and the kings thanks to them
   his resolution to think  of the busines  related
Wasting of  night   day  and time
  Breuitie is  the soule  of  wit
     Tediousnesse   odious

Oo3, a [TLN 1128-1193]
Madnesse by loue             Defects of old men
Oo3, b [TLN 1194-1257]2
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 237]
Oo3v, a [TLN 1158-1322]
 Things good or bad  as they are  thought
  ambition   the  shaddow of  a dreame
 a begger   forced to  be poore  in thanks
 aduizing  by  many bonds to be  euen  and
direct    in speech
Oo3v, b [TLN 1323-1388]
excellencie of  man
 Tragedians applause
  Manie affrayed of the libertie of poets

Oo4, a [TLN 1389-1454]1
The appurtenances of welcome are fashions
  and ceremonie       Counterfeit madnesse
actors  of all  sortes
Oo4, b [TLN 1455-1520]2
Iudgement of a play

Oo4v, a [TLN 1521-1586]3
 The hatred  of  actors dangerous
It  will be hard4 with many  if  they be 
  not vsed better then their desert
strange   motions wroght  by sight of acted pleiyes
Oo4v, b [TLN 1587-1650]5
 dastardlie   suffering
strange promptitude in plaiers to act  euerie  thing to the life
        Secret    mischief discouered by a mans countenance
         sieing a  tragedie  represent  a  fact  like   to his
                             Iustlie  and  cruellie  punished

Oo5, a [TLN 1651-1716]6
Our  hipocrisie   makes  ws  surpasse the

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 4 The a has been altered from e. 5 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 238]

Illus. 35. Hamlet, sig. Oo5
[Page 239]
  deuill  in  Wickednesse
 sting  of  conscience
  question   whether we oughth  to ouercome our
    selues  and our passions  by extreame patience
  or die seeking  desperat
Miseries and disgraces  wherto we  are subiect 
        Conscience   makes  ws cowards
        Rich gifts waxe poore when giuers proue vnkind
                 Confession  of  many

Oo5v, a [TLN 1783-1847]2
dissuasion to  a woman from  mariage
womens  dissimulation
description3 an accomplished man
madnesse in  great ones should not goe vnwatcht.4
Oo5v, b [TLN 1848-1909]5
Instructions to Comedians in their acting

Oo6, a [TLN 1910-1973]6
Confidence  in an approued  friend for
 discouerie of a wicked conscience
Oo6, b [TLN 1974-2036]7
short memorie of great men after their death
  dumbe shew before a play

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 An error of description of. 4 This line is a faithful copy of the last line in the left column of the Folio (TLN 1846), and is written in English secretary hand mixed with an Italian hand. The r and the two h's in this line are no doubt in an Italian hand and the final s of `ones' is a long s — a unique example. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough.
[Page 240]
Oo6v, a [TLN 2037-2102]1
vicissitude of grief and  Ioy
 Inconstancie  and change of mortall mens estate
  Let the galled  Iadde  winch
                  Sting   of conscience
Oo6v, b [TLN 2103-2168]2
preparation for secret murther by poyson
    The  world  runnes away

pp1, a [TLN 2169-2234]
Wittie   scoffing  at a tra  treacherous spie
Not so easie to play vpon a man as vpon a pipe
pp1, b [TLN 2235-2298]
Tongue   and soule hipocrites
How much the kings safetie Imports the state and everie
            particular   subiect

pp1v, a [TLN 2299-2363]
  a  seruile and false   exploratour3
  strange  confusion by conscience  of a damned deed
Mercie   blots away  offense
execrable   acts  breed dispaire
  power of  repentance and  penitent prayer
pp1v, b [TLN 2364-2428]
words withowt thoughts go neuer to heaven
 danger to be too busie    obdured   heart
pp1v, c
debate If reuenge sould worke against body and soule
pp1v, d
hamlet obiects to his mother the vilde
murther   of  his father  and her
pp1v, e [at TLN 2313; in the text space at the right end of the line]

1 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 The t has been altered from l. 4 Written basically in an Italian hand.
[Page 241]
 Incestuous mariage  with  his vncle

pp2, a [TLN 2429-2494]
Beauties of an  Incomparable prince
 obdured  boldnesse in a villanous act
 words stinging conscience
 a vilde worthlesse tiranous prince
pp2, b [TLN 2495-2560]1
  a flattering  vnction    laide  to the soule  Will   but  skinne
                                                            ⌊ the
   vlcerous  place   and  make  Inward  corruption 
  we  must confesse and repent  and not couer the weeds to make
                                                   ⌊ them rank
vertue must begge pardon of vice in this corrupt  time to  cure  it
pp2, c2
[ NONE ]
pp2, d
[ NONE ]

pp2v, a [TLN 2561-2626]
madnesse    not  essentiallie    but   in  craft
keeping of  a soule  disease    from  divulging    lets
  it feed   to the  pitch3 of life
  The multitude    like   not in their Iudgement4 but
In their eyes
               offenders    scourge  weyed by the
                         multitude  but not
                         their offence
pp2v, b [TLN 2627-2691]5
flattering   greedie   and  false   courtiers   vsed to be
a knavish speech  sleeps in  a  foolish eare
     desperat   remeedes of desperat  diseases

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 Whether this is an error or not is not known: the Folio reading at TLN 2610 is `pith'. See Index of Words. 4 The d has been altered from g. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 242]
pp2v, c
[ NONE ]
pp2v, d1
we fat all creatures to fat ws and we
  fat our selues for wormes

pp3, a [TLN 2692-2756]
Iealousie  sip spils2 it self fearing to be spilt
pp3, b [TLN 2757-2822]
Sorrowes come not single

pp3v, a [TLN 2823-2887]
Buzzing rumours   diuinitie hedges kings
 desperat resolution of reuenge
pp3v, b [TLN 2888-2953]
[ NONE ]

pp4, a [TLN 2954-3015]
 offer of friendlie triall
due  honours of funerals
pp4, b [TLN 3016-3081]
New deuice to murther hamlet by3 making him
   fight with Laertes

pp4v, a [TLN 3082-3147]
excellent     horse man  rare  fencer enued
  Time    qualifies    loue
enuenomed4 sword   and poisoned drinke
 prepared     for Hamlet
pp4v, b [TLN 3148-3211]5
Iudgement of those that kill them selues

pp5, a [TLN 3212-3276]
The  gallowes  does well to them that doe ill
The houses that a  grauemaker   builds

1 This part of the margin has been affected by blotting. 2 The p has been altered from something else, and blotted. 3 The y has been altered from an e. 4 The o and m have been altered from something else. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 243]
   Last  till domesday
No different    respect  of dead  sculles
 a politician   presuming
 to circumvent   god
pp5, b [TLN 3277-3342]1
   Lawers and  Land  buyers  Inioy no Land  after
    death   Transmitting     of a quicke   by   lye
Cosoning  courtiers
        They ar  sheep and calues that  trust  in 
          parchemin  made  of       sheep and calues
pp5, c-d
our age is so picked that the toe of the pesant treads on the heeles
                                                      ⌊ of the courtier
pp5, c
[ NONE ]
pp5, d2
[ NONE ]

pp5v, a [TLN 3343-3407]3
 Many   men  rotten ere they  die
 Men  will  ly buried eight yeeres before
  they be rotten
Water consumes   dead  bodies
pp5v, b [TLN 3408-3473]4
Great  command  ouersweyes  order
 Murtherers  of themselues not admitted to buriall
   emphasis of grief
                     a  louer truer   in affection
                       nor  a brother

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been seriously affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 244]
pp5v, c-d1
[ NONE ]
pp5v, c
  an  excellent  Iester  /   ladies   painting   can
   not shelter them from death  and consumption
 alexander turned   to clay and  dust
Casar2 who kept the   world  in awe  hes  his
  corps turned   to  lome  and  ashes
pp5v, d
[ NONE ]

pp6, a [TLN 3474-3538]
our   Indiscretion  sometimes  serue ws
There  is a diuinitie  that shapes  our ends
   feares   forget   manners
knaverie     detected by an
  vnsealed   packet
pp6, b [TLN 3539-3604]
a treacherous murthering  commission   being detected another
 supposed in  lieu  of  it  to murther   the  false messingers
 Treacherous executers Iustlie trapped In  their owne   traine
              Cozenage  requit  with  fraude
                a vicious  man  potent In the   possession of dirt
                Pase3 seruile parasite
pp6, c
 Intended   cruell  murther  detected
 statists  think it basenesse to write  faire
a  commission surprised and counterfeited cunninglie
pp6, d4
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin within the rule has been affected by showthrough. 2 An error for Cæsar. 3 This must have been intended to read base, but the first letter P (presumably to open the word parasite, which is found later in the line) has been deleted or blotted without the due supply of a b. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 245]
pp6v, a [TLN 3605-3670]
  allurements    to  moue hamlet   to fight  with
   laertes that he might be killed with a poisoned sword
Tune1 of the time and  owtward habite of  encounter
 caries   base  flatterers   throw  the most
  fond  opinions         and  blow them to their
pp6v, b [TLN 3671-3734]
No  man  hes  ought of what he  leaues  and so ther
  is no hurt  to leaue  it be times
a distracted  mans actions are not his
                  vnvoluntar  harme done withowt
                    knowledge  merits pardon
pp6v, c
Their is a speciall providence  in the fall of a  sparrow
pp6v, d
[ NONE ]
pp6v, c-d
hamlet excusing his offence  done to laertes by his madenesse and
                               ⌊ offering  his loue  it is accepted
  but the king  still vrges  their combat      solemne  Inuitations
                                  ⌊ to a permitted combat

qq1, a [TLN 3735-3800]
The Queene her sonne hamlet  and laertes
  poisoned by the kings treacherie
qq1, b [TLN 3801-3864]
[ NONE ]

1 An i has been interlined between T and u, but the writer's intention is not clear to the editor: the interlined i, therefore, has not been transcribed — a unique case in this edition of the departure from editorial principles. Tune is the word found in the Folio at TLN 3653-54 (i.e., `the tune of the time'). It is even likely that the annotator first wrote `Tune of the time' correctly (without the dot over the i of `Time') and then wanted to change it to `Time of the tune', adding the interlined i unnecessarily to the first word of the phrase and leaving the dot belonging to the last word unerased.
[Page 246]
qq1v, a [TLN 3865-3885]
[ NONE ]
qq1v, b [TLN 3886-3906, and Finis]
[ NONE ] 

[Page 247]


qq2,a [TLN 1-47] doubt of the lawfullnesse of a sonnes birth care of the kingdome Imposed by the old king on thrie lords having their diuisions qq2,b [TLN 48-94] The kings triall of his thrie daughters loue to him and distribution of his kingdome accordinglie qq2,c-d1 [ NONE ] qq2v,a [TLN 95-160] Lear reiects Cordelia because she said that she might giue the half of her heart to her husband dutifull affection of a subiect to his king dutie will haue no dread to speake what flatterie ------------------------------ blinds the king qq2v,b [TLN 161-224]2 The kings safetie preferred to life qq2v,c kent after doome of banishment3 obeyes and sayes4 and banishment is in it qq2v,d that freedome is banished the kingdome qq3,a [TLN 225-290] suddaine and causelesse change blamed a vertuous doughter endures what she suffers for truth

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 The final t has been altered from something like tt. 4 To be continued at qq2v, d, 1.
[Page 248]

Illus. 36. King Lear, sig. qq2
[Page 249]
 loue is not  loue  which is
  mingled  with   regards
 vertue  is   a  dower1
qq3,b [TLN 291-352]
   a  maide withowt dower is   fortunes almes to her husband
who couers faults at last  whit2 shame  derides 
   waywardnesse  of  old   age
             Bastars3 more    spiritlie begotten  and  more
               actiue   and    vertuous     nor  the legitimat
a vertuous princesse taken withowt dower
[ NONE ]

qq3v,a [TLN 353-418]
damnable  villanie  of a bastard   to enrage his
 father against his laufull  sonne by a counterfeit
qq3v,b [TLN 419-484]
enumeration of the most vnnaturall  wickednesse
 of men   folishlie ascriued to the starres

qq4,a [TLN 485-537]
Innocence   not  suspicious4 and  honestie   is
  easie  to be  practised  vpon,
The  old  king  tempted by his doghters to whom
  resigned  his autoritie   and5
  and his seruants  contemned
   and discountenanced
qq4,b [TLN 538-602]
honest professions and duties of a good seruant

1 Almost illegible owing to smudging. 2 An error for with. 3 The terminal s may be an error for d. See Index of Words. 4 The second s has been altered from p. 5 Inadvertently repeated at the beginning of the next line.
[Page 250]
qq4v,a [TLN 603-668]
   wittie   and  bitter   checkes giuen   to the king
    by his foole  for  his  grosse  errors
he proues   the king  to  be a  greater foole nor him self
qq4v,b [TLN 669-734]
The kings wit pared on both sides  and no thing left of the middle
It  is better to be a foole  nor   nothing
 The kings behauiour and  his  seruants   controlled   by his

qq5,a [TLN 735-799]
description    of an Insolent   and disordered rable
Bitter Imprecation    of lear  that  his doghter may
 be barraine   or  bring  furth monstruous  birth
    The doghter cals the  kings
    passion  dotage
qq5,b [TLN 800-863]1
  safer to feare too farre then trust  too farre
 The k/ doghters will not allow him any  guarde or atten
[ NONE ]

qq5v,a [TLN 864-922]3
stryving  to better   of4 we marre  whats well
 folie of these5 that giue all to their  children
qq5v,b [TLN 923-980]6
Whispered newes
He is old before the time that is old, before he be wise

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This is an error for oft (=often). The whole line has been taken from the Folio, which reads oft. 5 The third letter is not an o but beyond doubt an e. 6 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 251]
The bastard  persuades his brother to fly  makes  a counterfeit
                                        ⌊ brawle with him and makes
 his  father  beleeue  that it  wes he  would not assist his
                                   ⌊ brother to murther him
[ NONE ]

qq6,a [TLN 981-1044]
Testimonie of truth how to be defeated by authoritie
  and craft
Meanes to prevent  the  meanes of  a malefactors
qq6,b [TLN 1045-1103]
Counsell  soght1
wickednesse rewarder and Iustice persecuted
          all the outragious words that can be spoken
          of a most villanous      roguie Wretch

qq6v,a [TLN 1104-1167]
  a dastardlie coward more base nor a statue
false  flattering cowardlie seditious seruants
 hawtie  brawles            a king highlie dishonored2
qq6v,b [TLN 1168-1233]
some  subtle knaues  affect bluntnesse to seeme plane
 It is no praise to be a plane  knaue
      when his messinger is  wronged
                     a haughtie disposition  will not
                     be robd  nor  stopt
[ NONE ]
a good mans fortune may grow out at heeles

1 The o has been altered from an h. 2 To be continued at qq6v, b, 3.
[Page 252]
rr1,a [TLN 1234-1295]
No thing almost sies  miracles  bot miserie
  seeking  to  giue losses  their remedies
strange course  to escape    cruell persecution
  and  discouerie   by  basest miserie
   miserable  beggers be the benum
   bed patience of  their  dead car--
    casses  and by their   prayers beg their liuing
rr1,b [TLN 1296-1360]
 kents relation  of the  cause  of  his  laying  in  the  sto< >1
Better for fathers to beare bags  then to beare  ragges
  all  that  follow their noses are   led  by their eyes but b<  >2
   and  euerie man  can smell stink   thats  stinking
               historica  passio
                  we sould let goe our       hold  when a great
                  wheele  goes downe        the hill
a man ouerlustie at legs weares wodden
  nether stockings3
men sould follow great wheeles that go vpward that it may
 draw  them vp  after  them

rr1v,a [TLN 1361-1425]
     In  sickenes   the   mind  suffers with the  bodie
 Contempt done to a father by one of his doghters

1 Tear and repair have affected this word, which probably reads storm(e). 2 Tear and repair have affected this word, which probably reads blind or blindlie. 3 The vertical stroke of the first s is a double one that was common to the contemporary upper-case F in secretary hand, although none was used in the present Folio marginalia. The terminal s has been inadvertently written over the preceding g. The annotation here is a faithful copy of the Folio text at TLN 1285: `he weares wodden nether-stocks.'
[Page 253]

Illus. 37. King Lear, sig. rr1
[Page 254]
  Iustified  by the other
rr1v,b [TLN 1426-1491]
   The old  king   disdainfullie   recatched   from doghter
         to doghter  and his age obiected as dotage
Imprecations  against  an Ingrate and disdaining1 doghter
  a  dutifull   and an outragious doghter  descriued
all is not offence that Indiscretion finds and dotage termes so

rr2,a [TLN 1492-1557]
all miseries lesse  abhored  then liuing with a spitefull &
 Ingrate  doghter
  bad children ar the biles and
  plagues of   the parents corrupted blood
rr2,b [TLN 1558-1617]
mans  life  is cheape as  beastes /  a man as full of  grief2
 as of yeeres /     prayer   for  patience  in extreame  sorrow
        noble  anger admits  not  teares that   are womanlie
            a father neglected by        children to whom
            he had giuen   all  his    estate
many people in one house vnder tuo commands
 can not hold  amitie
To wilfull men Iniuries that themselues procure must be their
                              ⌊ schoolmasters / wisdome bids feare
[ NONE ]

1 The s has been altered from d. 2 This is a faithful copy of the text of the Folio at TLN 1573: `As full of griefe as age'. But the annotator seems to have wanted to alter this word and wrote over it, in darker ink, something blotted and undecipherable that ends with an s. The last two letters ef of `grief' or `greef', his initial copying, are still legible. Therefore, this edition has adopted the word the annotator first wrote rather than the undecipherable one that probably reflects his second thought. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 255]
rr2v,a [TLN 1618-1678]1
   Terrible    tempest   Iniuries   owtiesed2
quarrels cunninglie    couered  betweene  great men
 spies of the  estate   Inuitation   of the
                   powers of the elements3 against the world
a man  more nor  his outwall
rr2v,b [TLN 1679-1744]
a Mans  a  house is a good  head  piece
  Beggers  marie before they haue a house  for their
            codpeece /    all  faire   women makes
                        faces    in a  glasse
                Cruell    tempest
        Court holie water
 The secret wickednesses  of hipocriticll   man4
   Inward   feare when the elements reare
We must  be content with our fortunes fit
 descriued   and Iudged to be   stings5 of6
    Necessitie  makes  wilde  things  precious
descriptio7 of greatest abuses of the  time

rr3,a [TLN 1745-1797]
The bastard   that  first   falslie betrayed his brother
  now betrayes    his  father            It  is fit that8

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 The i has been altered from an e. The Folio at TLN 1624 reads `out-iest'. 3 The annotator, finding the space between the pagination and the running-title too small to accommodate this and the following three words, has written the m in a very narrow space between the running-title and a rule below it, gradually sliding the level of the line down to that of the next line. 4 To be continued at rr2v, d, 1. 5 The terminal s has been altered from an l. 6 To be continued at rr2v, c, 3. 7 Probably an error for description, as there is no contraction mark over the final o. 8 To be continued at rr3, b, 2.
[Page 256]

Illus. 38. King Lear, sig. rr2v
[Page 257]
 we  eshew the greatest   ill
 The tempest of  the mind makes ws
    forget  all   bodelie  troubles
rr3,b [TLN 1798-1861]
Constancie of beggers againes bodelie wants and miseries
princes taste the distresses of poore men to pitie and remede them
              all sortes of  mischeeuous  deuices  to destroy
                   an Innocent
filiall Ingratitude Insupportable
a wronged  man in extremitie thinks no Iniurie comparable to
  that  he suffers

rr3v,a [TLN 1862-1926]3
Confession   of  all  wickednesse that can be deuised
 and counsell  how to  prevent
a man  clothe4 by nature oweth no thing for  help to resist the5
rr3v,b [TLN 1927-1986]6
king lear distracted by the Iniuries of his Ingrate &
                vnnaturall     bodies doghters
  Iniuries  of the aire
           a  small  sparke of fire  in  an  old   leachers heart
  a mad man   tormented  with  famine    feeding  vpon  things
   hatefull to  nature    and  afflicted     pittileslie8

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 Probably an abortive clothed. 5 To be continued at rr3v, b, 3. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 8 The first i has been altered from u. 9 The opening V has been blotted or altered from something illegible.
[Page 258]
duties of  nature  to parents forgotten  by children and  the
  detested by Vertuous9 men for  their Ingratitude
Colours  of an vnnaturall  bastard  to
 ruine  his bontifull father treacherouslie

rr4,a [TLN 1987-2046]2
patience  ouercome and turned to madnesse
what breedes the hard  heart
rr4,b [TLN 2047-2106]3
preparation for preventing rebels
             men  may  blame the Iniustice of princes
                which they may       not controll
[ NONE ]
hospitalitie violated

rr4v,a [TLN 2107-2172]6
humaine compassion of an outraged king
rr4v,b [TLN 2173-2233]7
    Cornowall8 killed by the  kings   dieing seruant
a man having wanting any  miserie  leeues  in hope & fear
                    a  man  extremelie  miserable   contemnes
                         fortune   and is afrayed of  no thing
                  he who hes no way wants no eyes

2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
8 Though blotted, the second o  is clear enough. The annotator, intending to
write an e,  may have wanted to halt his pen owing to the blotting. 

[Page 259]
[ NONE ]
Many times our defects proue our cõmodities
The worst is not so long as we can say this  is the worst
   as flies  to wanton  boyes are  we  to the gods

rr5,a [TLN 2234-2294]
If distribution   vndoo excesse each man may haue enough
 a  wife bold in villanie  and  crueltie
 disdaines  the mildenesse  of her
 husband  and enterteanes a  ruffian
rr5,b [TLN 2295-2354]1
The gods Iust auengers of wickednesse

rr5v,a [TLN 2355-2414]2
  vnprofitable    weedes in  the  corne
 secrets of nature  and  power  of  herbes 
  care  of the safetie   of  a  faithfull   friend
A sister vnfaithfull  to her  sister  and Iealous of her
 familiaritie with their     common   ruffian
rr5v,b [TLN 2415-2474]3
gifts to seduce a man to be a bawd
                            a dreadfull precipice

rr6,a [TLN 2475-2540]
god4 make then5 honours of mens Impossibilities
                              reasons why men6
                                 detestation  of7

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 An error for gods. This note is a faithful copy of the Folio text, TLN 2518-19. 5 An error for them. 6 To be continued at rr6, b, 2. 7 To be continued at rr6, b, 3.
[Page 260]
rr6,b [TLN 2541-2606]
 flatterers in prosperitie   forsake their Infortunat maisters
sould  not die   for  the  common vice of  adulterie
  vilde   lasciuious   Women
                seing   feelinglie
                 a  man  may sie  how     the world goes
                 with  his  eares  altho he  haue  no eyes
Raueries of a distracted man
     vniust Iudges decrie and punish partiallie
wickednesse  and Iniustice   vniuersall

rr6v,a [TLN 2607-2672]
   Iniustice    in  all  mens actions by corruption
When we  are borne we weepe  that we  are come
   to this great stage of fooles
rr6v,b [TLN 2673-2738]
a  bad seruant      readie  to serue his mistres wickelie
IT is  als  laufull   for ws to rippe our ennemies papers
  as1 to rippe their hearts
                           murtherous pourpose of an
                                adulterous  wife
distracted mens thoughts seuered from their greefes

ss1,a [TLN 2739-2795]
pittilesse crueltie of vnnaturall doughters detested
ss1,b [TLN 2796-2853]2
[ NONE ]

1 The s has been altered probably from a half-made l. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 261]
ss1v,a [TLN 2854-2914]
  albanie  warned  of shame  and death Intended
   against  him by his  wife
Heape of murtherous   mischiefes Intended by the
ss1v,b [TLN 2915-2966]1
Inconstancie of mens fortunes

ss2,a [TLN 2967-3030]
men   are as the time is         Contention2
 Tender minded  men doe not become
     a sword
preuention  of commotion
 by popular   pittie  of
   afflicted   princes
ss2,b [TLN 3031-3092]
   betuix the kings doghter and her husband for the authoritie
Regan  empoisoned by the bastard
              The  bastard  accused  of  treason and challenged
                                                          ⌊ to
                  the combat accepts       it

ss2v,a [TLN 3093-3158]
goneril  desperat by discouerie of her villanies  kills  her self3
to saue our life we will reither  die hourelie then die at ones
ss2v,b [TLN 3159-3221]
and poisons her sister
  Bastards confessed wickednesses at his death

ss3,a-b [TLN 3222-3302]
wages of vertue due to friends  and cup of their deseruings to foes
ss3,b [TLN 3263-3302, Finis]
In sad times we speake what we feele and
   not what we  ought

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 To be continued at ss2, b, 1. 3 To be continued at ss2v, b, 1.
[Page 262]

Illus. 39. Othello, sig. ss3v
[Page 263]


ss3v,a [TLN 1-47] euasions to elude sutes scornefull prattle but practise in souldiership ------------------------------ souldiers by the booke ss3v,b [TLN 48-94] Base plaine fellowes seruing truelie their masters owtspend their life and die poore and contemned ------------------------------ seruants trimmed in visages of dutie abuse their masters become rich and then contemne them ss3v,a-b ------------------------------ seeming repect and dutie for particular ends deuices of vexation ss3v,c preferrement goes by letter and affection and not by deserued gradation ------------------------------ followers of great men to serue their owne turne and onelie follow them selues ss3v,d [ NONE ] ss4,a [TLN 95-160] disorders done in drunkennesse a faire venatian1 gentlewoman followes a stranger moore ss4,b [TLN 161-218] a false villaine having detected a pourpose will not be a witnesse in it for marring his owne ends meanes to searche and apprehend fugitiues in Venice

1 The second a has been ill-formed and looks like oi. This word-form is not recorded in OED, but the annotator also wrote venetian at ss6, c-d, 2.
[Page 264]
                 power   of a Magnifico in the state  of  Venice

ss4v,a [TLN 219-281]
  Confidence of Impunitie to a man When he is necessare
honour by brawling countenanced    Businesse of heate & haste
ss4v,b [TLN 282-340]
reasons why no thing but magicall  charmes1 could
moue  a  faire  wealthie  maid to follow an2 deformed
                 all  good men Interessed to reforme
                disorders of dangerous exemple
[ NONE ]
Consultation  of vpon
the probabilitie of report in mater greatlie
    concerning  the state

ss5,a [TLN 341-403]
consideration of the probabilitie   of the ennemies
   attempts according to his safest aduantage
   shew contrare to the Intent to 
     deceiue the ennemy
ss5,b [TLN 404-469]
   a  man  bred and  practised  in armes from his youth professeth
    no eloquence in  any other subiect
presumptions that  a Noble faire   young  rich and vertuous  made
            could  not withowt   charmes haue enclined to the
                                                           ⌊ lust
               of   a poore deformed  stanger3
             faire  meanes  to conquer a maides  loue

1 The m has been altered from an e or o. 2 An error for a. 3 An error for stranger : the three letters tra seem to have been merged in two letters ta.
[Page 265]
vehement privat griefs  swallowes other publik sorrowes
   promise  of seuerest punishment  that  law can  allow
[ NONE ]

ss5v,a [TLN 470-533]
 historie   of  the  manifold miseries and  dangersrou1
  Incident to valiant  souldiers allure   women to their
Counsell   to take vp friendlie  a mangled mater
Men  do reither vse    their broken weapons
 then theire2    bare      hands
ss5v,b [TLN 534-599]
  When remedies  are  past the  griefs  are  ended
To mourne a past mischiefe is to draw on a new one
                         he robs him selfe  that spends
                          a bootlesse griefe
a doghters dutie diuided betweene her father and her
patience lendeth litle to pay griefe
    a bruzed heart neuer pearced through the eare
opinion is a soueraigne   mistres of  effects

ss6,a [TLN 600-665]
  a  mans  visage   seene in his mind
It is sillinesse  to liue when life is torment and we
  haue a prescription  to  die when death is our
ss6,b [TLN 666-731]
It is in our selues to be what we are

1 The final rs has been added probably simultaneously with the deletion of rou. 2 Probably the i has been added afterwards and blotted.
[Page 266]
  our bodies are our gardens1  and  our  wils   our  gardeners
The braine of  our liues haue the  scale   of  reason  to poise
   another of  sensualitie    Reason must coole our raging motions
  a  friend knit to a mans deseruings with cables of vndissoluble
                               ⌊ touchnesse2
     Money may draw  a young   venetian from  the  loue of  an
                           ⌊ Inconstant and owtspent barbarian
  Coniunctiue     men  in  reuenge
There  are many  events  in  the  wombe  of   time  which  will
                            ⌊ be deliuered

ss6v,a [TLN 732-790]
  malice  practised vpon  suspition  as  if  it were true
 a man trusted ablest to  deceiue       double  knauerie
grounds to fixe Iealousie    in a credulous  mans  heart
 a simple man  led by the nose  like an   asse
      Terrible   tempest   descried3 and shipwrak
ss6v,b [TLN 791-854]
  famous   report   of  othello
   desmedono4 praised    aboue the best
most  honorable   wishes to a lady 

tt1,a [TLN 855-920]
 a woman  hauing  too much tongue  puts  a part
   of it some times in  her heart   with thinking
a  description of womens Imperfections   and falsehoods /
 women rise to play  and  go to their beds  to work
   women beguile the  thing the5  are
    by seeming otherwise
tt1,b [TLN 921-982]
Impossible good  qualities  in  women
 ordinarie  commencements of  lust twixt men and women

1 The first two letters ga have been altered. 2 This is probably a Scottish form of toughnesse. See Index of Words. 3 Probably an error for descriued. 4 This is obviously the annotator's way of reading the Folio's Desdemona. 5 Probably an abortive they.
[Page 267]
Wish that our conforts  may  grow with our dayes
   Contentment  bureing  all  past  griefs and perrels
description of vice and lust in all women
[ NONE ]

tt1v,a [TLN 983-1048]
 a womans    lust  not continouallie1  satisfied   makes
  her  to affect a new choice wherin   she  will  affect
   to haue her eye and desire  better  contented
a   man   endued  with qualities  to  abuse a woman
 one   qualified   with all  requisites    that follie
  and  greene minds    looke after
tt1v,b [TLN 1049-1106]
a treacherous vill and lasciuious villaine   owt
 of heate and Iealousie contriuing the vndoing
  of many
     prologue to the historie of foole2 thoughts and lust
proiects to quarrell      and  vndo   cassio  and   raise
  mutinie   to gaine   a  short Iourney to  attaine   our
proclam/ation3 of triumph and publik

tt2,a [TLN 1107-1171]
a womans qualities louelie praised
  a man  vnfit for carrowsing

1 The second o has been blotted. For other related examples of the spelling of this word, see Index of Words. 2 An error for foule. The Folio text at TLN 1040 reads `foule Thoughts.' 3 This medial stroke is of course unnecessary — probably inserted to fill in an unusually wide space created inadvertently? Compare footnote 1 on p. 288.
[Page 268]
tt2,b [TLN 1172-1236]
englishmen most potent in potting / pride pulls downe the countrie
      q u a r r e l s  of beastlie drunken men
plot to raise tumult amongs drunken men
[ NONE ]

tt2v,a [TLN 1237-1301]
 M u t i n i e  raiseth  by drunken camerades quarrels
vpon the suddaine
tt2v,b [TLN 1302-1367]
Iago  contriues a subtile  tale  to make the
 Claime of the mutinie be  Imputed  to 
           Cassio with shew  of much
            tender respect to him

tt3,a [TLN 1368-1431]
 reputation   many  times got but merit and
   loosed but  deseruing
 d r u n k e n e s s e  is a diuell
we put  wine   an  ennemie in our
  mouthes to steale    away our
  braines    and  with  Ioy make our selues beastes
tt3,b [TLN 1432-1494]1
    Inclination   to goodnesse
    Counsell  friendlie  in shew tending  to destruction  in  effect
damnable deuice to vndoe thrie friends at ones vnder professed
                                                         ⌊ friendship

tt3v,a [TLN 1495-1553]2
  They are poore that  haue  no patience
 Wounds heale   by degries
 We worke  by  wit  and wit depends on dilatory

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 269]
fruits  that blossome     first grow first ripe
tt3v,b [TLN 1554-1611]1
[ NONE ]
pleasure and action make time seeme shorter
Court procurement of Intercession

tt4,a [TLN 1612-1676]
assurance  of  effectual Intercession and hope to
  prevaile by extreame Importunitie
tt4,b [TLN 1677-1742]2
Craftie Interrupted speaches to breede Iealousie and
 allure questions that by ansuers may  perfite it
[ NONE ]
[ NONE ]

tt4v,a [TLN 1743-1808]
  Thoughts  are  frie  and  vncontrollable
he that steales from a man his  good name makes
the  first  owner  poore and  enriches  not
 him  self            Miserie Iealous men
tt4v,b [TLN 1809-1874]
womens best conscience is not to leaue adulterie
vndone but  vnknowne
       Miserie of Iealous husbands
Behauiour of women cause of Iealousie

1 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 270]

Illus. 40. Othello, sig. tt5v
[Page 271]
stings  maliciouslie added to burning

tt5,a [TLN 1875-1937]
aduice   how to discouer the affections
 of the suspected persons
 fatall   speciallie   to all great
  men to be cukcolds
 Cukcoldrie   Intolerable
tt5,b [TLN 1938-2003]
         subtile  meanes  to encrease  Iealousie   and    falslie
          vndoe one to whom he professeth friendship
Iealousie once conceiued   becomes Incurable    & banisheth rest
                                                     ⌊ & sleep
                It is better for  a husband  to be  much abused
                                                            ⌊ then
                 to know   a  litle
              he that  knowes not that he is robbed    feeles
                                                     ⌊ no harme
                                                       by it
[ NONE ]
endlesse miseries of a Iealous man
folie of ambitious honour soght by the toiles of warre and daylie
                                                             ⌊ dangers
 an Informer of causes of Iealousie  put to giue  proufe vpon paine
                                                           ⌊ of life

tt5v,a [TLN 2004-2069]
 Threats  of  terrible punishment against the Inciter
   to Iealousie if he do not shew manifest causes
 honestie  is not safe  but  is folie     Cursed vowe1

1 To be continued at tt5v, b, 3.
[Page 272]
Man  madlie  distracted   by Iealousie
 Villanie   of       leacherie
tt5v,b [TLN 2070-2135]
 rage  of Iealousie thristing after reuenge
The pontike sea euer flowes and neuer ebbes
of  assistance in all  mischief
 Men who speaking in their sleepe
discouer  their  minds
Thanks for offer of cruell seruice1

tt6,a [TLN 2136-2197]
Castigations necessar to quech lust
tt6,b [TLN 2198-2262]
Men eate women hungerly and they are full they belch

tt6v,a [TLN 2263-2327]
   meanes  to pacifie    an  angrie  lord
   promise  of  earnest   Intercession
 Men wrangle   with Inferiour   things when great ones are
 their obiect
Iealousie  is  a  monster begot vpon  it  selfe and
 borne on it self
tt6v,b [TLN 2328-2387]
short absence seemes Infinitlie long to a louer

vv1,a [TLN 2388-2452]
 Iealousie  turned to madnesse by false  suggestions
epilopsie and dangers  following  it
Cuckoldage almost vniuersall   though not alwayes

1 The final two letters ce have been altered from something illegible.
[Page 273]
vv1,b [TLN 2453-2516]
whoores deceiue many and are deceiued

vv1v,a-b [TLN 2517-2645]
othello ones Iealous Conceiues  euerie gesture and speach to tend
                                     ⌊ to breach of dutie in his wife
 and  such as looke or  speake to her1

vv2,a [TLN 2646-2704]
 great  opinion falselie  conceiued of  a mans
Convoy of leachers to remoue  all  that could
 Impeed or discouer  their doings
vv2,b [TLN 2705-2768]
Iealousie   more Insupportable then the extreamest
 of all miseries
pitifull protestations   of ato an  Innocent  wife
 vniustlie suspected

vv2v,a [TLN 2769-2833]2
keeper of the keyes of hell
vv2v,b [TLN 2834-2898]
 detestations of false slanderers  of honest women
a wiues  protestation of vnspotted Innocence

vv3,a [TLN 2899-2964]
diuelish deuices of  othel Iago to betray
 all  that trust in him
vv3,b [TLN 2965-3026]
[ NONE ]

vv3v,a [TLN 3027-3087]
The  world   is a great  price for a small  vice
Causes which Iustlie   prouoke  wiues to cuckold their
  leacherous   husbands

1 The syntax and the meaning of the second half (i.e., the second line) of this note are not clear to the editor. Is it the object of the verb (i.e., `Conceiues') in the first line and is the conjunction (i.e., `and') unnecessary but inadvertently written? Or is `her' an error for `him'? As for `speake', see Index of Words. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 274]
We sould     not  pick  bad  from bad but   by
 bad  mend
vv3v,b [TLN 3088-3153]
diuelish deuice to gaine aduantage by  death of
  any of two whom  a treacher commits together
  in fight
preparation for treacherous murther
[ NONE ]

vv4,a [TLN 3154-3219]
guiltinesse   will speake though
 tongues were owt of vse
vv4,b [TLN 3220-3278]
Confused perplexitie  of  othello Intending to
  murther his wife vpon suspition 

vv4v,a [TLN 3279-3344]
[ NONE ]
vv4v,b [TLN 3345-3410] 
[ NONE ]

vv5,a-b [TLN 3411-3540]
discouerie of Iagoes most damnable and Incredible villanies

vv5v,a [TLN 3541-3605]
  honour sould not outliue   honestie
othelloes  repenting rage  for his vniust  murthering
   his  faithfull  wife vpon  false  suspition
vv5v,b [TLN 3606-3671]
othelloes relation of his deserts and miserable

vv6,a [TLN 3672-3678 and The Names of the Actors, 1-7]
[ NONE ]
vv6,b [TLN 3679-3685, Finis, and The Names of the Actors, 8-16]
[ NONE ]

[Page 275]


vv6v,a [TLN 1-46] Martiall courage turned to effeminat loue vv6v,b [TLN 47-91] whole life dedicat to pleasure and lust soothsayers skill1 not to make good fortune but forsie x1,a [TLN 92-157]2 ridiculous predictions to vaine curious women predestination of Cukcoldrie x1,b [TLN 158-220]3 desire to haue newes how ill so euer trulie told x1v,a [TLN 221-286] mischiefs hatched by Idlenes. womens counterfeeted passions a man happie by the death of his wife We hate that4 Mouth made vowes5 x1v,b [TLN 287-350]6 Cleopatraes subtiltie to ensnare Antonie which we often feare breake them selues in swearing ------------------------------ Brawles of a whore to a besotted doting louer x2,a [TLN 351-416] quietnesse growne sicke of rest would purge by any desperate change scene of excellent dissembling

1 The i has been retouched. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 To be continued at x1v, b, 2. 5 To be continued at x1v, b, 3. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 276]

Illus. 41. Antony and Cleopatra, sig. vv6v
[Page 277]
         Antonies   Inexcusable1
      The  ebbed  man neuer   loued2
    a  man becomes  feared by
      being lacked
x2,b [TLN 417-480]
        perplexed    separation of  louers vpon  necessitie
    a man  the abstract   of all  faults that  men follow
   Inconstancie     friendlie excused
licenciousmesse3 in a dangerous   time
  til  neere worth     loue       extreame Inconstancie  of the
                                                           ⌊ vulgar

x2v,a [TLN 481-546]
 deuastation    made by powerfull pirates
Incredible   constancie  of a man delicatlie  bred
 to endure famine  for his honour
Mutuall aduertisements   of collegues in warre
x2v,b [TLN 547-611]
 Cleopatra  beloued  of  Cæsar  pompey  antonie  etc
  praise  of   Antonies  valour
a well diuided     disposition  of  mirth  and d  sadnesse

x3,a [TLN 612-677]
We  often begge   of god  our harmes  which he denyes ws for ou
  good   so find  we  profit   by loosing of our  prayers
Cæsar   gets  money    where  he looses   hearts
   Antonie  by lust  and delicacie   looses  reputation 
   Lesse ennemities giue  way to greater
   feare   of a  common   ennemie
    ciments   diuisions    of confederats   distracted  priuatly

x3,b [TLN 678-743]
         dissentious speech stirs vp embers
   small maters must  giue  way  to greater
when we debate our  triuiall  differences  lowd    we do commit
 murther  in healing wounds   Sower points touched with  sweet 

1 To be continued at x2, b, 4. 2 To be continued at x2, b, 5. 3 The m is a minim error for an n.
[Page 278]
                                                       ⌊ termes
          reckning  of displeasours  twixt   august1  and antonie

x3v,a [TLN 744-809]
 Cæsars challengeing of antonie  for  many   breaches of
 friendship and respect /  Antonies excuse by drunkennesse
  and loue  bewitching  his wits
Truce   of Inward  hatrent  till  publick  perrels  be quenched
x3v,b [TLN 810-875]
Motion of mariage     betweene  cleopat  antonie
 and octauia  augustus sister as  a meane  of peace
 and constant  friendship  twixt   them
            disharge2 of friendship  before
men of contrare dispositions seldome agrie
[ NONE ]

x4,a [TLN 876-941]
dissolute Lasciuiousnesse and surfet    In extreamitie
  and  beyond all  beleefe
description of Cleopatraes excellent    beautie   and
  Incomparable   rich  pompe
antonie  for  his ordinarie   payes hes3 heart  for
  what his eyes eate onlie
x4,b [TLN 942-1005]
 Cleopatra  made defect  perfection
 she makes hungry  where she most satisfies vyldest things

1 Probably an abbreviation of augustus. 2 Probably an error for discharge. The OED does not record this form that lacks the medial c. 3 The medial e has been blotted.
[Page 279]
 become themselues in her 
Cæsars dæmon ouercomes   that of Antonie in euerie thing

x4v,a [TLN 1006-1068]
By What meanes  Cleopatra angled antonie
       Innocents escape not alwayes  thunderbolts /
   It  is honest but  not alwayes  good   to bring  bad newes
x4v,b [TLN 1069-1134]
Cruell distraction   of  Cleopatra  hearing  of
 antonies  mariage and  her bitter vsage of the
  bringer of the newes

x5,a [TLN 1135-1200]
  We sould let ill newes tell  themselues when they are felt
generous spirits would haue one  man but  a  man
  The  Cukcoo builds  not for  him self
x5,b [TLN 1201-1266]
Treatie betweene pompey Cæsar antonie and

x5v,a [TLN 1267-1332]
  all mens  faces are  true  how so euer their  hands be
   Neuer a faire  woman  hes  a  true  face     they
   steale  hearts
a man may laugh away his fortune  that can not weepe   it back
                                                           ⌊ againe
 policie workes more  in  some  mariages  then the affetion
                                                       ⌊ of parties
Mariage   made  for respect of   friendship     is  often  the
                                                       ⌊ cause of
x5v,b [TLN 1333-1394]
  drink  raises warre betweene  a  man  and  his discretion
dishonour to be called to a high sphere   and   not  to moue
  in it
           foreknowledge  of   fertilitie   or sterilitie
            of egipt by the flowing    of  Nilus
           Ridicoulous ansuer   to the questions     of  a
                  besotted drunkard

[Page 280]
x6,a [TLN 1395-1460]1
  Menas  motion   to pompey  to cut the throats  of his
    thrie ennemies  feasting  in  his ship reiected   and
    he  blamed for not hauing done  it before he told  it
Who seekes and   will not take  when once  it  is offered
     sall neuer    find  it more
x6,b [TLN 1461-1523]2
an vnder  officer  conquering  too great honour becomes
 hatefull to his generall  and  in  danger to be vndone
It is monstrous labour the  to wash the braine
 with wine and make   it  fouler
[ NONE ]

x6v,a [TLN 1524-1588]5
 all honour giuen to an absent generall of the victorie
  obteaned by a wise lieutenant
respect passing  all  expression    friendlie parting
 sad  parting   of  friends
x6v,b [TLN 1589-1653]6
a  slow women  showes a body
 reither  then a life
flattering and false report of octauiaes defects to sooth cleopatra
[ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 4 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 5 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 281]
yy1,a [TLN 1654-1719]
offense for neglect      Octauia  knowes   not  how
 nor what to pray If her husband  and brother discord
yy1,b [TLN 1720-1785]
Antonies accusations against cæ

yy1v,a [TLN 1786-1851]
pompe more then  regall fitting   antonies  wiues  Iournay
 wronged octauia  welcomed and highlie  honored
 Celeritie  is neuer more admired  then by the negligent
yy1v,b [TLN 1852-1917]
  harmes  be Generals  taking  their wiues
   to the warres
Impressed  men vnfit to renconter  old souldiers
            dissuasion from sea fight

y2,a [TLN 1918-1979]
  kingdomes   kist  away by antonie
Antonies flight and ouerthrow  at sea and1
y2,b [TLN 1980-2045]
his care of his friends

y2v,a [TLN 2046-2109]
Antonie and cleopatraes message to cæ and cæs ansuer to
                                                                  ⌊ both
y2v,b [TLN 2110-2175]
[ NONE ]

y3,a [TLN 2176-2241]
 Antonies fortunes   and  Iudgement subdued by cæ
 Loyaltie  held to fooles makes our faith meere  follie
a leakie  lord  left to his sinking  by his friends 
y3,b [TLN 2242-2307]
 God seeles our eyes in our owne  filth  and  make
  ws adore our errors
Cleopatraes  luxuriousnes reproached to her by antonie

1 To be continued at y2, b, 1.
[Page 282]
y3v,a-b [TLN 2308-2435]
         To  be furious  is to be  frighted owt of feare
neuer anger made  good guard  for it self

y4,a [TLN 2436-2499]
antonie thankes and conforts his1 seruants
y4,b [TLN 2500-2561]
[ NONE ]

y4v,a [TLN 2562-2625]
Traitours   rewarded  with perrels and distrusts
Antonies noble liberalitie             valour2
y4v,b [TLN 2626-2688]
   Antonie highlie praised his valiant souldiers
praised and rewarded

y5,a [TLN 2689-2750]
enobarbus dies for grief to haue left antonie

y5,b [TLN 2751-2814]
Antonies rage against cleopatra
Cleopatra enters in a monument and send3 word to antonie that
                                                   ⌊ she is dead

y5v,a-b [TLN 2815-2946]
eros prest by antonie to kill him killes him self and antonie followes
                                                        ⌊ the exemple

y6,a [TLN 2947-3010]
wishers were euer fooles
y6,b [TLN 3011-3076]
[ NONE ]

y6v,a [TLN 3077-3140]
No friend in extreame miserie but resolution and
 the briefest end

1 The h has been altered from an s. 2 To be continued at y4v, b, 2. 3 Probably an error for sends.
[Page 283]
y6v,b [TLN 3141-3204]
The gods giue ws some faults to make ws men
Cæsars  heauie  Lamentation for the newes of antonie his ennemies
                                                                ⌊ death
    Cæsars gracious answer to Cleopatraes submissiue suite

zz1,a [TLN 3205-3270]
Cleopatraes    resolution   to kill her self to
 eshew the shame to be led in triumph
zz1,b [TLN 3271-3336]
excessiue praises  giuen by cleopatra to antonie as to
  an1 man excellent2 aboue  all comparison

zz1v,a [TLN 3337-3402]
  Cæsars most humaine vsage of Cleopatra
Cleopatra enraged at the Ingrate fashood3 of her
 treasurer  seleucus
zz1v,b [TLN 3403-3468]
Cleopatraes desperate  Impatience for apprehen--
 sion to be led in triumph at rome 

zz2,a [TLN 3469-3534]
Cleopatra  deckes  her selfe most magnificently
 when she prepares4 to die
womens  Imperfections
zz2,b [TLN 3535-3596]
Cleopatra killes her selfe by the bite of an aspecke

zz2v,a [TLN 3597-3616]
Cæsar giues solemne funerals to antonie and cleopatra
zz2v,b [TLN 3617-3636, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

1 An error for a. But this seems to be an echo of `An Anthony ' of the Folio text at TLN 3319. 2 The final t has been altered from a d. 3 Probably an error for falsehood. The OED does not record this form. 4 The first e has been altered from an o.
[Page 284]


zz3,a [TLN 1-47] Courtiers counterfeit outward sorrow gentlemen passing all comparison in vertue zz3,b [TLN 48-87]1 Noble education of a gentleman prospering in all vertue zz3v,a [TLN 88-153]2 dissembled Queene promises vtmost kindnesse to whom she Intends all mischief zz3v,b [TLN 154-219]3 possionate4 Ladie a fainte combat zz4,a [TLN 220-274] when one sweets there is no aire abroad so wholesome as that we vent Bragging and flatterie mocked zz4,b [TLN 275-334]5 hard departure of louers Commendation of an excellent gentleman zz4v,a [TLN 335-400]6 foolish discourse and wager for triall of a ladies honour and loyaltie zz4v,b [TLN 401-466]7 [ NONE ]

1 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough. 2 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 4 An error for passionate. 5 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 6 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough. 7 This part of the margin has been affected by showthrough.
[Page 285]

Illus. 42. Cymbeline, sig. zz3
[Page 286]
zz5,a [TLN 467-526]
Curious desire to make  poison
 procuring languishing death
zz5,b [TLN 527-590]
The phisition giues  a sleeping potion  In place  of poison
  which the Queene presentlie practises vpon pisanio
  vnder shew of  fauour and preferment  for his seruice

zz5v,a [TLN 591-650]
doubting things go ill harme more then to be sure they do
zz5v,b [TLN 651-716]
[ NONE ]
Certainties are either past remedies    or timelie knowne the
                                                  ⌊ remedie is borne
                     a  most damned Inuentiue slanderous
                                             ⌊ & malicious liear

zz6,a [TLN 717-782]
Iust  Indignation  against a bold
  assault against a ladyes honor
zz6,b [TLN 783-842]
[ NONE ]

zz6v,a [TLN 843-906]
 a  base heartlesse witlesse young great man
Strange that wise women  sould beare and breed asses
zz6v,b [TLN 907-967]
diuelish deuices to make a husband beleeue
 that a most excellent  princesse  had playde
   false to him

aaa1,a [TLN 968-1032]
winning puts any   man in courage
 musick of horse  haires and calues guts
Instructions  to court   a princesse
 respect to ambassadors   for their
   princes  that  send them

[Page 287]
aaa1,b [TLN 1033-1096]
Gold  corrupts  all   sort   of men
 Gold makes the  true  man   killed and the theefe escape
  and some time hangs both theefe and true  man
                   an  vnworthie    louer checked  and
                   reiected   rudely

aaa1v,a [TLN 1097-1156]
  a base mans qualities   reproached and  passionatlie returned1
a  man  abiectlie   disdained
Imogens Iewell giuen  her by posthumus vnhappelie loosed
 hope of  change   of    time
 loue gained  by  noble behauiour
aaa1v,b [TLN 1157-1222]
  to the speaker
Courage natiue strenghtned by discipline
          alluring   of excellent  beautie
false and falselie purchassed proofes of a chast and vertuous ladies
                                                        ⌊ Incontinence

aaa2,a [TLN 1223-1288]
 excellent workmanship  in hangings
  singular representation   by pictures
detestation  of  false   women
 prevention2 of treacherous
  dealing  of   trusted seruants
aaa2,b [TLN 1289-1352]
detestation of women who make all husbands cukcolds
 and  all  children  bastards
[ NONE ]

1 To be continued at aaa1v, b, 1. 2 The third and the fourth letters, ev, have been smudged. 3 This part of the margin has been slightly affected by showthrough.
[Page 288]
aaa2v,a [TLN 1353-1411]
all  vices  in men  come  from their  mothers
The  diuell can  not plague  women  better then
by giuing them their will
   Lasting  memorie    of a  famous
aaa2v,b [TLN 1412-1471]
Couragious men can  pay no tribute to them that
  can  not depriue  them of the sonnes light
Inuincible power of england  within it selfe
       Cæsars ambassadors brauerie  and threats
Cæsars ambition      englands lawes and
  Courteous entertainement of  ambassadours with threats when
                                             ⌊ they are  gone
desperate passion of a louer louer for  a  suspected breach of  faith
                                                            ⌊ in  his  ladie
description  of  a disloyall  lady  and  passion of  her louer

aaa3,a-b [TLN 1472-1595]
 some griefs  are medcineable1   Loving womens haste exceedes
                                       ⌊ all other post  haste
 louers  letter    Imperious and vnsufferable  pride   of  great
                                         ⌊ mens  porters & doores
aaa3,a [TLN 1472-1535]
Impatient  haste of aduertisement
 betweene  louers

1 This sentence is a faithful copy of the Folio text at TLN 1502, but the annotator seems to have made a mistake and corrected the medial cin of the word medcineable in a curious way, by introducing a mark ( ``), which was probably intended to indicate a deletion of the too wide inner space of a deformed n. Compare footnote 3 on p. 267.
[Page 289]

Illus. 43. Cymbeline, sig. aaa2v
[Page 290]
aaa3,b [TLN 1536-1595]
[ NONE ]
                     description of worldly pride  and  ambition
seruice  is  not seruice so being  done  but being  so allowed
 reason why young man  sould  desire to trauell  and  sie
[ NONE ]

aaa3v,a [TLN 1596-1661]
We  sing our  bondage  more  freelie then cadged birds
 Miseries of vsurers courtiers  warriours
aaa3v,b [TLN 1662-1719]
a desperate  letter of a louer  perswaded that
 he is shamefullie   wronged by his lady
            slander can not be shoot owt by
             no rampiers
                                                 slander more1
Incertaintie of   vsurers  wealth  courtiers fauour and
 warriours  desert  and  recompense
Banishment  of   a  braue  captaine vpon   false Information2
 poison   attends in place  of  greatest state
 The sparkes  of   nature   breake  owt  In vnknowne
   young princes    to excellencie
violent and wounding then sworde fire or ser    pent3

aaa4,a [TLN 1720-1785]
  mens  vowes are  womens  traitors
diuine  prohibition  against   selfe slaughter

1 To be continued at aaa3v, d, 1. 2 The m looks like a double n. 3 The Folio catchword `Thy' divides this word (i.e., `serpent') into two.
[Page 291]
aaa4,b [TLN 1786-1851]
Instruction to a woman taking mans habite how to behaue
 her  selfe  swaggeringlie

aaa4v,a [TLN 1852-1912]
[ NONE ]
aaa4v,b [TLN 1913-1978]
[ NONE ]

aaa5,a [TLN 1979-2044]
a seruant  conduced  to  do  villanie
  whensoeuer his master commands
                     plaintie and peace1
aaa5,b [TLN 2045-2104]
      Threats  of  reuenge
falshood and lying becomes not  great  men
 breeds cowards  hardnesse  is mother of hardinesse

aaa5v,a [TLN 2105-2165]
  good stomackes will   make whats homely sauorie
wearinesse  can snore vpon flint when  sloth finds the
  downe pillow   hard
aaa5v,b [TLN 2166-2221]
Imogen heartelie welcomed and courteslie
 vsed by vnknowne strangers

aaa6,a [TLN 2222-2281]
Comparison of two young gentlemens2 qualities
aaa6,b [TLN 2282-2347]
bragging scornefullie returned

aaa6v,a [TLN 2348-2413]
defect of Iudgement is the cause of feare
aaa6v,b [TLN 2414-2479]
Clotens bodies taile more dangerous then the head
naturall Instinct of young princes to valour and ciuilitie altho bred
                                                              ⌊ rusticklie

1 To be continued at aaa5, b, 3. 2 This reading of the first half of the word is doubtful owing to stain.
[Page 292]
bbb1,a [TLN 2480-2545]
    great  griefs   medicine    the  Lesse
all men must  die and  then become equall
   Thersites dead bodie  als  good as  that of aiax
bbb1,b [TLN 2546-2611]
Reuerence makes distinction  of  place betweene men
  our paines and pleasures end by death

bbb1v,a [TLN 2612-2677]
dreames made of the fumes of the braines
bbb1v,b [TLN 2678-2739]
   some   falles  are meanes the happier  to arise
sorow for the death of an  excellent  master

bbb2,a [TLN 2740-2800]
we must meete the time as it seekes ws
bbb2,b [TLN 2801-2861]
Generositie of princes obscurelie bred

bbb2v,a [TLN 2862-2919]
 God  giues  death to some for  litle  faults   that  they sould  fall
  d   no more  and   permit others to second ills illes  with  Illes
Iachimoes  courage    enfeebled by the guiltinesse    of  his
                                                      ⌊ conscience 
bbb2v,b [TLN 2920-2979]
 Cowards   liuing to die  with  lengthned  shame
a  lost battell recouered  by the valour   of  tuo
    young vnknowne   princes  and their old friend

bbb3,a [TLN 2980-3040]
 death hides himself in fresh  cups  soft  beds and
  sweet  words
Better  to be  cured of the gowt by death nor  groane
bbb3,b [TLN 3041-3104]
Gentle  dealing  with broken  debtours
 We take pieces of money for the figures sake

bbb3v,a [TLN 3105-3170]
a guift1 the more delayed delighted

1 This reading is doubtful owing to tear and wear.
[Page 293]
bbb3v,b [TLN 3171-3236]
[ NONE ]
discourse of a mans happinesse by being hanged

bbb4,a [TLN 3237-3297]
a woman maried to her husbands place
          praise    of   an  excellent1
bbb4,b [TLN 3298-3363]
damnable wickednesse of a dissembled Queene

bbb4v,a [TLN 3364-3429]
Honour is greatnesses grace
  extraordinar praise  of posthumus
bbb4v,b [TLN 3430-3495]
a ladie excellentlie pictured by her louers tongue
         execration of  a pernicious  treacher

bbb5,a [TLN 3496-3561]
a man strekin to death with mortall Ioy
bbb5,b [TLN 3562-3627]
[ NONE ]

bbb5v,a [TLN 3628-3693]
one2 beaten for loyaltie is tempted to treason
bbb5v,b [TLN 3694-3759]
Infinit questions of the circumstance of strange chances

bbb6,a [TLN 3760-3788]
[ NONE ]
bbb6,b [TLN 3789-3819, and Finis]
[ NONE ]

bbb6v,a [A blank page]
[ NONE ]
bbb6v,b [A blank page]
[ NONE ]

1 The third e has been altered from a. 2 This reading is doubtful owing to tear and wear.
[Page 295]


This index is comprised of two parts: the 'Index of Latin Words' and the 'Index of English Words'. Each part begins with an appropriate centred heading, provides a brief introductory note, and is substantiated by explanatory remarks on the words indexed and by indications of their locations in the Folio.

  As has already been mentioned in Introduction, p. xxx, the writer of the marginalia always used an i for a medial j (and also always an I for an initial i or j ). He usually used a u for a medial v, whereas he frequently used a u even for an initial v. Sometimes he used a v and the vn- form for a medial v and the prefix un- respectively. Needless to say, these old forms have not been modernised in this Index.


Marginal notes in Latin, eight examples altogether, only occur in three plays: The Comedy of Errors (abbreviated in this index as Err.), Measure for Measure (MM) and The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth (3H6). Three of the eight examples, namely the second, the fourth and the fifth examples in the list below (i.e., MM F6v,b,3; 3H6 p1v,a,4; and MM F4v,a,2), are written basically in Italian hand, while all the rest, like the English annotations, are written in secretary hand.

  For the sake of convenience, they have been collected and arranged in alphabetical order by the opening word of each sentence. Translations or explanations, all prepared by the present editor's old friend, Professor Shigetake Yaginuma, have been given within parentheses. The location in the Folio of each Latin annotation has been indicated at the end of each note.

audaces fortuna Iuuat (Fortune helps daring people; see Cicero, De Finibus,[Page 296] 3.16 : `fortuna fortis juuat'); in English secretary hand; MM F2v,b, 1.
dat Veniam coruis (The censor is kind to the raven; from Juvenalis, Satirae, 2.63 : `Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas' (proverbial)); basically in Italian hand; MM F6v,b,3.
Lex talionis (Law of talion [i.e., exaction of retaliation; an eye for an eye]); in English secretary hand; MM G6,a,1.
Male parta male dilabuntur (Ill got, ill spent; quoted in Cicero, Philippica, 2.27.65; see Plautus, Poenulus, 844: `male partum male disperit' (proverbial)); in Italian hand; 3H6 p1v,a,4.
Nec te quæsiueris extra (Do not seek yourself from outside); this may mean 'Look in thy heart'; in Italian hand; MM F4v, a, 2.
omnes facile[s] cum valemus (All things are easy when we are strong enough; the second word requires the final s which has been omitted in the marginal annotation); in English secretary hand; Err.H2,b,2.
Sic agitur censura (Thus is censure brought forth); in English secretary hand; MM G2v,a,1.
Si non caste tamen caute (If not uprightly, yet cautiously); in English secretary hand; Err.H4,a,2.


This glossarial index aims primarily to help readers who are not familiar with early seventeenth-century spellings. Familiarity with them is a matter of experience and the majority of words indexed will be already known to many readers. In general, obsolete or archaic words, spelt in their modern or present-day forms, have not been indexed; but common words such as acknowledge, although, are, or associates have been indexed where spelt differently as, for example, acknouledge, altho, ar, or associats. Although quite full, the present index does not claim to be exhaustive.

  In the present index the original word-forms have been preserved as they occur in the marginal notes. Old forms which are not found in the Oxford English Dictionary (Second edition, prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989) have been indicated by a prefixed asterisk (*). In view of the probability that the writer of the marginal notes was a Scot, it is thought appropriate to use another marker (+) for a good number of words which the Oxford English Dictionary describes [Page 297] specifically as Scottish in respect to form or meaning. This marker has been given always before an asterisk where an indexed word requires both of these signs.

  Words to be indexed have been arranged in alphabetical order, provided with modern forms or other necessary explanations, and followed by information of locations where they occur in the Folio. Under each entry, these locations have been arranged in the order of the Folio plays, as is the order of the plays in the present transcript. The word-form of each lemma is that of the first example of the word indexed. Usually no distinction of parts of speech has been attempted and examples of different parts of speech have been recorded under one and the same lemma as long as the variant forms only concerned declensional or conjugational endings.

  Abbreviations of the plays are those used in the New Cambridge Shakespeare (begun under Philip Brockbank in 1984 and published by the Cambridge University Press) but they have not been italicised. Thus,
      *acknouledged (acknowledged); WT Cc1,a,2.
means that the word acknouledged(meaning acknowledged ) occurs in The Winter's Tale in the second line of the annotations in the left-hand space of the upper margin of sig. Cc1 and that the word-form has not been recorded in the OED. Similarly,
      aff (off); AWW Y1,b,1;R3 s1,a-b,1,t6v,a,3;H8 t6v,a,3;Cor.b3,a, 2;Tim. gg4,b,1;JC kk6,b,1(twice).
means that the word aff (meaning off ) is recorded in the OED and occurs in All's Well That Ends Well in the first line of the annotations in the right-hand space of the upper margin of sig. Y1; twice in King Richard the Third in the first line of the centred annotations in the upper margin of sig. s1 and also in the third line of the annotations in the left-hand space of the upper margin of sig. t6 verso; in King Henry the Eighth in the third line of the annotations in the left-hand space of the upper margin of sig. t6 verso; in Coriolanus in the second line of the annotations in the left-hand space of the upper margin of sig. b3; in Timon of Athens in the first line of the annotations in the right-hand space of the upper margin of sig. gg4; and lastly that the word aff occurs twice in Julius Cæsar in the first line of the annotations in the right-hand space of the upper margin of sig. kk6. Likewise,
      +againis (against); John b3,b,1,b3v,d,2,b4v,b,3.
means that againis is a Scottish word that means against, is recorded in the OED, and occurs several times in King John — in the first line of the annotations in the right-hand space of the upper margin of sig. b3, in the second line of the annotations in the right-hand space at the foot of sig. b3 verso, and so on.
[Page 298]

 aburgaine (`Aburgany'; the final e
  stands for y  representing pro-
  nunciation); H8 t4,a-b,1.
 accept of (accept); R3 s2,a,3.
*acknouledge (acknowledge); WT
*acknouledgement (acknowledge-
  ment); MV Q2,a,2.
 aduersare (adversary; the final e 
  stands for y  representing pro-
  nunciation); John b1,c,2.
*aduization (advisedness; prudent
  consideration); Ham.Oo1v,b,2.
*aduizing (advising); Ham.Oo3v,a,4.
 aff (off); AWW Y1,b,1;R3 s1,a-b,1,
  r6v,a,3;H8 t6v,a,3;Cor.bb3,a,2;
  Tim.gg4,b,1;JC kk6,b,1(twice).
 affecting (affected speech); John a1,
 affraied (afraid); TN Z3,a,3;2H4
 affrayed (afraid); Ham.Oo3v,b,3.
 afrayed (afraid); Lear rr4v,b,4.
 againes (against); LLL l1v,b,2;Lear
+againis (against); John b3,b,1,b3v,d,
+agains (against); John b2v,a,1;R2
  c5v,a,2,d3v,b,1,d4,a,3;1H6 m1,b,2,
  m1,b,3;2H6 m3,a-b,1;R3 s5,a,1.
*aganes (against); 1H6 m1,b,2;H8
+*aganst (against; OED records
  agans  as Sc. ); R3 q5v,b,2.
 agrie (agree); Tit.cc6v,a,3;Ant.x3v,
 aiges (ages); R2 c5v,b,4.
+airlie (early); Mac.mm4v,b,2.
 als (as); Cor.bb3,c-d,3;
  JC kk1v,c-d,2;Lear rr6v,b,
 altho (although); Lear rr6,b,6;Cym.
 amased (amazed); John b2,b,3.
 amongs (amongst); R2 c3v,a,2;1H6
  l4,a,1;R3 q5,a,4;Oth.tt3[for tt2],c,1.
 ane (an; see OED, ane, a. 3.); Tro.
 ane (one; see OED, one, A. α);
+anent (about); 1H6 m1v,b,3;R3 
 aneugh (enough; OED records this
  as a north. form); Tim.gg2,a,3.
 angrie (angry); Oth.tt6v,a,1.
 anough (enough); Shr.S4,a,3.
 ansuers (answers); LLL L3,a,2,L4, 
  a,1;TN Z3,a,1;R2 b6,b,1,b6v,a,2,c1,
  b,2,c1v,a,1;1H4 f4v,b,1;2H4 g2,a,
  1;H5 h2v,a,6,i1,b,1,i4,a,1;
  2H6 m5,a,3,o2,b,2;3H6 q2v,a,1,
  q2v,a,2;R3 s3v,b,3,s5v,a,3;H8 v1v,
 Antiphilus (`Antipholus' in the
  Folio); Err.I1,b,1,I1v,a,2.
 apprecations (prayers; devout wishes); 
  R2 d3v,a,1.
 approch (approach); Cor.bb6v,a,2;
 ar (are); AWW Y1,a,3;Tro.¶¶5,b,1;
  Lear rr2,a,3.
 armaignac (`Arminacke' in the
  Folio); 1H6 m1v,b,3.
 arreigned (arraigned); H8 t6,b,1.
 arrise (arise); Rom.ee5,a,2.
 arrising (arising); H5 h4v,b,3.
 ascriued (ascribed); 1H6 l3,b,2;
  Lear qq3v,b,2.
 a sleep (asleep); Mac.mm2v,a-b,1.
*aspecke (aspic, asp); Ant.zz2,b,1.
 associats (associates); John b4v,b,
  3;1H4 e2v,a,2;2H4 gg7v,a,2.
[Page 299]
 at ones (at once); Lear ss2v,a,2;
 auncestors (ancestors); Tit.cc5v,a,2.
 auncient (ancient); Cor.bb1v,a,1.
 autolicas (`Autolicus' in the Folio);
  WT Bb2,a,1.
 autoritie (authority); H8 v4v,a,3;Lear qq4,a,4.

 Bairdes (beards); MND N2v,a,1.
 bankeruptt (bankrupt); Err.H5v,a,4.
 barraine (barren); Lear qq5,a,3.
 barre (bar); H8 v4,b,4.
 Bastars (bastard's, bastard is (?); 
  OED, bastard, does not record
  the singular bastar nor the
  plural bastars; the Folio text
  refers to a `Bastard' at TLN 340; 
  so, the terminal s  of the lemma
  may be an error for d ); Lear qq3,
+Bate (bait; OED, sb. does not
  record this form, whereas OED, 
  v. does; `baite' in the Folio at
  TLN 1116 and 1121); Ado K1,b,2.
 Battell (battle); 3H6 p2v,a,1,q3v,a,
  2;R3 t1,b,1;Cym.bbb2v,b,2.
+be (by; OED,  by,  prep.,  explains
  'In modern Sc. be is the ordinary
  form of the preposition unaccented,
  or in a weakened sense, as in 'sit 
  be the fire', 'written be a clerk',
  'ane be ane'....This use of be as
  preposition has been uniform in
  the northern dialect since the earliest
  preserved ME. specimens'); 2H6 m4,a,4;
*beatin (beaten; but this unrecorded
  spelling is a result of the annota-
  tor's correction of `beating'); Cor.
 begunne (begun); Mac.mm5,a,1.
*beif (beef); 1H6 k3,b,2.
 beleef (belief); Tit.dd3v,a,2.
 beleefe (belief); Ant.x4,a,2.
 beleeue (believe); Ham.Nn6v,b,1;
  Lear qq5v,c-d,3;Cym.zz6v,b,1.
 benifites (benefits); H8 v2,c,5.
 berth (birth); H8 x2,b,2.
 be times (betimes); Ham.pp6v,b,2.
 betueene (between); 1H4 e2v,a,1;
  H5 i3,a,1;1H6 k4,a,3;2H6 m2v,b,
  1;R3 r3,a,1;
 betuix (betwixt, between); MV O6,
  b,2;R2 c6,a,5;1H6 l3v,b,1;2H6
  m4v,a,1,m6v,b,3;R3 s5,b,1;Lear
*bevailes (bewails); 2H6 n2v,a,1.
*be worre (beware; OED records
  bewarre but not beworre); JC kk1v,a,1.
 bicker (fight); 1H6 l1v,a,4.
 bodelie (bodily); Lear rr3,a,5,rr3,b,1.
 boght (bought); Wiv.D5v,b,1.
 bontifull (bountiful); Lear rr3v,d,2.
+bot (but); Lear rr1,a,1.
 bouels (bowels); 1H6 l1v,a,2.
*boutcherd (butchered); JC kk4,b,1.
 brauades (bravados, braggadocios);
  1H6 l2,b,3.
*brauetie (bravery; see OED,
  bravity); H8 t3,b,1.
 breach (break); Oth.vv1v,a-b,1.
 breach of (break off); Oth.vv1v,a-b, 
 brecking (breaking); 2H6 o2v,a,2.
 breds (breeds); Err.H1v,b,4.
+brether (brothers); AYLI Q3,a,2;
  3H6 p6,a,2,p6,a,4,q3v,b,2;R3 q5,b,
 broght (brought); LLL L2,b,1;MV 
  P4,b,1;Shr.S2v,a,2;H8 v4v,a,1,v5,
 brotrothed (? betrothed; see
  Introduction p. xxv); MM F6v,a,2.
+brunt (burnt); WT Aa5,a,3.
 bruzed (bruised); Oth.ss5v,c-d,1.
 burdings (burdens); H5 i3,a,3;Tim.
 bureing (burying; the medial e
  stands for y  representing pro-
  nunciation; compare hereing
  below); Oth.tt1,b,4.
 busines (business); Ham.Oo2v,b,2.
[Page 300]
 bussie (busy); 2H4 gg5,b,2.
 but (without); Oth.tt3,a,1,tt3,a,2, 
 buyes (buys); Tim.gg2,b,3.

 cacht (caught); John a4,c,1.
 cadged (caged); Cym.aaa3v,a,1.
 cals (calls); Lear qq5,a,4.
 camerades (comrades); Oth.tt3v
  [for tt2v],a,1.
 campions (champions); TN Z3,a,3;
  R2 c1,b,2,c1v,d,3.
 cariage (carriage); Tim.gg4v,a,1.
 carie (carry); Tim.gg6v,c,2;JC ll3,a,
 carieing (carrying); Tit.dd6,b,6.
 carier (carrier); TN Y4,a,1.
 Carowssing (carousing); Ham.Oo1,
 carrowsing (carousing); Oth.tt3[for
 catch (catched, caught); John b1,a,6.
 causeles (causeless); AYLI R4,b,2.
+causes use (gets...used; see OED,
  cause, v.1 1. d.); Err.H6,b,1;Shr. 
+cautioner (surety; OED records
  this as `Sc. Law' ); MV O5,b,2.
 Chaingeable (changeable); R2 d3,b, 
 challange (challenge); R2 b6,b,1,
*chamberlanes (chamberlains; OED
  records chalmerlane as a Sc.
  form); Mac.mm3v,a,2.
 chekt (checked); LLL M1v,a,1;1H4
 choise (choice); MND O2,b,1;MV
 ciments (cements); Ant.x3,a,7.
+Clame (claim); John a1,a,1;H5 h4v,
  b,2;2H6 m3v,a,3;3H6 q1v,b,3;R3
*Clawnes (clowns, peasants); John
 cleered (cleared); H8 v3,a,2,v3,b,2.
 coast (cost); H8 t3v,c,2.
*cognised (recognised); MV P2v,a,2.
 colere (choler); H8 t6v,a,2.
 colerike (choleric); Err.H6,a,3.
 collegues (colleagues); Ant.x2v,a,4.
 Colours (cholers); Lear rr3v,d,1.
 communicat (communicate); Tro. 
 compassionat (compassionate); 
  AWW X1v,b,1;WT Bb4,b,1.
+*compleaning (complaining; this is
  probably a Sc. form as in the case
  of, for example, obteaneth ); WT
*compleitlie (completely); Tro.¶¶3v,a,
*conciled (concealed); Tro.¶6,a,4.
 condamned (condemned); MM F5,
  b,2,G2v,b,1;AYLI R4,a,5.
 condicions (conditions); MND N1v,
  a,2;2H4 gg2v,a,2;H5 k1v,b,3;
  1H6 m1v,a,1;2H6 m2v,b,1;
*confite (comfited, comforted; but
  this may be an error for confident
  or perfit(e) (=perfect)); AWW 
 Confort (comfort); Temp.A4,b,4;
  MM G3v,a,1;Err.H5v,a,5;AWW
  X4,a,2;R2 d1,b,1;3H6 p4v,b,
*congnised (See *cognised.)
 coniuratours (conjurators, conspir-
  ators); JC kk4,a,2.
 conserne (concern); MV P6v,a,4.
 Construction (construing, explana-
  tion); LLL L2v,a,2.
*contempteous (contemptuous;
[Page 301]
  OED records contemptious  as
  a unique variant form); Cor.bb1,a,
 contermines (countermines); H5
*continouallie (continually); Oth.tt1v,
*continouance (continuance); 1H6
*continowes (continues); AWW
*contraire (contrary; the final e
  stands for y  representing pro-
  nunciation); John a5v,d,1;3H6 p5,a,3.
+contrare (contrary, opposite; OED
  describes this word as `chiefly
  Sc.'; the final e  stands for y 
  representing pronunciation);
  AWW V2,a,2;Cor.bb3v,c-d,1;JC kk5,
 contries (countries); Cor.bb4,a,1.
 coosening (cozening); Temp.A1v,b,
  2;MND N6v,b,1.
 Cornowall (`Cornwall' in the 
  Folio); Lear rr4v,b,1.
 cosen (cozen); AWW X3v,a-b,1.
 cosenage (cozenage); Wiv.E5,b,1;
  Err.H2,a,1;WT Bb2,a,1,Bb5v,a,1.
 coseners (cozeners); Err.H2,a,1,H6,
  a,2;Ado I3,b,4.
 cosening (cozening); WT Bb5,b,1.
 Cosoning (cozening); Ham.pp5,b,3.
 counsull (consul); Cor.aa6,a,2.
 counterfeeted (counterfeited); Ant.
 counterraisons (counter-reasons);
  AWW X3v,a,1.
 couragious (courageous); John b3v,
  b,1;H5 i2,b,2;JC ll2,b,3.
 courteours (courtiers); R3 r3v,d,3.
 courteslie (courteously; OED,
  courteous, records courtes );
*courtesse (courteous; OED,
  courteous, records courtes  but
  not courtesse ); 3H6 p4v,b,2.
 cowardise (cowardice); AWW X4v,
  b,2;John a5,a,3;Tro.¶2,a,1,¶¶6v,b,2.
 cowardize (cowardice); H5 h6v,c-d,3;
  1H6 k3,a,2;Cor.aa3v,a,1.
 cowardlie (cowardly); John a5,a,2.
 Crist (`crest' in the Folio at TLN
  2141); AYLI R5v,a,2.
*cukcold (cuckold); Wiv.D6,a,4,E3,a-b,
  1,E3v,a,1;MND N4v,b,1;Oth.tt5,a,
*Cukcoldrie (cuckoldry); WT Aa2,a,
 Cukcoo (cuckoo); Ant.x5,a,3.
 cumpanie (company); MND N4v,b,
  2;AYLI Q5v,a,5;1H4 f1,a,1;Cor.
 cuntries (countries); Tit.cc5,a,3.
 curres (curs); Tro.¶2v,a,5.

 D. (Duke); 1H6 l3v,a,4.
 daines (deigns); R3 s3v,b,3.
 decard (discard); JC ll2,b,1.
*dechiphering (deciphering); Tim.
 decrie (decry); Lear rr6,d,1.
 dedicat (dedicated); Ant.vv6v,b,1.
 deere (dear); Tro.¶¶5v,b,2.
 deerest (dearest); R2 b6v,b,3.
 defeat (defeated); John a6v,a,4.
 deflored (deflowered); Tit.dd2,b,1,
 degenerat (degenerate); Tim.hh1v,
 degries (degrees); AYLI R1v,a,2;
  H8 v5v,b,2;Tro.¶1v,a,1;Mac.mm6,
 delicatlie (delicately); Ant.x2v,a,2.
 delites (delights); Tim.hh4v,b,3.
 deliurance (deliverance); Temp.A2,
[Page 302]
*descouers (discovers); TN Z1,b,1.
+descriued (described); Err.H5v,a,
  2,I1v,b,2;LLL L4v,a,2;WT Bb1,a,
  1;2H4 gg4,a,1;Tro.¶¶3v,a,1,¶¶3v,a,
  Lear rr1v,b,4,rr2v,d,1;Oth.ss6v,a,
 desmedono (Desdemona); Oth.
 desolat (desolate); R2 c1,a,7.
 desperat (desperate); John a6v,a,2;
  R2 c6,b,2;1H4 e1v,a,3;2H6 n4v,b,
  4 (twice),pp3v,a,2;Lear ss2v,a,1.
 desseins (designs); 2H6 m3v,a,2.
 deuelish (devilish); Shr.S6v,a-b,1.
 deuores (devours); JC ll3,b,4.
 deuote (devout); H8 x1,b,1.
 dieing (dying); Lear rr4v,b,1.
 disapointed (disappointed); Cor.bb1,
 discriued (described); Tro.¶¶4v,b,1.
 disdanefull (disdainful); H5 i3v,a,1.
 disdayned (disdained); TGV D1,a,1.
 disgest (digest); TN Y6,a,4.
 disgestion (digestion); R2 c2,a,5.
 dislyked (digliked); TGV C6v,b,2.
 dispaire (despair); MV P2,b,1;R2 
  c6,c,1;2H4 g1,b,2;3H6 q4,a,1;R3 
  t1v,a-b,1;H8 v1,b,5,v5,b,3;Rom.
 dispised (despised); MND N6,a,1.
 displeasours (displeasures); Ant.x3,
 disseins (designs); LLL L1v,b,2;
 dissention (dissension); John b4,a,1.
 disserued (deserved); Cor.aa6,b,1.
 Disseruing (deserving); Temp.A2v,
*distaines (disdains); R3 q6v,a,2.
*distainfull (disdainful); R3 q5v,a,2.
 diuelish (devilish); Oth.vv3,a,1,
 diuell (devil); TN Z4,a,2;H5 i2,b,1;
  2H6 m5,a,3;Tit.dd6v,b,4;Mac.
 diuels (devils); Mac.nn3v,a,2.
+dochter (daughter); 1H6 m1v,a,4.
+doghters (daughter's); Ado K4,a,1;
  MV P2,b,1,P3,b,1;Shr.T6,b,2;WT 
  Bb6v,b,2;1H6 m1v,b,1;3H6 p5v,b,
  1,p6v,a,1;R3 q5v,b,1,s5,a,2,s5,b,2,
  s5v,a,2;H8 x1v,a-b,1,x3v,b,4;Tit.
  Lear qq4,a,3,qq4v,b,4,qq5,a,2,qq5,
 doone (done); Err.H2v,a,1.
 doughter (daughter); Lear qq3,a,2,
 dowbt (doubt); H5 i2v,b,1.
 downeweyed (downweighed, de-
  pressed); R2 d1v,a,2.
 dowre (dower or  dowry; if this is
  intended to mean `dowry' — a
  variant form unrecorded in OED
  — the final e  stands for y  re-
  presenting pronunciation); John 
+drogues (drugs); Rom.gg1v,a,2.

*edders (adder's; OED records
  eddre ); MND N5,b,3.
 eduard (Edward); 3H6 p5,a,1.
[Page 303]
 effeminat (effeminate); 1H4 e1,a,1;
 egged (incited, urged); AWW V6,a,
 egipt (Egypt); Ant.x5v,b,5.
 elleven (eleven); Cor.aa2v,a,3.
 els (else); 1H6 l4,b,1.
 embassadors (ambassadors); H5
  h2v, a,5.
 emporours (emperour's); H8 x1v,
 encrease (increase); Temp.B2,b,1.
 endued (endowed; see OED,
  endue, 9.); Oth.tt1v,a,4.
 engadged (engaged); MV O4v,a,5.
 enherited (inherited); Tim.hh5v,a,2.
 ennemies (enemies); R3 r6v,a,3;
  Tro. ¶6v,a,3;Cor.aa1,b,4;Rom.ee6,
  b,1;JC kk1,a,3,ll5v,a,1;Mac.mm6,a,
  1;Ham. Nn5,b,5;Lear rr6v,b,2;Oth.
 ennemitie (enmity); Cor.bb5,b,1;
 ennemy (enemy); Oth.ss5,a,4.
 ennemye (enemy); H8 v2v,b,1.
 enterchange (interchange); LLL L4,
+*enterteane (entertain; this is
  probably a Sc. form as in the case
  of, for example, obteaneth ); WT
  Aa1,a,2;Lear rr5,a,4.
+*enterteanement (entertainment;
  this is likewise a Sc. form); WT
*enued (envied; the Folio at TLN
  3100 reads `Did...envenom with
  his Enuy', and the form of the
  lemma may have been influenced
  by envenom rather than Enuy;
  the medial e  probably stands for
  y  representing pronunciation);
 eshewed (eschewed); Err.H4,a,1;
  H8 v6,b,5;JC kk2v,a,3;Lear rr3,a,
*eurie (every); John a1v,b,1.
 excellentlie (excellently); Cym.
 excommunicat (excommunicated);
  John a5,d,1.
+exemes (exempts, sets free
  from); Tit.cc4v,b,2.
 exemple (example); Tro.¶1v,b,4;
+exercices (exercises); TGV B5v,b,
 exspect (expect); 1H6 l4,b,2.
 exspectation (expectation); AWW
 exspected (expected); AWW X1v,a,
  4;2H4 g2v,a,3.
 exspecting (expecting); Tim.gg5,a,
*extraodinar (extraordinary); WT
*extraodiner (extraordinary); Cor.
*extraordinar (extraordinary; OED
  records extraordinair(e) ); Temp.
 extreame (extreme); MV P4,b,2,P5,
  a,1;MV P6v,a,3;Shr.T1,b,1;WT 
  Aa6,b,1;John a4,a,3,a6v,a,1,a6v,b,
  2;R2 c2v,b,3;1H4 e1,b,3;2H6 n4v,
  a,3;3H6 p1,a,1;R3 q6,b,1,r3v,b,1,
  1,bb5v,b,1;Ham.Oo5,a,5;Lear rr2,
 extreamelie (extremely); Ado K5,a,
 extreamer (extremer); Cor.bb2v,b, 
 extreamest (extremest); Oth.vv2,b,1.
 extreamitie (extremity); Tro.¶¶4v,b,
[Page 304]
 ey (eye); Rom.ee4,b,2;JC kk1v,a,4.

 faine (feign); R3 s1v,a,1.
 fained (feigned); R2 d1,a,1;
  H8 v2,a,1;Cor.bb3v,c-d,1;Tit.cc6,a,3;Tim.hh1,
  a,2;JC kk2v,a,2.
 faint (feint); H8 t4v,a,5.
 fainte (feint); Cym.zz3v,b,2.
 faintlie (feignedly); JC kk2,b,4.
 falstoffe (`Falstaffe' in the Folio;
  stoffe is an obsolete form of stuff,
  meaning `one's inward character' 
  (OED, stuff, sb. b. 3.)); MWW D5,a,2.
 farre (far); H8 t6v,a,3;Lear qq5,b,1
 fastalffes (`Falstaffes' in the Folio);
  2H4 g2,a,1,g5v,b,1.
 fastalle (`Falstaffe' in the Folio); 
  2H4 gg3v,b,1,gg6v,b,1.
 fayning (feigning); AYLI R1v,b,2.
 feeld (field); Tro.¶¶6,b,3.
 feild (field); H5 i2v,c-d,4.
 feine (feign); 2H6 n3,b,1.
 feined (feigned); MV P1,a,1;WT
 feining (feigning); 2H6 n3v,a,1.
 feint (faint); H5 h5v,a,1.
 feintharted (faint-hearted); H5 h6v,
 feintnesse (faintness; cf. feintharted
  above or `feint harted' in the
  text of a marginal note at H5 h5v,
  a,1); H5 h5,b,4.
*femels (females); Err.H2,b,1.
*ferce (fierce); John a2v,a,1;Cor.
 feyned (feigned); John b3,b,5.
 fies (fees); WT Bb5v,a,1.
 figge (fig); Tim.hh5,a,3.
 find (fined); Ant.x3,a,2.
 flasches (flashes); JC ll3,b,3.
 flees (fleece); Tim.gg4v,c-d,3.
 flie (fly); 2H4 g1,b,1;1H6 l4v,b,2;
  2H6 n6v,a,1,o1v,a,3,o3v,a,2;3H6
 folie (folly); LLL L5,b,1,M3,b,2,M3,
  b,5;Ado I6,b,1,K2v,a,2;AYLI R1,a,
  5,R3,b,5,R4,a,3;WT Aa1v,b,2;John
  a5,b,1,b1v,b,2;1H6 l2v,a,1;H8 t5,b,2;Cor.
  bb6v,b,1;Lear qq5v,a,2;Oth.tt5,c-d,
 folishlie (foolishly); AYLI Q4,a,3;
  Lear qq3v,b,2.
 foraine (foreign); TGV B4v,a,1;
  John b4,a,2;Ham.Nn6v,a,5.
 forceable (forcible); Cor.bb2v,a,3.
 foreine (foreign); R2 c2v,a,5;2H4
+foresie (foresee); 2H4 g1v,a,1;
  2H6 n2,b,1.
+*forsie (foresee; OED records
  forsee but not forsie, the second 
  half of which is a Sc. form of 
  see ); Ant. vv6v,b,2.
 freind (friend); MM F6v,b,1.
 freindlie (friendly); AYLI Q4v,b,1.
 freindship (friendship); AYLI R1v,b,
+frie (free; OED records this as
  `chiefly Sc.'); MM G1v,a,2;Ado 
  K5,a,1;AYLI Q5v,a,4;H8 t6,a,1;
 frielie (freely); AWW V4v,b,1.
*frienship (friendship); AYLI Q5,a,
 frier (friar); Rom.ff1,a,3,gg2v,b,1.
 fundation (foundation); John b2,a,4.
 furth (forth); John a4v,d,3;1H4 e3,a,
  1;Rom.ee6v,b,2;JC kk4v,d,2;Lear qq5,a,3.
 fyve (five); Tim.gg2,a,5.
[Page 305]

 geuen (given); John a4,a,4.
 Glade (glad); AYLI Q6v,a,2;Cor.
 gloue (glove); AWW Y1,b,1.
 greefes (griefs); Lear rr6v,c-d,1.
 greeued (grieved); R3 r3v,d,1.
*greid (greed); H8 t5v,a,4.
 greif (grief); H8 t4v,c,1,v2,a,3.
 guift (gift); Cym.bbb3v,a,1.

 habite (habit); Cym.aaa4,b,1.
*habitued (habituated, habitual; but 
  see OED, habitude, sb.); Temp.
*halke (hawk; OED records halk);
 handwrit (handwriting); TN Y5,b,3,
 happelie (happily); Rom.gg1,a,2.
 harted (hearted); H5 h5v,a,1,k1v,a,
*hartred (hatred; the spelling of the
  lemma may be the annotator's
  characteristic way of writing the
  word hatred; see footnote 2 on p.
  186); Cor.aa5v,a,3.
 hasard (hazard); MV P3v,a,1; 
  AWW X1v,a,5.
 hasardous (hazardous); WT Bb4v,a,
+*hatrent (hatred; OED records
  hattrent  or haterent  as a Sc.
  form); AYLI Q4v,b,2;Ant.x3v,a,4.
*hawghtie (haughty); JC kk2,b,1.
 hawtie (haughty); 2H6 o2v,b,1;H8
  v1,c,1;Lear qq6v,a,3.
 haynous (heinous); 1H6 l1,b,1.
 hearbes (herbs); Rom.ee6v,b,1;Tim.
 herauld (herald); H5 i1,b,1.
*hereing (glorifying, praising; the
  second e  stands for y  repre-
  senting pronunciation; OED, hery,
  records `4 here'; compare bureing
  above); H8 t3v,a,5.
 hes (has); Cor.aa5,a,2;Rom.ff5v,a,2;
  pp5v,c,4,pp6v,b,1;Lear rr4v,b,5;
 hes (his); WT Aa4v,a,2;2H6 n5v,b,
  2;3H6 p4,a,2;Tit.cc6,a,2,dd6v,b,2;
 Heynous (heinous); R2 c5,b,1.
*hipocriticll (hypocritical; OED does
  not record this terminal form
  -icll for -ical, but it seems to 
  be an example of the annotator's
  characteristic spelling); Lear rr2v,
 hoast (host, army); 2H4 g1,b,1.
+Hoise (hose); 2H4 gg1v,a,1.
 honnour (honour); AWW X5v,a,3.
 hote (hot); MM F3,a,4;Tim.gg5v,

 Ialousies (jealousies); TGV C1v,b,2.
 Iarres (jars); JC ll2v,a,1.
 Iaylor (gaolor); Err.H5v,b,1.
 Icolmekill (`Colmekill' in the Folio
  at TLN 968); Mac.mm4,a,2.
 Ieane La pucelle (`Ioane de Puzel'
  in the Folio at TLN 643); 1H6 k5,
 Ieckes (?; OED does not record 
  this. The reading of the word in
  the annotation may be Iockes,
  which again OED does not record.
  Iockes, which can be a variant
  form of jokes (=makes fun of)
  or jockeys (=outwits), does not
  seem to fit in with the context of
  the Folio reading. The text of the
[Page 306]
  Folio at TLN 274-94 demands a
  verb like `checks'); 2H6 m3v,b,1.
*ignarant (ignorant); MM F3,a,3.
 ill catch (caught unlawfully); John
 imboldnes (emboldens); Tim.gg6v,
 Immoderat (immoderate); Cor.aa4,a,
 Impeeded (impeded); MV P3,b,2.
 Importune (importunate); Err.I1,a,
 Impudicke (shameless fellow; see
  `impudique' in H5 at TLN 1369);
  2H4 g3,a,3.
 Inditement (indictment); WT Aa5v,
 Infinit (infinite); Tim.gg4,a,2.
 Infinitlie (infinitely); Oth.tt6v,b,1.
 Ingrat (ingrateful); Temp.A2v,a,1;
  2H6 n3v,a,2;Cor.aa5v,b,2.
 Ingrate (ingrateful); 1H4 e1v,a,1;
  Lear rr3v,b,1;Ant.zz1v,a,2.
 Ingratelie (ingratefully); TGV C6,a,
 Inioy (enjoy); Ham.pp5,b,1.
 inscensed (incensed); MND N3,b,2.
 Intension (intention); Cor.cc1,a,2.
*interessed (Obs. form of interest-
  ed ); John a4,b,5;Oth.ss4v,b,4.
 Intirelie (entirely); WT Aa2,b,2.
 Intised (enticed); AWW X2,a,1.
 Inuentare (inventory; the final e
  stands for y  representing pro-
  nunciation); H8 v4v,b,5.
 Inveyes (inveighs); 1H6 m1,b,3.
 Iournay (journey); Ant.yy1v,a,1.

 k/ (king or  king's); WT Aa4v,b,3,
  Aa5,a,3;John a5,b,7,a5,d,1,b2v,b,1;
  H5 i1,a,2,i2,a,3,i3,b,3;3H6 p6,b,1,
  p6v,b,1,q1,b,1,q1v,a,1,q4,a,3;H8 v1,
  b,5;Lear qq5,b,2.
 keeped (kept); Cor.bb1,b,3.
 kinred (kindred); 2H4 g4,a,2;R3 q5,
 knawish (knavish); Ado K2,b,1;
  LLL M4v,b,2.
 knouledge (knowledge); Rom.ee3v,

 langage (language); Wiv.D2,a,2.
+laufull (lawful); AWW X3v,a,2;R2
  c3,b,1;3H6 o5,b,1;H8 v3,b,1;Tro.
  ¶¶5v,b,1;Lear qq3v,a,2,rr6v,b,2.
+laufullie (lawfully); Cor.bb3,c-d,3.
 Launces (lances); R2 c1v,a,3.
 lawers (lawyers); H8 v1v,a,3;Tim.
 leacher (lecher); MM G3v,b,2.
*leeues (lives; OED, live, v.1 records
  `6-7 Sc. leaf, leiv(e')); Lear rr4v,b,
 leggues (legs); MND N6v,b,2.
 legitimat (legitimate); Lear qq3,b,5.
*liear (liar); Temp.A1v,b,4;Cym.
+lifrent (liferent); 3H6 o4v,b,3.
 likes (leeks); H5 i5,b,1.
 lippes (lips); H5 k1v,a,5.
 litle (little); Oth.ss5v,d,1,tt5,b,5;
 lome (loam); Ham.pp5v,c,5.
 loose (lose); JC ll3v,a,1;Mac.mm2v,
 loosed (lost); Err.I2,b,5;Oth.tt3,a,2;
 loosing (losing); Ant.x3,a,2.
 lope (lop); H8 t4v,d,3.
 lowd (loud); Ant.x3,b,3.
 ly (lie); Ham.pp5v,a,2.
 lye (lie); WT Cc1,b,2;John b3,b,2;
[Page 307]

 madde (mad); JC ll2v,b,1.
 made (maid); Oth.ss5,b,3.
*madenesse (madness); Ham.pp6v,
 Magike (magic); Temp.B2v,b,2.
+*mainteane (maintain; OED
  records manteane as a Sc. form);
  WT Aa3v,b,2;R2 b6,a,1;Tro.¶2v,a,
 maior (mayor); 1H6 k4,b,3.
 Makbeths (Macbeth's); Mac.ll6v,a,
 malignes (speaks evil of); 2H6 n1v,
  a-b,1;H8 v2,c,6.
 maner (manner); MM F5,b,2;Err.
 Manie (many); Ham.Oo3v,b,3.
 manours (manors); H8 t3v,c,1.
 marchands (merchants); Err.H1,a,1.
 marchants (merchants); Err.H1v,b,
  1;MV O4,a,2;TN Y5v,a-b,2.
 mariage (marriage); Ham.Oo1,b,2,
 marie (marry); Rom.ff5v,a,2;Lear
 maried (married); Cym.bbb4,a,1.
 marieing (marrying); Ham.Nn5v,b,
 marre (mar); Lear qq5v,a,1.
 martired (martyred); Tit.dd4,a-b,2,
 mater (matter); Oth.ss4v,d,2,ss5v,a,
 medcineable (medicinable); Cym.
 melancolie (melancholy); AYLI 
 melancolius (melancholious);
  JC kk2,b,2.
*mentaines (maintains; OED
  records mentayne ); MM F5v,a,3.
+menteaned (maintained); MV P4v,
 merrelie (merrily); H8 v2,a,2.
 meruellous (marvellous); R3 r5v,b,
 Meruelous (marvellous); Err.H5v,b,
 Messinger (messenger); TGV C6,b,
  1;TN Y3,a,1,Y4,b,4,;John a4v,b,4;
  2H4 g1,a,2;Tim.gg4v,c-d,5,gg5,b,
  3,hh4v,b,1;Ham.pp6,b,2;Lear qq6v,
 midewife (mid-wife); Tit.dd5,a,2.
*Miracoulous (miraculous); Temp.
+mirrie (merry); MND O2,b,2;MV 
  O4,b,5;AYLI R2v,a,2,R2v,b,3,R3,a,
  1,R3v,a,1;AWW X2v,a,1;Tro. ¶¶3,b,
  1;JC kk1,a,1.
 mischeeuous (mischivous); Lear
 mischeif (mischief); AWW X4v,b,1.
 mishiefs (mischiefs); Tit.dd6v,b,1;
 moderatlie (moderately); MM F2v,
 moderats (moderates); LLL L5v,b,
  2;MV P6,a-b,1;H8 t3v,b,3.
 Moe (more, greater in degree); 
  MV O4v,b,3.
 moneth (month); Ham.Nn5v,b,3.
*monstrouous (monstrous; OED
  records monstrowous ); 3H6 p4v,
  a, 3.
 monstruous (monstrous); Lear qq5,
 monts (mounts); AYLI R4,a,3.
 murther (murder); John a6,b,2,a6,b,
  n3v,b,2;R3 r3v,b,3,r4,a,1,
  Oo6v,b,1;Lear qq5v,c-d,2;Oth.vv4,
[Page 308]
 murtherars (murderers); R3 r2,b,2,r3,a,1.
 murthered (murdered); John b2,c,
  4;R2 c6,a,3;R3 s4,a,1;Mac.mm2v,b,
 murtherers (murderers); AYLI R4,
  b,1;R2 d5,b,1;2H6 n3,b,1;3H6 q4,a,
  2;Tit.dd2,a,4;JC ll1v,a-b,2;Mac.
 murthering (murdering); H5 i3,b,3;
 murtheror (murderer); R3 q6v,a,3.
 murtherous (murderous); Lear 
+murthour (murder); John b2,c,3.

+necessar (necessary); JC kk4,a,
+Necessare (necessary; the final e
  probably stands for y  represent-
  ing pronunciation); AWW V3,b,1;
  WT Aa3,a,2;Tro ¶1v,a,1;Cor.aa1v,
*necessarlie (necessarily); WT 
 neere (ne'er; never); Ant.x2,b,5.
 nevewes (nephews); R3 s3v,b,1.
*nigh (night; but this form seems to
  be an unfinished form of the
  word; see footnote 1 on p. 233);
 Nomber (number); H5 i5v,b,2,k2,b,
  1;R3 r4v,c,3;Tim.gg4,b,1.
+nor (than); TGV C6v,a,1;MM F5v,
  a,4;MV O4v,b,3,O4v,b,4,P1v,a,1;
  AYLI Q3,a,3,R4v,b,5;AWW X1v,a,
  3;WT Aa1,a,1,Aa2v,a,3;John a1,b,
  2;2H4 g6,b,1;3H6 p1v,a,3;R3 s1,
  a-b,3;H8 v1v,b,3,v2,b,4;Tro.¶2,a,3,
  a,4;Tim.gg6v,c,2;JC kk1v,c-d,1,ll2,
  b,3;Ham.pp5v,b,5;Lear qq3,b,5,
 Nyne (nine); LLL M5v,a,1.

 obstinat (obstinate); MND N3v,a,1.
+obteaneth (obtains); TGV D1,b,2;
  MM F5,b,4;MV P1v,a,2;AWW 
  X5v,b,2;2H6 m3v,a,3;3H6 p4v,a,2;
 of (by); Err.H6,a,1;TN Y6v,a,2,Z1v,
  a,2;John a4v,a,4;2H4 g5v,a,2;Tro.
  gg6,a,2;Lear qq6,b,4;Ant.x2v,b,1.
 of (off); R3 t2v,a-b,2;Lear qq5v,a,1;
 of new (of late); Tim.hh1,a,2.
 of oath (on oath); 1H6 l3v,a,1.
 one (on); Tim.hh5,a,2.
 onelie (only); H5 i6,a,1;3H6 q1v,b,
 ones (once); Lear ss2v,a,2;Oth.tt3,
 ordeines (ordains); 2H6 n4,b,2.
 orsinio (`Orsino' in the Folio); TN
 orewhelme (overwhelm); Ham.
+other (each other); 2H6 n4,a,1;R3
 othes (oaths); LLL L2v,b,2.
 ouersweyes (oversways); Ham.
 ought (aught, anything); Ham.pp6v,
+ourthrow (overthrow; OED,
  ourthraw, -throw, describes
  these forms as Sc.); R3 s3v,a,3.
 owt (out); Tit.dd2,b,2;Tim.gg5v,
[Page 309]
*owtiesed (Obs. form of past parti-
  ciple outjested;  the Folio text at
  TLN 1624-25 reads `to out-iest/
  His heart-strooke iniuries'); Lear
 owtliues (outlives); Tim.hh2v,b,2.
 owtsides (outsides); Tim.gg2,b,5,
 owtspend (outspend); Oth.ss3v,b,1.
 owtspent (outspent); Oth.ss6,c-d,2.
 oyle (oil); Rom.ff6,a-b,1.

 pacience (patience); R2 d3v,a,2.
+*pairtake (partake; OED records
  pairt  as a Sc. form of part ); 1H6
 panches (paunches); LLL L1v,a,2.
 parchemin (parchment); Ham.pp5,b,
 parlie (parley); John b3v,b,2.
 parliment (parliament); H5 h1,a,1.
 participats (participates); Cor.aa2,b,
+partie (partner in marriage; OED, party,
  records this as `chiefly Sc.'); TN
 passionat (passionate); TGV B6,b,1,
  C3v,a,2;John a6v,a,3;2H6 n4v,a,2;
 passionatlie (passionately); Ham.
 paterne (pattern); TGV C6v,a,1;
  AWW V2v,a,2.
*pawnde (pawn; i.e. pledge; OED, pawn,
  n.2 records '6- Sc. and Ir. paund'
  but not 'pawnde'); AWW V4v,a,4.
 pearced (pierced); Oth.ss5v,c-d,1.
 pedegree (pedigree); 1H6 l1,a,1.
 peerelesse (peerless); H8 t3,a,2;
  Tro x5v,a,1.
 Perfite (perfect); Temp.A6,a,1;MV
  P4v,b,3;AYLI Q3v,b,1;WT Bb5v,b,
  1;John b1v,b,6,b1v,b,7;Tro.¶¶3,a,1;
 perfitelie (perfectly); AWW V6v,a,1.
 Perfitest (most perfect); WT Bb3v,
 perrell (peril); Cor.bb2,c,4,bb4,b,1.
 perrels (perils); Cor.bb4v,c,1;Oth.
 perrils (perils); Mac.mm1v,a,2.
+peruersedlie (perversely; Sc.
  Obs.); MV O5v,b,2. 
 perswaded (persuaded); Cym.aaa3v,
 perswading (persuading); Tit.
 pesant (peasant); Ham.pp5,c-d,1.
 phisick (physic); AWW V4,b,1.
 phisicke (physic); AWW X1,a,3.
 phisition (physician); Err.I1v,a,1;
  AWW V1v,a,3;Oth.ss6,a,4;Cym.
 pirats (pirates); MM F1v,a,1.
 pitch (pith(?); the text of the Folio
  reads `pith' at TLN 2610, but
  OED, pith, does not record pitch
  as a variant form. Nor does OED,
  pitch, record `pith' as a variant
  form; instead, it records a close
  form, picht (or pitht ), as a Sc.
  form. Whether the form pitch  in
  the annotation is intended to
  mean pith or it is a result of the
  annotator's misinterpretation of
  the Folio reading is not known); 
 pittileslie (pitilessly); Lear rr3v,c,3.
 plaied (played); LLL M3,a,1.
 plaiers (players); Ham.Oo4v,b,2.
 plainelie (plainly); TN Z1,b,1.
+plaintie (plenty); Cym.aaa5,a,3.
 plane (plain); Lear qq6v,b,1,qq6v,b,
 playde (played); Cym.zz6v,b,2.
*pleiyes (plays); Ham.Oo4v,a,4.
 plesant (pleasant); LLL L3v,b,1.
 pockes (pox); 2H4 g4v,b,1.
[Page 310]
 pokie (pocky); MM F1v,a,2.
 portion (marriage portion); Tim.
  gg2, b,1.
 pourpose (purpose); TGV C2,b,
  3;Wiv.D3,b,1;R3 q5v,a,2,q5v,a,4;
  Tit.dd6,a,5;JC kk2v,b,3;Mac.mm2,
  a,2;Lear rr6v,b,4;Oth.ss4,b,1.
 poyson (poison); Mac.mm6,b,2;
 praized (praised); MV P6,b,1.
 prease (press); 2H6 n4,b,1;R3 s3v,
 preasing (pressing); AYLI R2v,a,2;
 preist (priest); Wiv.D6,a,3.
 prelat (prelate); 2H4 gg2,a,1;1H6
 president (precedent); MV P6v,a,1.
 prest (pressed); Ant.y5v,a-b,1.
 priuat (private); H8 v3v,a,2.
 privat (private); 2H6 o2,a,1;
 proces (process, progress); H8 v2,
*Proclamed (proclaimed); 3H6 q2,a,
  1;JC kk6,a,3.
 prononceing (pronouncing; OED
  records pronunce as a Sc. form); 
  R2 c2,a,3.
 prophainenesse (profaneness); LLL
+propones (proposes); Err.H4,b,3;
  Shr.T1v,b,1;R2 b6,b,3,b6v,a,1;2H6
  n2,b,2(`states before a tribunal');
+*proscriued (proscribed, con-
  demned; but the reading of the 
  text may be +prescriued
  =prescribed); John a5,d,2.
 proufe (proof); Oth.tt5,c-d,2.
 prowde (proud); JC kk5v,b,3.
 publik (public); Oth.tt1v,d,1.

 Q (Queen); 3H6 p5,a,3.
 Q. (Queen or  Queen's);
  H8 v2v,a,1,v3,a,1,v3v,b,1,v6v,a,2,
 Q/ (Queen); 3H6 q4,a,1.
+querrelling (quarrelling); Tim.
 Quilles (quills; the Folio text at
  TLN 1637 reads `quillets', i.e.,
  quibbles; the annotator seems to 
  have misunderstood the meaning 
  of the Folio text); LLL M2,a,2.
 quite (quit, abandon); 1H6 l3,a,2;

 rable (rabble); Lear qq5,a,1.
 raigne (reign); Mac.mm4v,b,2.
+rander (render); H8 v5v,a,1.
 Raueries (raving, delirium); Lear
 recatched (recaught); Lear rr1v,b,1.
 recknings (reckonings); AYLI R4,a,
+reclamed (reclaimed); John b1v,b,
 regraits (regrets); Tit.dd2v,a,1.
+regrate (regret); AWW V1v,a,1,X6,
  1;JC ll3,a,3.
*reither (rather; OED records `Sc.
  rether' ); John a1,b,1;1H6 l2v,b,2;
  Cor.bb2v,b,3;Lear ss2v,a,2;Oth.
+remede (remedy); Lear rr3,b,2.
+remeed (remedy); John a6v,a,3;
 renconter (rencounter); Ant.yy1v,b,
 renees (Reignier's, as the Folio
[Page 311]
  stage direction at TLN 2757
  gives the name); 1H6 m1v,a,4,
 renonced (renounced; OED
  records renunce as a Sc. form);
  R2 b6,b,4.
*renowen (renown); H8 x4v,b,1.
 reproched (reproached); TGV
 reprooued (reproved); 2H4 gg4v,b,
  2;JC ll2v,b,3.
 requit (requited); TGV C6,a,1;Ham.
 retrait (retreat); Cor.aa3,b,5.
 reuarded (rewarded); 2H6 o2v,a,1.
 revyling (reviling); 2H4 g5v,b,1.
*Ridicoulous (ridiculous); H5 i1v,a,
  2;2H6 o1,a,1; Ant.x5v,b,6.
 rigourous (rigorous); R2 d4,a,2;
  1H6 k4v,a,1.
 rigourouslie (rigorously); Tim.gg4,
 rippe (rip); Lear rr6v,b,2-3.
*rodamont (rodomont, braggart;
  OED, rodomontado, records
  rodamontado); TN Z3,a,2.
 rote (rot, decay); 1H6 l2,a,4.
 rulars (rulers); 1H6 k2v,b,3.
 runnes (runs); Mac.mm1,a,4;Ham.
 ryming (rhyming); Ado K6v,a,1.

+sall (shall); MM F6,b,1;WT Bb4,b,
  2;2H4 gg2v,a,3;H8 x4,b,3;Cor.
  bb4v,c,4;JC kk6v,a,1;Ant.x6,a,5.
 sawce (sauce); JC kk2v,a,2.
 scale (maniple; OED, scale, sb.5 gives
  this meaning; i.e., here, a band of
  rebels); R2 c4,b,1.
 Sche (she); 1H6 m1,b,1.
 sclander (slander); H8 t4v,a,4.
 scuffe (evade, shirk; OED, scuff, v.
  gives this meaning. But scuffe
  may be the annotator's error for
  scoffe, which means `scoff at,
  deride'); Wiv.D5,a,1.
 sculles (skulls); Ham.pp5,a,4.
 sebastien (Sebastian); TN Z4v,b,3.
 seeles (seals); Ant.y3,b,1.
 seing (seeing); Tro.¶¶5,b,3;Lear rr6,
 senat (senate); Cor.bb2,c,3,bb2,c,5,
 serjants (sergeants); Err.H5v,a,3.
 sevint (seventh); 3H6 q1v,a,3.
 sheapherds (shepherds); 3H6 p2v,a,
 sheepheard (shepherd); AYLI R2,a, 
  2,R2,a,3;WT Aa6v,b,4.
 shepheard (shepherd); Tim.hh5v,a,
 shew (show); TGV B5v,a,1;MM
  G4v,b,2;MND N4v,a,1;MV P2v,b,
  2; WT Aa2v,b,1;John a6v,d,3;R2 
  c6,a,6;H5 h6v,c-d,4,k1v,a,3;R3 s1,
  Ham.Oo6,b,2;Oth.ss5,a,3,tt3v[for tt2v],
 shipwrak (shipwreck); Oth.ss6v,a,5.
 shipwrake (shipwreck); Temp.A1v,
  a,2;Err. H1,b,1.
*shoot (shot; OED, pa.pple, records
  shoote); Cym.aaa3v,b,3.
*shoues (shows); H8 v3,a,3.
+sie (see); MM F3,a,2;2H6 n3,b,3;
  JC kk1,a,3,kk1v,a,4;Lear rr1,a,1,
+sieing (seeing); Ham.Oo4v,b,4.
+sings (signs); LLL L4,b,2.
 sinne (sin); AWW X3v,a-b,1;2H6
  o3, a,1;Tim.gg6v,b,1,hh1v,b,2.
 sirres sack (`Sherris-Sack' in the
  Folio at TLN 2333); 2H4 gg3v,b,1.
 sixt (sixth); H8 t4v,a,2.
 skinne (skin); Ham.pp2,b,1.
[Page 312]
 slooth (sloth); Temp.A4v,a,1.
 soght (sought); Err.H5v,d,1;MV
  P1v,a,1;Lear qq6,b,1;Oth.tt5,c-d,1.
 sommer (summer); WT Bb2v,a,2.
 sonne (son); Shr.T6,b,1;AWW V1v,
  b,3;1H6 l4v,b,1,l5,a,1;3H6 p2v,b,1
  (twice),q4,a,2;R3 s6,b,1;H8 v1,b,4;
  b,1,Nn6v,a,4,qq1,a,1;Lear qq2,a,1,
 sonnes (sun's); Cym.aaa2v,b,2.
 sooth (soothe); H8 v3,b,2;Ant.
 sorow (sorrow); TN Y2,a,1;R3 r4,b,
 souffrance (sufferance); Cor.bb2,c,3.
 sould (should); MM G1,b,2;Err.H3,
  b,1;MV P3v,b,5;AWW V2,a,2,X1,a,
  2;WT Bb3v,b,1;John b2,c,1;R2 c5,a,1;
  1H4 e6v,d,3;2H4 g1v,a,1,gg5,b,
  2(=should be),gg5v,a,1;H5 i2v,a,
  3(twice),i2v,b,1,i5,b,2;2H6 n5,a-b,
  1;R3 r4v,a,1,r4v,a,2;H8 t3v,d,2,v4,
  b,1,bb3,c-d,1;Rom. gg1,a,1;Tim.hh2v,
  b,1;JC kk2v,a,3,ll2v,a,3,ll3,a,2;
  Lear rr1,b,6,rr1,d,1,rr6,b,2;Oth.
*souldearie (soldiery); H5 k1,a,3.
 souldiarie (soldiery); H5 k1,b,1;
  1H6 l2,b,3.
 souldier (soldier); AWW V2,b,2;
  1H6 k6,a,1;1H6 l2v,a,2;R3 t2,a-b,
  bb4,a,2;JC ll2v,b,4;Oth.ss3v,a,3,
 souldiership (soldiership); Oth.
 souldiors (soldiers); R3 t1v,a-b,2.
 souldiours (soldiers); MM F1v,a,1;
  H5 i6v,a,1.
 soule (soul); Ham.Oo2v,b,4,pp1,b,1,
 sowlelesse (soulless); John a6v,c,2.
 sownd (sound); Rom.ff1,a,2.
*sownes (swoons); 2H6 n3,b,2.
 sowre (sour); JC kk1v,a,2.
 speaches (speeches); 1H4 f1v,a,1;
+speake (manner of speaking;
  speech; OED, speak, sb., explains
  this as `Chiefly Sc.'); Oth.vv1v,
 squeised (squeezed); Ham.pp2v,b,2.
 starre (star); JC kk6,a,2;Lear qq3v, 
 statists (politicians); Ham.pp6,c,2.
 stay (stop); WT Aa5,a,2.
 stiflie (stiffly); AWW X6v,a,2.
 stirre (stir); JC ll1v,a-b,1.
 stonnes (stones); Tit.dd2v,a,3;
 stowt (stout); H8 v5v,a,3.
+strekin (stricken, struck); Cym.
 strenghtned (strengthened; OED,
  strength, records strenght as a
  variant); John b1,a,6;Cym.aaa1v,b,2.
 stryving (striving); Lear qq5v,a,1.
 subtile (subtle); Tro.¶¶2v,b,2;Oth.
  tt3v[for tt2v],b,1,tt5,b,1.
[Page 313]
 subtillie (subtly); MM G2,a,1.
 subtiltie (subtlety); Ant.x1v,b,1.
 suddaine (sudden); AYLI R2v,b,1,
  R6v,b,1;TN Y4,d,1;WT Aa3,a,4;R2
  c2v,b,1;H5 h1,b,1;2H6 n3,b,2;H8
  a,2;Lear qq3,a,1;Oth.tt3v[for tt2v],
 suddainlie (suddenly); JC kk2,a,3.
*suddane (sudden); H5 h5,a,2.
 suffrances (sufferances); MV P3,
*sullenne (sullen); MV O4v,a,1.
+suords (swords); 2H6 n4,a,2.
 supposes (substitutes by fraud;
  puts by artifice in the place of
  another); Tit.dd5,a,2;Ham.pp6,b,2.
 supreame (supreme); Cor.bb2,a,3.
 surfet (surfeit); MM F1v,a-b,1;MND
  N4,b,1;MV O4v,b,3;2H4 gg2,a,3;
 surfetted (surfeited); AWW X1,b,1.
 suspition (suspicion); Oth.vv4,b,2,
+*susteane (sustain; this is
  probably a Sc. form as in the case
  of, for example, obteaneth); MV
 sute (suit); R3 s5,a,2;H8 v2,b,3;Tim.
 suters (suiters); Cor.aa1,a,4;Tim.
 sweets (sweats); Cym.zz4,a,1.
 sweied (swayed); Tro.¶¶5,b,1.

*taker (murderer; OED, 2. d. ex-
  plains this word as `robber'); 2H6
*talkatif (talkative; OED, talkative, 
  cites examples of talkatife but
  does not record this form); R2 c1,
 teached (taught); Tim.gg5v,c-d,5.
 Tedeous (tedious); John a6v,d,2.
+tempeth (tempteth, tempts; temp
  was a Sc. form of tempt); TGV
 theef (thief); WT Bb1v,b,1.
 theefe (thief); MND N6,b,1;Cym.
 theeues (thieves); AYLI Q5,b,3;
 Their (there); Ham.pp6v,c,1.
 theire (their); Oth.ss5v,a,6.
 theirin (therein); R2 d3v,a,2.
 Theirs (there's); AWW X5,a,3.
 then (than); TGV D1,b,3;TN Y3,b,1,
  Y4,b,4,Z4v,a,3;R2 c5v,b,1;H5 i3,b,
  1,k1v,a,3;3H6 p3v,b,2;R3 r3v,d,2;
  a,3;Lear rr1,b,2,ss2v,a,2;Oth.ss5v,
 ther (their); 2H4 g1v,a,3;Tit.cc6v,
 ther (there); Ham.pp6v,b,1.
 therafter (thereafter); R3 q5v,b,3.
 therby (thereby); R3 t2v,a-b,2.
 therof (thereof); MV O4,a,1;2H4
  f6v,a,1;H5 h1,a,3;Tro.¶6,a,4.
 thift (theft); AWW X4v,b,1.
 thoght (thought); John a4v,b,3;
  H5 i6,a,2.
 thorow (thorough, through); 2H6 
+thred (third); John Aa3v,b,2.
 thretned (threatened); Cor.cc1v,b,1.
 thrie (three); John b2,c,4;Lear qq2,
 thristing (thirsting); Oth.tt5v,b,1.
 throw (through); Ham.pp6v,a,4.
[Page 314]
 til (till); Ant.x2,b,5.
 to (too); LLL L1v,a,3;MV O4,b,4;
  H8 t4v,d,4,t4v,d,5.
+tocher (marriage portion, dowry;
  OED describes this word as `Sc.
  and north. dial.'); Tim.gg2,b,1.
 toothake (toothache); Ado K5,b,2.
*touards (towards; OED, toward,
  records `6 Sc. touart'); John b5,b, 
 touchnesse (this is probably a
  Scottish form of toughness,
  since OED, tough, a. records `Sc. 
  5-9 teuch', although the annotation
   clearly gives an o instead of
   an e  after the t; the Folio text
  reads `toughnesse' at TLN 691);
 toungues (tongues); Cor.bb1v,a,3;
 trauell (travail); H8 x2,b,2.
 treacher (deceiver); Cym.bbb4v,b,2.
 tribuns (tribunes); Cor.aa4v,a,1,
 tries (trees); AYLI Q5v,a-b,3;R2 d1,b, 
  2;H8 t4v,d,3;Tim.hh5,a,3.
 triumuirat (triumvirate); JC ll2,a,2.
 Tromperie (trumpery); WT
 tuentie (twenty); Tit.cc4v,a,1,
  cc5,a,2;Tim.hh4,a,1;JC kk6,b,1.
 tuixt (twixt, between); TN Z2v,b,1;
  H5 k1v,b,3.
 tunne (ton); H5 h2v,a,3.
 tuo (two); John Aa3v,b,1;John a5v,d,
  1;1H4 f5,a,1;H8 t3v,a,4;Lear rr2,c,
 Twinnes (twins); Err.H1,b,2,H1v,b, 
 twixt (betwixt, between); H8 x3,b,

*venatian (Venetian); Oth.ss4,a,2.
 Vertues (virtues); Mac.Nn1v,a,4,
  Nn2,a,2;Ham.pp2,b,4;Lear qq3,a,6,
 vertuous (virtuous); Lear qq3,a,2,
 vewed (viewed); Rom.ee4,b,2.
 vild (vile; but vild here may be a
  Sc. form of wild, which also
  makes sense in the context of
  the annotation); Tro.¶¶5,b,2.
 vilde (a variant form of vild
  (=vile)); Cor.aa3,a,2,aa4v,b,1;Tit.
 vindicatiue (vindictive); MV P3,a,1.
 violat (violate); Tit.dd1v,a,2.
+Viue (life-like); MV P3v,b,3.
+viuelie (lively); R3 s4,a,3.
 vnansuerable (unanswerable);
  AYLI R2v,b,1.
*vnchanegeable (unchangeable); Ham.
 vndanted (undaunted); Cor.aa3,b,1.
 vndertane (undertaken; OED
  describes this as an Obs. form of
  undertaken rather than its con-
  tracted form underta'en); H5 i3,a,
 vndoo (undo); Lear rr5,a,1.
*vnexspected (unexpected; OED,
  expect, records exspect); Temp.
 vnfained (unfeigned); Ham.Nn5v,a, 
 vnhappelie (unhappily); Rom.gg2,b,
[Page 315]
 vnlaufull (unlawful); WT Aa2v,a,1;
  H8 t4v,c,4,x2v,a,3.
 vnparalled (Obs. form of unparal-
  leled; OED's earliest date is
  1637); MND N5v,a,2.
 vnperceaued (unperceived); TGV
 vnrestable (uncheckable; see OED,
  rest, v.3); WT Aa2,a,2.
+vnvoluntar (unvoluntary; OED,
  voluntar, describes this word as
  Sc. Obs.); Ham.pp6v,b,4.
+volues (wolf's); MV P6,a,1.
 vtter roome (outer room); H8 x2v,b, 
+vulgare (vulgar; OED describes
  this form as `6 Sc.'); Cor.aa1v,c,2,
 vyldest (vildest, vilest); Ant.x4,b,2.

+waes (woes); 2H4 gg4,b,2.
 warie (wary); Ham.Nn6v,a,2.
 warre (war); John Aa3v,a,1,a5v,c,2,
  a6,a,1,a6v,a,1,b4,a,2,b4,b,2;R2 c2v,
  a,1,c5,a,4,c6v,b,1;1H4 d5v,a,1,e3,a,
  1;2H4 g2v,a,3,gg1,a,2,gg1v,a,1,gg2,
  b,3;3H6 o6,a,1,p2v,b,2,p2v,b,3;R3 
  hh5v,b,4;JC kk1v,a,2;Ham.Nn5,a,
 warre (make war upon); H5 h2,a,3.
 weerie (weary); AWW V2v,b,1.
 weght (weight); R2 c2v,a,4.
 wemen (women); AYLI R3v,b,2.
 Wes (was); AYLI R4,a,1;Shr.T1v,a,
  3H6 q1v,a,3;R3 r2,b,3,r6v,a,2;
  Tit.dd1,b,2,dd1v,b,2;JC kk1v,c-d,
  2;JC ll2,a,1;Lear qq5v,c-d,2.
 weyed (weighed); Ham.pp2v,a,6.
 wherin (wherein); Oth.tt1v,a,2.
 wherof (whereof); AYLI S1,a,1;
 whoores (whores); Err.H6,a,1;H5 
 whoorish (whorish); Tro.¶¶5,a,2.
*wickelie (wickedly; OED, wick,
  a.1 Obs. 1.  explains `=WICKEDa.1 1.
  a, b.' (i.e. 'Bad in moral character,
  disposition, or conduct') but it
  does not enter wickly); Lear
 wils (wills); Oth.ss6,b,2.
 winne (win); AWW X3v,a-b,1;3H6
  p4,a,2;R3 q6v,a,1;Tit.cc6v,a,4.
 withowt (without); Rom.ee4v,a,4,
  JC kk2,b,4,ll2,b,2;Mac.mm4v,b,1
  Lear qq3,b,1,qq3,c,1;Oth.ss5,b,4.
 wodden (wooden); Lear rr1,c,1.
 woing (wooing); Ado I4v,b,4.
 wond (wound); Tro.x6,a,1.
 wonne (won); LLL L2,a,1;Tit.cc6v,
 wooeing (wooing); Shr.S6v,a-b,1.
*worre (ware; See be worre.);
 wowes (woos); H5 k1,a,2;3H6 p4,
  a,1;R3 q6,b,1,q6v,a,1.
 wrate (wrote); Ado K5,b,3.
+writ (write); TN Z1v,a,3.
 wroght (wrought); H8 v1,d,1;Ham.
+wrongous (unjust); John b2,a,1.
 wroth (wrath); Cor.cc3,b,3.
+ws (us); MM F2v,b,5;AWW X4,a, 
  pp6,a,1;Lear rr3,a,4,rr6v,b,2;

*yeamen (yeomen); H5 h5,b,3;1H6
[Page 316]
 yeeld (yield); John Aa3,a,1;R2 d1,a,2;
  H5 k1v,b,1;Cor.cc2,a,2.
 yeelding (yielding); John b1v,d,1.
 yeere (year); MND N2v,b,1,N3,a,1;
  R2 c1v,b,2;H8 t6v,d,1;JC kk6,b,1;
  Ham.pp5v,a,2;Lear rr2,b,2.
 yowth (youth; OED records `(7 Sc.
  yowthe)'); AYLI Q6,a,5;Rom.ee4v,